Member since 7 / 2011
Userprofile of Steyristhebest
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About Steyristhebest
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This user hasn't created any projects yet.
Mod: manure storage
Vielen Dank für den Mod! Wäre es möglich das der Speicher im Spiel so wie ein Kuhstall auszuwählen ist das z.B. Courseplay den Mist aus dem Speicher nimmt??
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle
Danke für deine Arbeit! Vieleich könntest noch Kleegrass hinzufügen!! LG
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle
sind zusätzlich früchte geplant?? z.B. kleegrass??
Mod: Fliegl DPW 180 Autoload
Vielen Dank für deine Arbeit! Fehler passiern!! :-)
Mod: VehicleExplorer
Vielen Dank auf diesen Mod hab ich schon gewartet! Macht das Arbeiten mit mehreren Fahrzeugen viel einfacher!!!!
Mod: Real Dirt
Bei mir gibs mitn der 1000erserie von Fendt problem das das Spiel ruckeln anfängt und es zu leistungseinbrüchen kommt
Mod: FieldData mod zeigt Felddaten, Menge, Preis uvm.
Vielen Dank dafür! Find ich sehr gut!!!!!
Mod: AnimalsManager
Ich möchte mich sehr für deine tollen Arbeiten bedanken ohne die Ls ganz schön trauig wäre!
Mod: Südhemmern
Hi wird es die Altkirch im Elsass Map für Ls 19 geben??
Mod: Altkirch in Alsace
Hi! Vielen Dank für deine tolle Map! Hoffe sie ist im 19 er wieder dabei!!
Gibt es eine möglichkeit den Ertrag bei den Früchten und bei den Strohschwaden zu reduzieren??
Mod: Süd_Thüringen
Ja gefällt mir sehr!!
Mod: Süd_Thüringen
Danke für das Update von meiner Lieblings Map! :-)
Mod: Fendt 900 S4 Profi Plus
Many Thanks for you great work! Nice Mods!
Mod: Fendt Vario S4 800 SERIES
Hi AGO! Thanks for you great Mods! Can you make a frontlader on the 800 fendt??
Mod: North Frisian march 4-fold map
Hi! Besteht eventuell die Möglichkeit Zuckerrohr mit einzubaun?? LG
Mod: MixerWagon Fix
PeeconBiga von ModHub
Mod: MixerWagon Fix
Den Peacon von Modhub! und den Siloking TrailedLine_Duo_1814 von FBM!
Mod: MixerWagon Fix
Vielen Dank dafür
Hier die Log
GIANTS Engine Runtime 7.0.0 (15681) 64bit (Build Date: Dec 7 2017)
Copyright (c) 2008-2017, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2017, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: FarmingSimulator2017
Main System
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690 CPU @ 3.50GHz
Memory: 24517 MB
OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
Physics System
Version: 5.9.5
Thread(s): 2
Input System
Keyboard enabled
Mouse enabled
Gamepad/Joystick enabled
Force Feedback disabled
Audio System
Driver: OpenAL
Version: 1.1
Device: Generic Software
Render System
Driver: Direct 3D 11
Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
Version: (27.10.2017)
Revision: 161
Feature level: DirectX 11 ON
Info: Effective window resolution 1280 x 720
Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
Hardware Profile
Level: Custom Very High
View Distance Factor: 1.300000
Shadow Quality: 2.000000 Size: 4096 Filter-Size: 16
Shader Quality: 3
Skip Mipmaps: 0
LOD Distance Factor: 1.300000
Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 2.000000
Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes
Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.600000
Max dynamic foliage View Distance Factor: 1.600000
Foliage Density: 0.500000
Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.750000
Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 4.000000
Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 5
Max. Number of Lights: 512
Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
Farming Simulator 17 (Steam)
Version: b1848
Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr
Language: de
Time: 2018-01-27 21:24:28
Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'
Register configuration 'attacherJoint'
Register configuration 'frontloader'
Register configuration 'motor'
Register configuration 'baseColor'
Register configuration 'wheel'
Register configuration 'rimColor'
Register configuration 'design'
Register configuration 'designColor'
Register configuration 'vehicleType'
Game vehicle types loaded
Load dlc: pdlc_kuhnPack (Version:
Load dlc: pdlc_platinumEdition (Version:
Load dlc: pdlc_strawHarvestAddon (Version:
Load mod: CZMOD_CLAAS_Axion_950 (Version: 1.7)
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod CZMOD_CLAAS_Axion_950
Load mod: FBM17_Fendt500 (Version: 2.1.1)
Load mod: FBM17_Fendt700_BC6 (Version: 2.0)
Load mod: FBM17_fliegl_Ballenwagen_3_Achser_UAL (Version:
Load mod: FBM17_KrampeBBS790 (Version:
Load mod: FBM17_KroneTX560Dspecial_BC6 (Version:
Load mod: FBM17_MengeleES17500TA (Version:
Load mod: FBM17_placeable_HaydryingPlant (Version:
Load mod: FBM17_SteyrTerrusCVT (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FBM17_TeraVitesse_CFS (Version:
Load mod: FBM17_TrailedLine_Duo_1814 (Version:
Load mod: Fendt900VarioProfiPlus (Version:
Load mod: Fendt930_TMS_by_Jukka (Version:
Load mod: FlieglASW288 (Version:
Load mod: FlieglDPW_Pack (Version:
Load mod: Fliegl_ASS3101 (Version: 17.0.0)
Load mod: Fliegl_DollyZA (Version: 17.0.0)
Load mod: FS17Contest_Goweil_LT_Master (Version: 1.0.0)
Load mod: FS17Contest_KotteGarantVT14000 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_ahwiFM700 (Version: 4.0)
Load mod: FS17_AIVehicleExtension (Version:
Load mod: FS17_AllowStrawForForageHarvesters (Version:
Load mod: FS17_AmazoneCondor_Landei (Version:
Load mod: FS17_amazoneZGB8200 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Amazone_ZAM (Version:
Load mod: FS17_AnimalTableManners (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_BaleStorage_placeable (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Bales_Autoload_Pack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Bankofhagenstedt (Version:
Load mod: FS17_BetterGroundScales (Version: 1.0.0)
Load mod: FS17_BigM500_2017Edition (Version:
Load mod: FS17_BsM_Trailer_Dolly6000 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_buffalo_forwarder (Version: 1.2)
Load mod: FS17_buffalo_logTransporter (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_BuyBales (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Case_Optum_CVX (Version:
Load mod: FS17_cFliegl_ASS3108_V2 (Version: 2.1.6)
Load mod: FS17_cFliegl_ASW_391 (Version: 3.1.2)
Load mod: FS17_cFliegl_ASW_491 (Version: 1.1.3)
Load mod: FS17_cFliegl_Dolly2_V2 (Version: 2.0.4)
Load mod: FS17_choppedStraw (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras (Version:
Load mod: FS17_CSZ_set (Version:
Load mod: FS17_CS_DirectSeedingAddon (Version:
Load mod: FS17_CutterAttacher (Version:
Load mod: FS17_DCK_Glance (Version:
Load mod: FS17_DifficultiesImprove (Version: 1.2.0)
Load mod: FS17_dirtyRain (Version:
Load mod: FS17_EigenbauBallengabeln (Version: 17.0.0)
Load mod: FS17_emptyMe (Version: H)
Load mod: FS17_FarmingTablet (Version:
Load mod: FS17_FarmingTabletAPP_BunkerSiloOverview (Version:
Load mod: FS17_FarmingTabletAPP_LSUpgrade (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_FBP3135_ToggleWrapper (Version:
Load mod: FS17_fendt800 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Fendt820VarioTMS (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Fendt900Vario_Full (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_FENDT_900_Favorit_Vario (Version:
Load mod: FS17_FENDT_weight_pack (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_fillTypeMassAdjustment_realistic (Version: 4.0 FS17)
Load mod: FS17_FillWeight (Version:
Load mod: FS17_FlieglFlatbed_UAL (Version:
Load mod: FS17_flieglPolyLine18500 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_flieglSTF25000VC_Holmer_ready (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule03_GroundResponse (Version:
Load mod: FS17_FrontloaderFixedAxleRemover (Version:
Load mod: FS17_GameExtension (Version:
Load mod: FS17_garantFieldContainer_Holmer_ready (Version:
Load mod: FS17_GearboxAddon (Version:
Load mod: FS17_grimmeAL8022_QuantumAutoload (Version:
Load mod: FS17_H480 (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_hayAsGrass (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_HelperAdvanced (Version: G)
Load mod: FS17_holmerHR12 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_holmerPack_V2 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_holmerPotatoReady (Version: 1.0.0)
Load mod: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles (Version:
Load mod: FS17_HorschProntoDC9 (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_improvedAugerWagons (Version: 1.1)
Load mod: FS17_JD7R_69L_2011EU_Ago_111Mr (Version: 1.1.1.Mr)
Load mod: FS17_JD_Attachments_Loader_Ago_V111Mr (Version: 1.1.1.Mr)
Load mod: FS17_JD_Frontloader_H480_Ago_V111Mr (Version: 1.1.1.Mr)
Load mod: FS17_KawecoTurboTanker (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Kaweco_Tandem (Version:
Load mod: FS17_KotteGarantPT20000 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_kotteUniversalPack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_KrampeSB3060_Landei (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Krampe_Bandit_800 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Krampe_Bandit_980 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_KrogerAgrolinerHKD_Pack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_KroneBigPack120_80 (Version: 2.0)
Load mod: FS17_kroneBigX1100_Landei (Version:
Load mod: FS17_kroneBigX_Schneidwerke_Landei (Version:
Load mod: FS17_KroneKWT11x22 (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC (Version:
Load mod: FS17_kroneUltimaExtension (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Krone_BigX_Beast (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Krone_BiGX_Series (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Krone_ZX550GD_Landei (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Kuhn_Mower_Pack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Kverneland_Miniair_Nova_2 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Laumetris_PTL_20R (Version: 1)
Load mod: FS17_LelyStorm (Version:
Load mod: FS17_LelyTigoXR100D (Version:
Load mod: FS17_LelyTigoXR65D (Version:
Load mod: FS17_LoesshuegellandV4 (Version: 4.1)
Load mod: FS17_machineryShelterPlaceable (Version:
Load mod: FS17_ManureMod (Version:
Load mod: FS17_manureSpreaderPack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_MAN_ForestPack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_MAN_TGS18400_Landei (Version:
Load mod: FS17_maschioGaspardoPack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_MetalTechDB20Pack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Metaltech_Trailer_Pack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_MultiStorage (Version:
Load mod: FS17_MultiStorageShed (Version:
Load mod: FS17_newHollandT7 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_newHollandT7Tier4a (Version:
Load mod: FS17_NHFleet (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Optional_Fertilzation (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Pallet_Setzlinge (Version:
Load mod: FS17_PeeconBiga (Version:
Load mod: FS17_PetFood_loft (Version:
Load mod: FS17_PickupPack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_placeableCarWash_V1 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_placeableGasStation (Version:
Load mod: FS17_placeableRefillStation (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Placeable_refillPoint (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Poettinger_Pack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_powerLights (Version:
Load mod: FS17_ProSeed (Version:
Load mod: FS17_RANDAZZO_PA97P_1002_AGO (Version:
Load mod: FS17_real_clock (Version:
Load mod: FS17_ReckJumbo2 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_RM_plantableSpruceTrees (Version:
Load mod: FS17_RM_Seasons (Version:
Load mod: FS17_RM_UltimaFix (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Ropa_Tiger6 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_rsmAgriPack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_SaphirGE601 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Scorpionking_1_2 (Version: 1.2)
Load mod: FS17_SeedUsageAdjust (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_SteyrProfi (Version:
Load mod: FS17_StollFLTools (Version:
Load mod: FS17_StollFZ30_D72 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_StrautmannTeraVitesse4601V2 (Version: 2)
Load mod: FS17_strautmann_PS2201 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_Strautmann_VS2004 (Version:
Load mod: FS17_T93_MixerWagonFix (Version:
Load mod: FS17_TAM_Leguan_Quattro_Pack (Version:
Load mod: FS17_TAM_ShiftableWeight (Version:
Load mod: FS17_TrailerSound (Version: 4.0.0)
Load mod: FS17_UAL_DPW_180 (Version: 1.1)
Load mod: FS17_UAL_MarshallBC32 (Version: 1.0)
Load mod: FS17_varibalecap (Version:
Load mod: FS17_veenhuisW400_pc (Version:
Load mod: FS17_VehicleWaterBreak (Version: 17.0.0)
Load mod: FS17_wildGrass (Version:
Load mod: FS17_woodHarvesterAutomation (Version:
Load mod: FS17_WoolStorage_placeable (Version:
Load mod: FS_17FendtVario1000V2FullEdition (Version: 2.0)
Load mod: gearboxAddonConfig (Version:
Load mod: HoT_Balespike (Version:
Load mod: HoT_DPW180_UAL (Version:
Load mod: HoT_Palletfork (Version:
Load mod: JD7R_69L_2011EU_AGO_11Mr (Version: 1.1.0.Mr)
Load mod: JD_Attachments_Loader_V1_Ago (Version:
Load mod: JD_Frontloader_H480_V1_AGO (Version:
Load mod: JohnDeere8530 (Version:
Load mod: JohnDeere8R_NEW (Version: 2)
Load mod: KRONE_TX560D_MoreRealistic_V2 (Version:
Load mod: Kryptek_runner_autoload (Version:
Load mod: Kuhn_SPVConfort12 (Version:
Load mod: LS17_Fraese (Version:
Load mod: noCollisionCamera (Version: 17.0.3)
Load mod: PflugPackDH (Version:
Load mod: poettingerNovaCat_Pack (Version: 0.1 BETA)
Load mod: Pottinger_Pack_3P (Version: 1)
Load mod: silage_kauf (Version:
Load mod: soja_kauf (Version:
Load mod: Terra_Felis_2Multifrucht (Version:
Load mod: Torum770 (Version:
Load mod: VeenhuisSW_Pack (Version: 2.0)
Load mod: wheat_kauf (Version:
Load mod: ZZZ_BGAextension (Version: 4.00)
Load mod: ZZZ_courseplay (Version: 5.02.00055)
Load mod: ZZZ_driveControl (Version: 4.10)
Load mod: ZZZ_fastForward (Version: 2.5)
Load mod: ZZZ_Feldgrenzen (Version: 1.0)
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/VeenhuisSW_Pack/'.
Register configuration 'wrappingColor'
Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.subsoiler
Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.sowingMachineCultivator
Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.turnOnCultivator
Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.windrower_workMode
Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.extendedBaleWrapper
Register vehicle type: pdlc_kuhnPack.balerWrapper
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.motorCycle
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.car_analogClock
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.subsoiler
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.subsoilerSowingMachine
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.cultivatorSubsoilerSprayer
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.combine_animated_crawler_cutter
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.combine_animated_cutter_fruitPreparer
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.selfPropelledSprayer_cover_sprayTypeSwitcher
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.sowingMachineSprayer_secondFillVolume
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.sowingMachineSprayer_bunkerRotation
Register vehicle type: pdlc_platinumEdition.cultivatorSowingMachine
Register configuration 'refillWater'
Register configuration 'refillMolasses'
Register configuration 'refillBaleNet'
Register configuration 'refillBaleTwine'
Register vehicle type: pdlc_strawHarvestAddon.horizontalBaleGrab
Register vehicle type: pdlc_strawHarvestAddon.horizontalBaleGrabFoldable
Register vehicle type: pdlc_strawHarvestAddon.verticalBaleGrab
Register vehicle type: pdlc_strawHarvestAddon.kronePremos5000
Register vehicle type: pdlc_strawHarvestAddon.kroneComprimaV180XC
Register vehicle type: pdlc_strawHarvestAddon.kroneBigPack1290HDPII
Register vehicle type: pdlc_strawHarvestAddon.premosBaleShredder
Register vehicle type: pdlc_strawHarvestAddon.baleCollect
Register vehicle type: FBM17_Fendt500.Fendt700
Register vehicle type: FBM17_Fendt700_BC6.fendt700Vario
Register vehicle type: FBM17_fliegl_Ballenwagen_3_Achser_UAL.transportTrailerUAL
Register vehicle type: FBM17_KrampeBBS790.KramBBS490
Register vehicle type: FBM17_KroneTX560Dspecial_BC6.KroneSpecial
Register vehicle type: FBM17_KroneTX560Dspecial_BC6.KroneStandard
Register vehicle type: FBM17_MengeleES17500TA.manuremengele
AdditionalTrigger v1.0.0.1: Script loaded for Fabrikscript
Register vehicle type: FBM17_SteyrTerrusCVT.SteyrCVT
Register vehicle type: FBM17_TrailedLine_Duo_1814.FBMmixerWagon
Register vehicle type: Fendt900VarioProfiPlus.fendt900
Register vehicle type: Fendt930_TMS_by_Jukka.Fendt930TMS
Register configuration 'cabColor'
Register configuration 'Aufbau'
Register configuration 'Abstreifkante'
Register configuration 'Material'
Register configuration 'Mudguard'
Register configuration 'UFS'
Register configuration 'UFScolor'
Register configuration 'light'
Register configuration 'interior'
Register configuration 'cubeColor'
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPack
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackUALHBR
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackWAL
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackWALlong
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPack2
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANNormal
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANUALHBR
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANWAL
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraNormal
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraUALHBR
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraWAL
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackHKL
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackHKLUALHBR
Register vehicle type: FlieglDPW_Pack.FlieglDPWPackHKLWAL
Register vehicle type: FS17_ahwiFM700.Woodgrinder
AutoSteeringEngine initialized
Register vehicle type: FS17_Bales_Autoload_Pack.Slow_flieglLoader
Register vehicle type: FS17_Bales_Autoload_Pack.Slow_baleLoader
Script loaded: Bankofhagenstedt Version 2.2 - A Mod by MX11
Register vehicle type: FS17_BigM500_2017Edition.BigM_500
Register vehicle type: FS17_buffalo_forwarder.Buffalo_forwarder
Register vehicle type: FS17_buffalo_logTransporter.BuffLogTrans
Register vehicle type: FS17_Case_Optum_CVX.CaseOptum
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_ASS3108_V2.flieglTrailer
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_ASS3108_V2.flieglTCover
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_ASS3108_V2.flieglManure
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_ASW_391.flieglTrailer
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_ASW_391.flieglTCover
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_ASW_391.flieglManure
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_ASW_491.flieglTrailer
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_ASW_491.flieglTCover
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_ASW_491.flieglManure
Register vehicle type: FS17_cFliegl_Dolly2_V2.flieglDolly
Register configuration 'attachmentPart'
Register configuration 'strawchopper'
Register configuration 'pipe'
Register configuration 'laser'
Register configuration 'divider'
Register configuration 'logo'
Register configuration 'number'
Register configuration 'cutter'
Register configuration 'speed'
Register configuration 'edition'
Register vehicle type: FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras.Lexion700
Register vehicle type: FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras.vario
Register vehicle type: FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras.Schneidwerkswagen
Register vehicle type: FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras.MaxFlow
Register vehicle type: FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras.conspeed
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.adattatoreCSZ
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaRotoballe
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPunteReclinabili
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaExtraElevazione
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaMordente
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaFasciati
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPallet
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletExtra
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletTrattenitore
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchi
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchiExtra
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaLetame
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPolivalente
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaGriglia
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaBietole
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL3000
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL4000
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaScaricoCentrale
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaTrattenitore
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaDesilatrice
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.lamaDozer
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.gancioSollevamento
Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bilancinoSollevamento
Script loaded: Glance.lua (v1.0.3.40)
Register vehicle type: FS17_EigenbauBallengabeln.EigenbauBG
[FarmingTablet] load
[FarmingTablet - Button] load 1.1.0
[FarmingTablet - Appstore] load 1.0.0
[FarmingTablet - Trigger] load 1.0.0
[FarmingTablet - BunkerSiloOverview] load
[FarmingTablet - LSUpgrade] load 1.0.0
Register vehicle type: FS17_Fendt820VarioTMS.Fendt820
Register vehicle type: FS17_Fendt900Vario_Full.fendt900new
Register vehicle type: FS17_FENDT_900_Favorit_Vario.fendt
Register vehicle type: FS17_Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack.MANTGS_AT
Register vehicle type: FS17_FlieglFlatbed_UAL.transportTrailerUAL
Register vehicle type: FS17_grimmeAL8022_QuantumAutoload.loadingTrailerDrivableSpecial
++ loading Helper Advanced V G - 25.08.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
Register vehicle type: FS17_holmerPack_V2.augerWagon_foldable
Register vehicle type: FS17_holmerPack_V2.tractor_holmer
Register vehicle type: FS17_holmerPack_V2.manureBarrelAsTank
Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.trackedSpreader
Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.augerWagonCrawler
Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.seedTender
Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.dragHose
Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.manureBarrelCrawler
Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.manureBarrelnjector
Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.horschShuttle
Register vehicle type: FS17_horschAgrovationVehicles.horschCruiser
Register vehicle type: FS17_HorschProntoDC9.Pronto9DC
Register configuration 'wheelWeight'
Register vehicle type: FS17_JD7R_69L_2011EU_Ago_111Mr.JD7R69L
Register vehicle type: FS17_JD_Attachments_Loader_Ago_V111Mr.BW15904
Register vehicle type: FS17_JD_Attachments_Loader_Ago_V111Mr.AB18K
Register vehicle type: FS17_JD_Frontloader_H480_Ago_V111Mr.JD480
Register vehicle type: FS17_KawecoTurboTanker.KAWECO_S
Register vehicle type: FS17_KawecoTurboTanker.KAWECO_H
Register vehicle type: FS17_KotteGarantPT20000.balkenverteiler
Register vehicle type: FS17_KotteGarantPT20000.kottegarantpt20000
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalOverload
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteMilkBarrel
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteMilkBarrelOverload
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_mst
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_mstOverload
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniFuel
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_hookLift
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversal_hookLiftOverload
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalTank
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.flieglUniversalDolly
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalShuttle
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalShuttleOverload
Register vehicle type: FS17_kotteUniversalPack.kotteUniversalShuttleFuel
Register vehicle type: FS17_Krampe_Bandit_800.Krampe_Bandit
Register vehicle type: FS17_Krampe_Bandit_980.Krampe_Bandit
Register vehicle type: FS17_KrogerAgrolinerHKD_Pack.Kroger
Register vehicle type: FS17_Krone_BigX_Beast.BigX
Register vehicle type: FS17_Krone_BiGX_Series.KroneBigX580
Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneKWT11x22.KroneKWT11x22
Register configuration 'refillNetRoles'
Register configuration 'refillFoilRoles'
Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC.KroneUltimaCF155XC
Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC.netRolePallet
Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC.PalletFoilCartons
### Krone Ultima Extension by Ifko[nator] in der Version: '' erfolgreich geladen!
Register vehicle type: FS17_Kverneland_Miniair_Nova_2.Kverneland_Miniair_Nova
Register vehicle type: FS17_Laumetris_PTL_20R.Laumetris
Register vehicle type: FS17_LelyTigoXR100D.forageWagonDH
Register vehicle type: FS17_LelyTigoXR65D.forageWagonDH
Script PalettenSammler v3.0.1-107b by Marhu loaded! Support on
AdditionalMapTypes v1.0.0.8: \__ AdditionalMapTypes V1.0.0.8 by Blacksheep - RC-Devil from 18 Januar 2017 is loading
AdditionalMapTypes v1.0.0.8: \__ AdditionalMapTypes V1.0.0.8 by Blacksheep - RC-Devil from 18 Januar 2017 was loaded successful
++ loading SpeedDisplay V - 23.12.2016 (by Blacky_BPG)
++ loading BuyOnSiloTriggers V - 08.02.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
++ loading GasStation Extended V A - 03.03.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
++ loading GasStation Extended - variable fuel price V - 12.01.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
++ loading Digital Storage Amount Mover V - 13.02.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
++ loading Traffic Light System V F - 10.11.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
++ loading Scale Station with statistics V - 10.02.2017 (by Blacky_BPG)
++ loading Scale Statistic Specialization V - 16.11.2016 (by Blacky_BPG)
Register configuration 'craneColor'
Register configuration 'company'
Register vehicle type: FS17_MAN_ForestPack.schwarzmuellerFH
Register vehicle type: FS17_MAN_ForestPack.SchwarzmuellerTrailer
Register vehicle type: FS17_MAN_ForestPack.manTGSforest
Register vehicle type: FS17_MAN_ForestPack.MAN_TGS_26440
Register vehicle type: FS17_maschioGaspardoPack.PA1
Register vehicle type: FS17_maschioGaspardoPack.magica
Register vehicle type: FS17_maschioGaspardoPack.serio
Register vehicle type: FS17_Metaltech_Trailer_Pack.DB_Grain
Register vehicle type: FS17_MetalTechDB20Pack.MetalTechDB20
Register vehicle type: FS17_newHollandT7.NewHollandT7
Register vehicle type: FS17_newHollandT7Tier4a.newHollandT7Tier4a
Register vehicle type: FS17_newHollandT7Tier4a.stollFrontLoaderFZ60
Register vehicle type: FS17_NHFleet.nhtractor
Warning: Invalid category 'TEAMRHEINLANDPFALZ' in store data C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Pallet_Setzlinge/scripte/birchSaplingPallet.xml! Using 'misc' instead! (C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Pallet_Setzlinge/scripte/birchSaplingPallet.xml)
Warning: Invalid category 'TEAMRHEINLANDPFALZ' in store data C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Pallet_Setzlinge/scripte/lerchSaplingPallet.xml! Using 'misc' instead! (C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Pallet_Setzlinge/scripte/lerchSaplingPallet.xml)
Register vehicle type: FS17_PeeconBiga.mixerWagon
##script loaded: FS17_placeableGasStation.PlaceableFillTrigger##
Register vehicle type: FS17_Poettinger_Pack.poettingerNovaCat301
Register vehicle type: FS17_Poettinger_Pack.poettingerNovacat302ED
Register vehicle type: FS17_Poettinger_Pack.poettingerNovaCatX8
Register vehicle type: FS17_RANDAZZO_PA97P_1002_AGO.RANDAZZOPA97I
Register vehicle type: FS17_RANDAZZO_PA97P_1002_AGO.RANDAZZOPA97
Register vehicle type: FS17_RANDAZZO_PA97P_1002_AGO.RANDAZZOPA97INH
Register vehicle type: FS17_RANDAZZO_PA97P_1002_AGO.RANDAZZOPA97NH
Register vehicle type: FS17_ReckJumbo2.ReckJumbo2
Register vehicle type: FS17_rsmAgriPack.cutter_builtInCutterTrailer2
Register vehicle type: FS17_SaphirGE601.GE601
Register vehicle type: FS17_SteyrProfi.SteyrProfi
Register vehicle type: FS17_StollFLTools.Zange
Register vehicle type: FS17_StollFLTools.Mistzange
Register vehicle type: FS17_StollFLTools.Silagezange
Register vehicle type: FS17_StollFLTools.FZ60
Register vehicle type: FS17_StollFZ30_D72.FZ30
Register vehicle type: FS17_strautmann_PS2201.Strautmann
Register vehicle type: FS17_StrautmannTeraVitesse4601V2.Strautmann
Register vehicle type: FS17_StrautmannTeraVitesse4601V2.BuyableBlades
Register vehicle type: FS17_StrautmannTeraVitesse4601V2.SilageAdditivesTank
Warning: 'DELAVAL' is an unknown brand! Using Lizard instead! (C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_StrautmannTeraVitesse4601V2/silageAdditivesTank/silageAdditivesTank.xml)
Register vehicle type: FS17_TAM_ShiftableWeight.tamWeight_shiftable
Register vehicle type: FS17_UAL_DPW_180.transportTrailerUAL
Register vehicle type: FS17_UAL_MarshallBC32.transportTrailerUAL
Variable BaleCapacity by UnknownModder
Register vehicle type: FS17_veenhuisW400_pc.VeenhuisW400
VehicleWaterBreak v17.0.0 by Heady -
Register configuration 'conveyorFlow'
Register configuration 'silageAdditiveSystem'
Register configuration 'dynamicChamber'
Register configuration 'monitorSystem'
Register configuration 'remoteMonitorSystem'
Register configuration 'starterKit'
Overriding bale (BALETYPE_GRASS_WINDROW_112_130) '$data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleGrass_w112_d130.i3d'
Overriding bale (BALETYPE_SILAGE_112_130) '$data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleSilage_w112_d130.i3d'
Overriding bale (BALETYPE_DRYGRASS_WINDROW_112_130) '$data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleHay_w112_d130.i3d'
Overriding bale (BALETYPE_STRAW_112_130) '$data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleStraw_w112_d130.i3d'
Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_Goweil_LT_Master.goweil
Register vehicle type: FS_17FendtVario1000V2FullEdition.fendt1000
Register vehicle type: HoT_Balespike.UALImplement
Register vehicle type: HoT_DPW180_UAL.transportTrailerUAL
Register vehicle type: HoT_Palletfork.UALImplement
Error: configuration name 'wheelWeight' is already in use!
Register vehicle type: JD7R_69L_2011EU_AGO_11Mr.JD7R69L
Register vehicle type: JD_Attachments_Loader_V1_Ago.BW15904
Register vehicle type: JD_Attachments_Loader_V1_Ago.AB18K
Register vehicle type: JD_Frontloader_H480_V1_AGO.JD480
Register vehicle type: JohnDeere8530.JohnDeere8530v3
Register vehicle type: JohnDeere8R_NEW.JohnDeere_8Rnew
Register vehicle type: JohnDeere8R_NEW.JohnDeere_8RnewB
Register vehicle type: KRONE_TX560D_MoreRealistic_V2.krone
Register vehicle type: Kryptek_runner_autoload.AutoLoadWoodTrailer
Register vehicle type: LS17_Fraese.Fraese
noCollisionCamera v17.0.3 by Heady -
Register vehicle type: PflugPackDH.PflugPackDH
Warning: 'SILAGE' is an unknown brand! Using Lizard instead! (C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/silage_kauf/palletSilage.xml)
Warning: 'SOYBEAN' is an unknown brand! Using Lizard instead! (C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/soja_kauf/palletSoya.xml)
Register vehicle type: Torum770.cutter_builtInCutterTrailer2
Warning: 'WHEAT' is an unknown brand! Using Lizard instead! (C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/wheat_kauf/palletSilage.xml)
### Courseplay: initialized 48/48 files (v5.02.00055)
******************************************* WARNING *******************************************
* You are using a development version of Courseplay, which may and will contain errors, bugs, *
* mistakes and unfinished code. Chances are your computer will explode when using it. Twice. *
* If you have no idea what "beta", "alpha", or "developer" means and entails, remove this *
* version of Courseplay immediately. The Courseplay team will not take any responsibility for *
* crop destroyed, savegames deleted or baby pandas killed. *
adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledSprayer"
adding Courseplay to "telehandler_articulatedAxis"
adding Courseplay to "pdlc_platinumEdition.combine_animated_crawler_cutter"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_newHollandT7Tier4a.newHollandT7Tier4a"
adding Courseplay to "loaderVehicle"
adding Courseplay to "pdlc_platinumEdition.car_analogClock"
adding Courseplay to "wheelLoader"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras.Lexion700"
adding Courseplay to "pdlc_platinumEdition.selfPropelledSprayer_cover_sprayTypeSwitcher"
adding Courseplay to "woodCrusherTrailerDrivable"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_BigM500_2017Edition.BigM_500"
adding Courseplay to "ridingMower"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_Fendt900Vario_Full.fendt900new"
adding Courseplay to "loadingTrailerDrivable"
adding Courseplay to "combine_animated"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_newHollandT7.NewHollandT7"
adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraNormal"
adding Courseplay to "woodHarvester"
adding Courseplay to "telehandler"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_Krone_BigX_Beast.BigX"
adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANUALHBR"
adding Courseplay to "combine_animated_articulatedAxis"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack.MANTGS_AT"
adding Courseplay to "tractor"
adding Courseplay to "car_dynamicMountAttacher"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_grimmeAL8022_QuantumAutoload.loadingTrailerDrivableSpecial"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_MAN_ForestPack.MAN_TGS_26440"
adding Courseplay to "conveyorTrailerDrivable"
adding Courseplay to "skidSteer"
adding Courseplay to "combine_animated_crawler"
adding Courseplay to "car"
adding Courseplay to "JohnDeere8R_NEW.JohnDeere_8RnewB"
adding Courseplay to "Fendt930_TMS_by_Jukka.Fendt930TMS"
adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraWAL"
adding Courseplay to "forwarder"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_JD7R_69L_2011EU_Ago_111Mr.JD7R69L"
adding Courseplay to "JohnDeere8R_NEW.JohnDeere_8Rnew"
adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledPotatoHarvester"
adding Courseplay to "JohnDeere8530.JohnDeere8530v3"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_FENDT_900_Favorit_Vario.fendt"
adding Courseplay to "JD7R_69L_2011EU_AGO_11Mr.JD7R69L"
adding Courseplay to "FS_17FendtVario1000V2FullEdition.fendt1000"
adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledMower"
adding Courseplay to "Fendt900VarioProfiPlus.fendt900"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_SteyrProfi.SteyrProfi"
adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckTatraUALHBR"
adding Courseplay to "tractor_reverseDriving"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_holmerPack_V2.tractor_holmer"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_Bales_Autoload_Pack.Slow_baleLoader"
adding Courseplay to "FBM17_Fendt500.Fendt700"
adding Courseplay to "conveyorTrailerHireable"
adding Courseplay to "tractor_crawler"
adding Courseplay to "combine"
adding Courseplay to "combine_cylindered"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_Fendt820VarioTMS.Fendt820"
adding Courseplay to "pdlc_platinumEdition.motorCycle"
adding Courseplay to "selfPropelledMixerWagon"
adding Courseplay to "tractor_articulatedAxis"
adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANWAL"
adding Courseplay to "FlieglDPW_Pack.TruckMANNormal"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_Case_Optum_CVX.CaseOptum"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_buffalo_forwarder.Buffalo_forwarder"
adding Courseplay to "tractor_foldable"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_buffalo_logTransporter.BuffLogTrans"
adding Courseplay to "FBM17_SteyrTerrusCVT.SteyrCVT"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_NHFleet.nhtractor"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_Krone_BiGX_Series.KroneBigX580"
adding Courseplay to "FS17_MAN_ForestPack.manTGSforest"
adding Courseplay to "FBM17_Fendt700_BC6.fendt700Vario"
### Courseplay: installed into 69 vehicles
--- installing driveControl by upsidedown into Drivable, Steerable and VehicleMotor...
dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.09) ms
dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.13) ms
dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.16) ms
[Seasons] Loading Seasons - d3befd08c9b5af380bc3a8ed2e0f1f20
data/sky/skyUS_day_night.i3d (90.75) ms
data/sky/rain.i3d (23.61) ms
data/sky/hail.i3d (6.99) ms
data/sky/dust.i3d (7.14) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_RM_Seasons/resources/environment/snow.i3d (0.72) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LoesshuegellandV4/maps/map01.i3d (8816.30) ms
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(49480) load Pellets_Fabrik
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(51062) load Compost
Lager v1.0: Lager.onCreate(51857) load Saegewerklager02
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(52097) load Raffinerie
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(52450) load Paletten_Fabrik
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(53348) load Fabrik
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(53763) load tomatoGreenhouse
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(54171) load lettuceGreenhouse
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(54590) load redcabbageGreenhouse
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(55009) load cauliflowerGreenhouse
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(55489) load cardboard production
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(56576) load GTXM_MS
FabrikScript v2.1.8.1: FabrikScript.onCreate(57124) load Schweinefutterstation
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LoesshuegellandV4/maps/New/Anni_Tiere/Textures/Pferde/Horse/HorseReady.i3d (13.75) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LoesshuegellandV4/maps/New/Anni_Tiere/Textures/Pferde/Horse/HorseReady2.i3d (13.01) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LoesshuegellandV4/maps/New/Anni_Tiere/Textures/Katze/Cat/Cat2.i3d (14.55) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LoesshuegellandV4/maps/New/Anni_Tiere/Textures/Hund/Dog/Dog2.i3d (10.37) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LoesshuegellandV4/maps/New/Anni_Tiere/Textures/snake/snake.i3d (5.56) ms
Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LoesshuegellandV4/maps/map01.xml'
--- loading AI Vehicle Extension v1.1 b22 by mogli ---
Teaching animals table manners...
...sheep - manners taught
...pig - manners taught
...cow - manners taught
Animals now eat with their mouths shut!
*** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | register specialization
*** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | specialization added to 8 vehicle types
[Info from the PipeUnloadingFix.lua]: NOT overwrite load function from the PipeUnloading.lua to allow use this with the '', because the combine addon was not loaded!
*** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | Direct Seeding Addon v1.1.0.0 | ChoppedStraw mod found, addon loaded
--- loading Schneidwerkshöhenkontrolle v2.0 by mogli ---
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on pdlc_platinumEdition.combine_animated_crawler_cutter
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on cutter_animated
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on cutter_builtInCutterTrailer
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on FS17_rsmAgriPack.cutter_builtInCutterTrailer2
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras.MaxFlow
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on attachableCombine
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras.conspeed
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on Torum770.cutter_builtInCutterTrailer2
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on selfPropelledPotatoHarvester
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on pdlc_platinumEdition.combine_animated_cutter_fruitPreparer
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on cutter
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on defoliater_cutter_animated
CutterAttacherHeight was inserted on FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras.vario
## Glance: (Re)Loaded settings from: C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/modsSettings/Glance_Config.XML
++ loading EmptyMe V H (HWF) - 01.07.2017 for Fillables+Trailers, added in 35 vehicle types
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FillType Mass Adjustment FS17 by modelleicher loaded. Visit for more Mods and Support
Fillable mass of Filltype squareBaleBarley changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleDryGrass changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype sheep changed to 0.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype milk changed to 1.03 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype squareBale changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: rye cur. Val: 0.36
Fillable mass of Filltype rye changed to 0.72 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype fuel changed to 0.84 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: balesFoil cur. Val: 1.8
Fillable mass of Filltype balesFoil changed to 3.6 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass changed to 0.007 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype wheat changed to 0.079 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype seeds changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass_windrow changed to 0.007 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype straw changed to 0.04 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype rape changed to 0.0072 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype cow changed to 0.64 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype maize changed to 0.008 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype grass changed to 0.035 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype grass_windrow changed to 0.035 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype digestate changed to 0.5 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype pig changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: oat cur. Val: 0.32
Fillable mass of Filltype oat changed to 0.64 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: rye_windrow cur. Val: 0.125
Fillable mass of Filltype rye_windrow changed to 0.25 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype oilseedRadish changed to 0.75 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodEarth changed to 0.64 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype poplar changed to 0.45 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype woodChips changed to 0.36 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: strawPellets cur. Val: 0.5
Fillable mass of Filltype strawPellets changed to 1 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype forage changed to 0.32 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype sunflower changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: tomato cur. Val: 9.9999997473788e-08
Fillable mass of Filltype tomato changed to 1.9999999494758e-07 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: hayPellets cur. Val: 0.5
Fillable mass of Filltype hayPellets changed to 1 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: redCabbage cur. Val: 9.9999997473788e-08
Fillable mass of Filltype redCabbage changed to 1.9999999494758e-07 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: oat_windrow cur. Val: 0.125
Fillable mass of Filltype oat_windrow changed to 0.25 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype squareBaleWheat changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype soybean changed to 0.7 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype barley changed to 0.063 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodProtein changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype silage changed to 7e-05 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: sugarCane cur. Val: 0.09
Fillable mass of Filltype sugarCane changed to 0.18 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype manure changed to 0.0079 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: Pelletspallet cur. Val: 9.9999997473788e-08
Fillable mass of Filltype Pelletspallet changed to 1.9999999494758e-07 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype chaff changed to 0.046 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype egg changed to 0.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: hops cur. Val: 0.5
Fillable mass of Filltype hops changed to 1 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: molasses cur. Val: 1
Fillable mass of Filltype molasses changed to 2 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: silageAdditive cur. Val: 0.55
Fillable mass of Filltype silageAdditive changed to 1.1 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype fertilizer changed to 1.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: emptybox cur. Val: 9.9999997473788e-08
Fillable mass of Filltype emptybox changed to 1.9999999494758e-07 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: cauliflower cur. Val: 9.9999997473788e-08
Fillable mass of Filltype cauliflower changed to 1.9999999494758e-07 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: compost cur. Val: 3.9999998989515e-07
Fillable mass of Filltype compost changed to 7.999999797903e-07 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: lettuce cur. Val: 9.9999997473788e-08
Fillable mass of Filltype lettuce changed to 1.9999999494758e-07 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype roundBale changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype chicken changed to 0.003 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype forage_mixing changed to 0.31 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype wool changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype treeSaplings changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype water changed to 0.01 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: balesNet cur. Val: 1.5
Fillable mass of Filltype balesNet changed to 3 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: emptypallet cur. Val: 9.9999997473788e-08
Fillable mass of Filltype emptypallet changed to 1.9999999494758e-07 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleBarley changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype liquidFertilizer changed to 0.9 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodGrain changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleGrass changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype sugarBeet changed to 0.0074 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleWheat changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: lime cur. Val: 0.5
Fillable mass of Filltype lime changed to 1 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodBase changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: baleNet cur. Val: 0.01
Fillable mass of Filltype baleNet changed to 0.02 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype liquidManure changed to 0.98 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
################ NOT IN LIST YET: powerFood cur. Val: 0
Fillable mass of Filltype powerFood changed to 0 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: baleTwine cur. Val: 0.01
Fillable mass of Filltype baleTwine changed to 0.02 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
################ NOT IN LIST YET: tarp cur. Val: 0
Fillable mass of Filltype tarp changed to 0 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
Fillable mass of Filltype potato changed to 0.0073 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
Fillable mass of Filltype pigFood changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
FillTypeMassAdjustment all fillType mass values have been updated. Note: This Log entry should only exist once, if you have several of these please check to make sure you don't have several FillTypeMassAdjustment Versions in your Modfolder.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- Getriebe v3.1 build 16 von Mogli ---
FS17_JD7R_69L_2011EU_Ago_111Mr already has cruise control
obj2.version >= replObj2.version
JD7R_69L_2011EU_AGO_11Mr already has cruise control
obj2.version >= replObj2.version
69 vehicle types enhanced / 0 vehicle types updated
Register configuration 'GearboxAddon'
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods///gearboxAddonConfig/gearboxAddonConfig.xml
Found external config in separate mod
FS17_GearboxAddon: Found 0 configurations
--- Getriebe v3.1 build 16 von Mogli ---
*-- hayasgrass:loadMap(name)
*-- hayasgrass MOD - Perform Check: This line should only appear once
*-- Try to insert hay into grass group during hayasgrass:draw - this should appear only once
++ loading HelperAdvancedVehicle V D - 18.06.2017 for Steerable Vehicles
Script HolmerPotato_Register v2.0.0 by Marhu converted to FS 17 by Ifko[nator] registered in 4 vehicleTypes! Support on
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/materials/unloadingEffects.i3d (15.05) ms
Warning: Unkown fillType 'biodiesel' for MaterialUtil.onCreateMaterial
MaterialHolder for Kotte Universal loaded successfull!
MaterialType fluid registered successfull!
*** ProSeed v1.0.1.0 specialization loading ***
RealClock - INFO: RealClock loading
RealClock - INFO: Read from xml C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods//realClock.xml
+++ loading SeedUsageAdjustment V1.01 +++
=== Trailer Sound v2.4 by Mogli, LudmillaPower & charly_99 ===
--- loading Baler Capacity mod V1.00 (by Unknownmodder)---
--- loading whAutomation ver. 1.76 by fcelsa (Team FSI Modding)
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/LS17_Fraese/materialholder/materialHolder.i3d (6.08) ms
MaterialHolder for CompostMaster placeable loaded successfull!
--- loading complexBGA mod V4.00 --- (by upsidedown)
## Courseplay: setting up signs
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/normal.i3d (0.35) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/cross.i3d (0.49) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/unload.i3d (0.42) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/wait.i3d (0.66) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/start.i3d (0.66) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_courseplay/img/signs/stop.i3d (0.60) ms
## Courseplay: setting up fields (basic)
## Courseplay: loading settings from "courseplaySettings.xml"
## Courseplay: setting up hud
## Courseplay: setting up debug channels
## Courseplay: setting up globalInfoText
## Courseplay: loading courses and folders from "courseManager.xml"
## Courseplay: register later loaded mods
--- loading driveControl mod V4.10 (by upsidedown)---
--- fast Forward Mod V2.1 loaded --- (by Eagle355th)
[Seasons] ssGrowthManagerData: Additional growth data found - loading: C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_LoesshuegellandV4/seasons_growth.xml
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_RM_Seasons/resources/environment/snow_materialHolder.i3d (45.73) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_RM_Seasons/resources/replacementTextures/materialHolder.i3d (393.67) ms
Warning: Texture array layer 'data/fillPlanes/soybean_diffuse.png' doesn't match the image properties of the other layers.
Enabled withering
*** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | loading straw types
*** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | fertilizing fruittypes: maize barley oat rape rye sunflower wheat soybean
*** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | loaded 4 straw types
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_Fendt500/fendt700.i3d (796.72) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_AIVehicleExtension/AutoCombine.i3d (0.15) ms
loading C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017//driveControl_config.xml for driveControl-Mod configuration
driveControl module shuttle started
driveControl module fourWDandDifferentials started
driveControl module cruiseControl started
driveControl module showNearestFillLevel started
driveControl module pipeCam started
driveControl module implementControl started
driveControl module softGas started
driveControl module showMotor started
driveControl module variGear started
driveControl module freeSteering started
driveControl module inching started
driveControl softGas maxGasOnModifier set to 30%
driveControl smoothAlpha set to 7%
driveControl motor autoTurnOff set to true
driveControl freeSteering analog input ENABLED
driveControl freeSteering analog deadzone set to 10%
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_SteyrProfi/SteyrProfiCVT.i3d (465.83) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_Fendt700_BC6/fendt700.i3d (729.32) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_NHFleet/i3d/newHollandT7_170.i3d (604.58) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_NHFleet/i3d/newHollandT7_220.i3d (376.29) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Fendt820VarioTMS/Fendt820VarioTMS.i3d (1362.86) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_newHollandT7Tier4a/newHollandT7Tier4aSWB.i3d (280.62) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_fendt800/fendt800/fendt800.i3d (588.62) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_NHFleet/i3d/newHollandT7LWB.i3d (391.63) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_FENDT_900_Favorit_Vario/fendt_900.i3d (462.43) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/JD7R_69L_2011EU_AGO_11Mr/JD7RSERIE.i3d (497.71) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Fendt930_TMS_by_Jukka/Fendt930TMS.i3d (450.57) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Fendt900VarioProfiPlus/fendt900.i3d (675.62) ms
Fendt 900 ProfiPlus by STv-Modding
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Case_Optum_CVX/caseIHOptumCVX.i3d (423.18) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Fendt900Vario_Full/fendt900.i3d (747.74) ms
Fendt 900 ProfiPlus by STv-Modding
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_newHollandT7/newHollandT7.i3d (529.11) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_SteyrTerrusCVT/i3d/steyerTerrusCVT.i3d (470.70) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS_17FendtVario1000V2FullEdition/FendtVario1050V2.i3d (783.13) ms
data/vehicles/tools/horsch/horschPronto9DC.i3d (238.32) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras/i3d/Lexion.i3d (898.76) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras/i3d/Vario900.i3d (89.40) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras/i3d/thueringerAgrarLeguan30.i3d (35.54) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV_MW_Edition_ohne_Gras/i3d/ClaasConspeed.i3d (93.60) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17Contest_KotteGarantVT14000/KotteGarant.i3d (379.51) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Amazone_ZAM/AmazoneZA_M.i3d (78.16) ms
data/vehicles/tools/stoll/stollFrontLoaderFZ.i3d (59.62) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_TrailedLine_Duo_1814/siloKingTrailedLineDuo1814.i3d (175.27) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_CSZ_set/filename/forcaPunteReclinabili.i3d (33.53) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_JD_Frontloader_H480_Ago_V111Mr/JDH480_FS.i3d (74.36) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/JD_Frontloader_H480_V1_AGO/JDH480_FS.i3d (73.48) ms
data/vehicles/tools/einboeck/pneumaticstar900.i3d (130.75) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_CSZ_set/filename/forcaLetame.i3d (18.95) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/fliegl_Lizard_Transporter.i3d (733.56) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FlieglDPW_Pack/flieglDPW180.i3d (27.71) ms
data/vehicles/tools/lely/lelyHibiscus1515CdProf.i3d (99.01) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC/kroneUltimaCF155XC/KroneUltimaCF155XC.i3d (217.77) ms
[INFO from the KroneUltimaExtension.lua]: Enable wrapping now for straw bales with the Krone Ultima.
[INFO from the KroneUltimaExtension.lua]: Found wrong settings for the reverse real light. Fix it now.
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kotteUniversalPack/kotteUni_big.i3d (310.65) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_KrampeBBS790/i3d/krampeBBS790.i3d (360.84) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_KotteGarantPT20000/garant20000.i3d (147.85) ms
data/vehicles/tools/zunhammer/zunhammerZunidisc.i3d (94.40) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_KroneKWT11x22/KroneKWT11x22.i3d (190.20) ms
data/vehicles/tools/vaderstad/vaderstadCarrierXL825.i3d (157.24) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_KotteGarantPT20000/balkenverteiler.i3d (38.53) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_strautmann_PS2201/strautmannPS2201.i3d (93.21) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/pdlc/strawHarvestAddon/bigPack1290HDPII/bigPack1290HDPII.i3d (1136.00) ms
data/objects/squarebales/baleStraw240.i3d (24.76) ms
data/objects/squarebales/baleHay240.i3d (14.70) ms
data/vehicles/tools/agco/agco650.i3d (166.84) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/PflugPackDH/lemkenTitan11.i3d (135.75) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_grimmeAL8022_QuantumAutoload/grimmeSL8022.i3d (204.81) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_MetalTechDB20Pack/DB_20_Premium.i3d (228.99) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_KrogerAgrolinerHKD_Pack/Models/kroegerHKD.i3d (126.89) ms
data/vehicles/tools/damcon/damconPL75.i3d (91.47) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_RM_plantableSpruceTrees/resources/treeSaplingPallet.i3d (52.59) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_RM_plantableSpruceTrees/resources/treeSapling.i3d (62.97) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_StrautmannTeraVitesse4601V2/strautmannTeraVitesse5201.i3d (186.25) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_TeraVitesse_CFS/i3d/strautmannTeraVitesse4601Tridem.i3d (138.10) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_SaphirGE601/GE601.i3d (111.68) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Krone_BigX_Beast/kroneBigX1100.i3d (478.23) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kroneBigX1100_Landei/kroneBigX1100.i3d (218.99) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kroneBigX_Schneidwerke_Landei/newHolland130FB.i3d (60.96) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_BigM500_2017Edition/BigM500_2017Edition.i3d (431.49) ms
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/shaders/vehicleShader.xml'.
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_KroneTX560Dspecial_BC6/data/kroneTX560D2.i3d (203.91) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/KRONE_TX560D_MoreRealistic_V2/kroneTX560D.i3d (290.37) ms
data/vehicles/tools/agco/agco2300.i3d (10.32) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/VeenhuisSW_Pack/Modeldata/VeenhuisSW550.i3d (144.30) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_cFliegl_ASW_391/flieglcASW391.i3d (429.19) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17Contest_Goweil_LT_Master/Goweil_LT_Master.i3d (320.61) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/pdlc/strawHarvestAddon/BuL_B50AR03/BuL_B50AR03.i3d (167.93) ms
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/JohnDeere8530/JohnDeere8530.i3d (868.93) ms
John Deere 8030 by Jukka
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_PeeconBiga/Peecon64.i3d (114.67) ms
Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_T93_MixerWagonFix/scripts/MixerWagonFix.lua:279: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'requiredMixingTime' (a nil value)
Mod: MixerWagon Fix
Steyr8080 Vor 45 Minuten
Hi! Hab das Problem das sich das Spiel beim Starten aufhängt und folgender Fehler kommt
FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_T93_MixerWagonFix/scripts/MixerWagonFix.lua:279: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'requiredMixingTime' (a nil value)
Mod: Core City edit By Alf62
Hi! Wirds Zuckerrohr auch für die Map geben??
Mod: Loess Hill Country
Schade! Ist meine Lieblings map! Trotzdem danke für die tolle Map!!
Mod: The Fliegl Gigant ASW 491
Problem war bei der Map! Auf anderer kein Problem!
Danke für deinen tollen Mod!
Mod: The Fliegl Gigant ASW 491
Hi! Erstkalssiger Mod! Hab nur ein kleines Problem das die Hänger hüfen anfangen! Liegt das am Trekker oder an einen MOD?
Mod: Güllepack FS17
Hi! Courseplay geht leider immer noch nicht! Gestänge öffnet sich nicht und schaltet sich leider nicht ein
Mod: Güllepack FS17
Hi! Leider funktionier die fässer nicht mit Coursplay! Sie öffnen sich nicht und bringen nicht aus! Und ein Fehler tritt auf leider!
C:/Users/Nemesis/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Guellepack/scripte/newSprayer.lua:543: attempt to call method 'aiAllowedToRefill' (a nil value)
Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
Vieleicht gibs eine Lösung!
Danke für das tolle Pack! LG
Mod: Güllepack FS17
Hi! Vielen Dank für den tollen Mod! Wirst du das
Kuhn_SPV_Goliath_Pack auch nach ls 17 bringen?
Mod: KroneMX350GL
Sehr schöner mod gefällt mir gleich mal testen! Danke für die Arbeit! :-)
Mod: KroneMX350GL
bitte ! bedenke ist noch beta !
Mod: Fortuna Pack LS17
Und wieder ein super Mod! Vielen Dank! :-)
Mod: GPS
Vielen Dank für die super Mods! Hoffe deine Ballen Mods kommen auch noch!
Mod: Krone Ultima Extension
Vielen vielen Dank! Das ist wirklich klasse! Danke!
Mod: Kyoshos Agricultur 2016
Die Idee mit der Krone is super! Sehr schade das sie Privat ist! Map ist so wie deine Mods einfach klasse! Hoffe du bleibst uns in LS 17 auch noch erhalten
Mod: Krone Ultima Extension
Vielen Dank für deine Antwort!
Mod: Krone Ultima Extension
Hi Danke für das Update! Besteht irgendwie die möglichkeit mit der Presse Klee und Luzerne zu Pressen??
Mod: drive control
Als erstes solltest du in den Einstellungen In Game schaun ob die Funktion mit einer Taste belegt ist und wenn mit welcher! Normalerweise mit ENTER!