Loess Hill Country

V 4.1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Welcome to the Central Saxon Loess Hill Country!

This big map is specially designed for multiplayer sessions but also possible for singleplayer.
There are 49 fields (970 hectares, mean 20 hectares) and 12 meadows (122 hectares) with a total value of more than 40 million euros. During harvesting, you can decide, if you want to use our large storage or to sell your crops (including rye and oat) at 14 different stations. You can also decide to work in three different forests and bring your wood to several companies.

More features:
- 3 villages with some specials
- Real harvests
- Proportional growth times
- Biogas plant, cows, pigs, sheep
- Slurry storage
- ...


Tobi, Patrick

  • 02 May 19:31
    Version 4.1.1

    Changelog V4.1:
    - Fehler bei den Dirt-Trigger von Kühen, Schafen und Schweinen behoben.
    - Futtermischanlage bei den Schweinen produziert jetzt Schweinefutter.
    - Ein Teil der 2D-Wälder ist durch fällbare Bäume ersetzt worden.
    - Produktionszweige überarbeitet: Geschwindigkeit sowie Menge an Rohstoffen angepasst.
    - Saatgutverbrauch angepasst.
    - Dünger und Saatgutlager am Hof eingefügt.
    - fliegende Autos entfernt.
    - Particlesystem für Roggen- und Haferstroh.
    - Anzeigetafeln bei den Produktionen bearbeitet.
    - Die Map ist fürs Farming-Tablet von Farmer Andy ausgelegt.
    - Bäume verschwinden nach dem Speichern nicht mehr (neu in V4.1.1)
    - Kleine Änderungen an der Dekoration der Map.

  • 17 Mar 21:16
    Version 4.0


checksum: fbdc398025883f843e78b122b512b4fe
Version: 4.1.1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: TP Modding
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Lösshügelland V4.1
description in shop: Willkommmen im Sächsischen Lösshügelland. Wir wünschen dir viel Spaß auf dieser 4-fach Map!

14.03 2017
Modhoster user rating
4.53 / 116 Votes


nach 120 Stimmen

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V 4.1.1
Farming Simulator 17
752 MB 19344
02. 05 2017 19,344
V 4.0
Farming Simulator 17
738 MB 7381
17. 03 2017 7,381

9 Comments for Loess Hill Country

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  1. ciggy001 09. 12 2018

    How did you get the fertilizer to paint the different texture?

  2. Nibbler 01. 12 2018

    After clocking more then 1500 hours in this map in FS 17 and almost the same in FS 15 I would love to see this map in FS 19. Any plans to do that?

    1 replies

  3. K.Luna 10. 03 2018

    Das ist die Beste Map ever

    LG aus Meissen

  4. n3cRomaNiac 30. 08 2017

    Wird es ein Seasons Update geben?

  5. Allerbmu 28. 05 2017

    Absolutely the best big map out there for FS17! Thank you!

    Since I see you have quite a fan base for the map I assume you will keep developing it further. So below some of my findings (I am sorry if I am just repeating stuff but 99% of comments is in German which I don't understand and Google Translate makes quite a mess...):
    - missing sell point for eggs
    - missing price for milk in economy
    - traffic does not run on all streets
    - a future version could include pedestrians as well
    - grass along roads could be replaced by meadows so it could be mowed
    - a little bit less bushes, it is very hard to place anything around factories for example
    - all 2D trees could be converted to regular forest that can be harvested
    - faster traffic (at least 60 km/h) which obeys the road rules

    In any case even if nothing gets changed - still the best big map outhere.

    Regards & Respect!

  6. ciggy001 03. 05 2017

    How can I increase the traffic speed?

  7. ciggy001 30. 04 2017

    Is there somewhere that the changes are listed?

  8. klukken 23. 04 2017

    hey guys i have a problem with the total mixed ration to pigs i cant unload it in the feeding trough where it should be
    hope you can help me

  9. Nils23 17. 04 2017

    Leider hat die Map einen Fehler:

    Error: Could not parse GISL program.
    (165): ERROR: 'modelViewMatrix' : undeclared identifier

    Error: Failed to compile shader 3ECE0DEE-00023881-00000000-07180010.
    Error: Could not parse GISL program.
    (165): ERROR: 'modelViewMatrix' : undeclared identifier

    Error: Failed to compile shader 3ECE0DEE-00023881-00000000-07080010.

    1 replies
