Great Plains 3S3000HD
It can be, that thos seeder isn't working well with other mods in your ordner. Or there is something wrong with the Data File of the Seeder.
Claas Lexion 700 STAGE IV Pack
Awesome mod! Would love to see rice spec wheels as an option in the future, also chaff spreaders on the 770/780? Thanks for you hard work!
Bale Counter
Yea. I have the same issue, plus i get this warning in the log:
Warning (LUA): 'getXMLFloat': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Table
..\..\..\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (624): expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ObjectType
LUA call stack:
=C:/Users/Arthur/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_BaleCounter/BaleCounter.lua (22) : getXMLFloat
New Holland CR 6.90
love the mod thanks! Would be great to get the wheels to bulge under load can you help me with that? They are always "in shape".
how do you get the "support developer" thing off the bottom of the screen? I have typed in the .xml but it still appears.
Porte Coupe Cochet pivotant
Nice mod but perhaps i'm not using it properly...when you put the cutter on it and swivel the platform the cutter fall off. Is there a lock button or something I don't know of? Thanks
I cant seem to get this to work, even if I set it to 1000 it still skips to the 4th growth stage. If I set it to 0.1 it skips to harvest stage. Help anyone?
Mod: Brewery placeable V2
If you split the trigger in two it works ok.
Mod: Loess Hill Country
How did you get the fertilizer to paint the different texture?
Mod: GreenRiver 2017 V2
Please add multi terrain angle mod in the version!
Nice map, can you please add multi terrain mod as well? Thankyou
Mod: Clover Creek
Thanks for the update! Is it possible to add the terrain angle mod as well?
Mod: Clover Creek
And seasons ready! Then it will be even more perfect!
Mod: John Deere 9R
Is it possible to get the drive control working with the tracks? Front tracks spin under heavy pulling...
Mod: John Deere 9R
Awesome mod thankyou for sharing! Can't wait to see what you change in V2 already looks perfect to me!
Mod: Great Plains 3S3000HD
I'd say it'd be a mod conflict possibly. No other seeders have issues...
Mod: Great Plains 3S3000HD
Nice mod thanks, can you please tell me why I can only plant barley?
Mod: Coolamon Mother Bins
Perfect! Thankyou for sharing.
Mod: Coolamon Chaser Bins 45T and 60T
Thanks! Love them all
Mod: Coolamon Chaser Bins 30T und 36T
Thanks for sharing love these chaser bins! Cant wait for the mother bins to come out!
Mod: Claas Lexion 780 TT Stage IV 2017
Any updates on this beast?
Mod: Coolamon Chaser Bins 18T and 24T
great work thanks for sharing!
Mod: Loess Hill Country
How can I increase the traffic speed?
Mod: Loess Hill Country
Is there somewhere that the changes are listed?
Mod: Hagie STS16
Great mod thanks! Looking forward to more features etc keep it up.
Mod: Claas Lexion 700 STAGE IV Pack
And perhaps a choice of tyre width's on the steering axle wheels? :)
Mod: Claas Lexion 700 STAGE IV Pack
Awesome mod! Would love to see rice spec wheels as an option in the future, also chaff spreaders on the 770/780? Thanks for you hard work!
Mod: Bale Counter
The position of the bale counter is out of position from the rest of the HUD, is this like this for everone?
Mod: Claas Lexion 700 STAGE IV Pack
And by headers i mean harvesters...
Mod: Väderstad Soil Mod Set
Can we please have this for FS 17? Was the best mod pack ever!
Mod: MacDon FD75
great cutter thanks! i would love to see the guide wheels setting the minimum cutting height but perhaps in V2.
Mod: New Holland CR 6.90
love the mod thanks! Would be great to get the wheels to bulge under load can you help me with that? They are always "in shape".
Thanks again!
Mod: Porte Coupe Cochet pivotant
That does nothing.... just disconnects the trailer from the tractor.
Mod: seasonManager
Just to let people know if you type "Modhoster" in it works, must have capital "M" though.
Mod: seasonManager
how do you get the "support developer" thing off the bottom of the screen? I have typed in the .xml but it still appears.
Mod: Porte Coupe Cochet pivotant
Nice mod but perhaps i'm not using it properly...when you put the cutter on it and swivel the platform the cutter fall off. Is there a lock button or something I don't know of? Thanks
Mod: growthManager
I cant seem to get this to work, even if I set it to 1000 it still skips to the 4th growth stage. If I set it to 0.1 it skips to harvest stage. Help anyone?
Would this work with the FS15 version as well?
Mod: New Holland T7 Series T7.220 / 250/ 270 Wheelshader
Must have a mod conflict in my game as the game goes haywire when I jump into it after purchase. Doesn't happen with your deutz mods though...