GreenRiver 2017 V2

V mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Welcome to the GreenRiver 2017!

Due to the success of the GreenRiver map in Farming Simulator 15 thanks to all of you Bart decided to bring the map to Farming Simulator 17.

In the GreenRiver map you can decide what you want to do you can take care of the animals,

be an agricultural farmer or you can go out to the forestry part of the map it's all up to you!


We hope you enjoy the map and please feel free to give us your feedback if you find any problems or if you have ideas for the map.

Extra notice, all the lights turn automatically on at 21:00 hour you do not have to switch it on. We also added a mix feeder, you can find it at the contractor area. You do not need an extra mod for the mixfeeder this i included in the map.


Extra notice, For the alternative link, there is no registration required :) 

What can you find in the map,

Main farm with Cows, Sheeps, Chickens.
Pig farm.
Biogass facility.
Contracter where you can also store your crops.
Vehicle shop.
Multiple Farmshops, The Ballon Tree, Blacker Hall, and Drewtons where you can sell your Crops Wool and Eggs.
livestock dealer where you can buy and sell cows, sheeps and pigs.
Allgreen Energy where you can sell woodchips, trees and wooden planks.
Milk Factory where you can sell your milk
Sawmill where you can bring trees to make wooden planks.
Gardenshop where you can buy trees and sell manure and liquid manure.
A large forestry area.
More than 160 acres of fields!


Wheat, Barely, Canola, Sunflower, Soybean, Mais, OilSeedRadish Potatoes, Sugar beets, Poplar.


required mods:

Chopped Straw.

Kotte Universal Pack.


For the alternative link, there is no registration required :) 


''The map can only be placed on other websites with original link to Giants ModHub and credits!''
''Die Map darf auf anderen Seiten mit dem originalen Link zum Giants ModHub und unter Angabe der Credits angeboten werden.''

''I do not give permission to edit the map en reupload it.''
''Gelieve niet de kaart ergens anders te uploaden zonder de originele download link!''
''Please do not upload the map anywhere else without the original download link!''
''Bitte nicht die Karte irgendwo sonst laden, ohne den ursprünglichen Download-Link!''


NLD Farmers map by Bart, Richard, markkerkhof346, Jaguar95, Modding Welt, Giants, CebuljCek, Mythic Modding, bluebaby210, Vertexdezign, Katsuo, Dutch Agricultural Modelling, steffen30Muc, Buschi, 
Xentro, Fatian, CHRIS1988, Eifok Team, ReFFarmer, Fatian, Marhu, Luxfarm, Steffen30muc, Nick98.1, rafftnix, BM Modding,
fruktor, fendt2000, MadMax, GoldFox, Marhu, Farmer_Andy, RC-Devil, mkausen, bluebaby210, manni_112, softfox, Xentro, m4ppj3cts,

Fendtfan1, Niggels, fqC Art., CosmicHD, Desperados93, kingkalle - Team LTW, Mario (DTP), Dorset, Fullpowershift, Perso (JLP75, Eribus), Wobster, Farmer Andy, Ifkonator.

Kevink98 (Script), Fasi (Bretterpaletten), El_Cid (Gebäude), Giants (Palette).


Special thanks: GTX Mods for the FS17 mix-feeder parts.
And Marhu and kevink98 for the Fabrik Script.
Commendation: Marhu and Farmer Andy for original Idea FS13 and FS15.


Special thanks: Niggels - for the lights and other objects.


  • 14 Aug 22:29

    Changed German description at modDesc.xml.
    Added Map Boundaries.
    Adjusted spawn/teleport point of the gas station(s).
    Added: collision on the prop vehicles/tools in front of the shop (1321, 1501).
    Vehicles are now reset in the front of the shop.
    Invisible object (collision) on the player farm removed.
    Added: collision on the hay bales (1652, 382).


28.01 2017
Modhoster user rating
4.29 / 83 Votes


nach 79 Stimmen

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Farming Simulator 17
492 MB 8082
14. 08 2017 8,082

9 Comments for GreenRiver 2017 V2

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  1. siderwinder 04. 03 2018


    Where is the silo of the farm to unload the grain?


  2. ciggy001 03. 03 2018

    Please add multi terrain angle mod in the version!

  3. Megafux500 16. 08 2017

    Hi, this is a very nice map from the Netherlands and I like it very much.
    But i am missing the "Drempels" and the streetsigns: "Let op Drempels"
    a little bit. ;-)

    Maybe it is possible to get them as placeable Objects ?? ;-)

    vanaaf Duitsland

  4. Leopold1973 15. 08 2017

    Very nice map like for LS15 again! Very good work!
    Is it possible to make it ready for the seasons mod? Then it would be perfect for me.
    But for the moment you get 5 stars and commendation from me.

    1 replies

  5. Remix_ 29. 01 2017

    How do I use the sawmil? Where do I put the fuels and do I use regular fuel for it?
    Awesome map by the way!

    1 replies

  6. rizzor 29. 01 2017

    the first awesome map on LS17

    great joob!

    2 replies

  7. GSG-Gaming 28. 01 2017

    yes one of my favorite maps from fs 15 is back :D thanks

  8. Higgings 28. 01 2017

    Map is OK, but theres NO traffic and you have all fields from start.
    So, not a map for me.

    2 replies

    1. Hi Higgings, Thank you for your feedback, Maybe next version is one for you. We will change the fields and add traffic / pedestrians.

  9. NLD Farmers 28. 01 2017

    Feedback topic and things to do for the next version:
