Member since 12 / 2016
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GreenRiver 2017 V2
ago almost 8 years -
Serenity Valley
ago almost 8 years
This user hasn't created any projects yet.
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
I found its ALT + Y not what is listed as ALT + Z for cows. I realised it was T, U, I and O on the keyboard so I tried Y which is between T and U and it worked.
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
ALT + Z is not showing cows for me.The rest of the button combos work.
Mod: Placeable Tank Station
It wont let me fill the Kuhn Deltis 2 small sprayer. i could fill all the other sprayers but not that one.
Mod: Placeable silos All in One
Liquid silos dont fill. I put a liquid fert and herbicide pallet on top of teh small grate and nothing happens. with the lime, solid fert and seed the pallet empties into the silot from that point. I can fill from a trailer also at that point for solid fert, seed and lime but i see no way to empty into the silo from a sprayer either
Mod: New Holland 116 Hydroswing Haybine
Left CTRL + V does work to lower the mower head. Odd why the normal V does no work.
Mod: New Holland 116 Hydroswing Haybine
these are the lines that needed fixed.
<File fileId="12" filename="textures/Wheel" relativePath="true"/>
<File fileId="13" filename="textures/" relativePath="true"/>
<File fileId="14" filename="textures/" relativePath="true"/>
<File fileId="15" filename="textures/vehicleShader.xml" relativePath="true"/>
Mod: New Holland 116 Hydroswing Haybine
There where a few typos in the i3d related to the wheels and shader. after fixing those the wheels show up. is there a way to lower the mower? the normal commands to raise and lower the mower do not work.
Mod: Giants Elite
I have tried v3.1 and I get these log errors.
Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId AnimatedObject_screenToggleLU2
Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId AnimatedObject_screenToggleLU1
Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId AnimatedObject_LU_LagerRollDoor6
Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'D:/aaron/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/GiantsElite_v3_1ohne_schlamm/maps/map01.xml'
Error: Can't load resource 'data/maps/sounds/churchBell01.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/maps/sounds/churchBell01.wav'.
Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'D:/aaron/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/GiantsElite_v3_1ohne_schlamm/maps/map01.xml'
Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId Bga
Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId Bga
Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'D:/aaron/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/GiantsElite_v3_1ohne_schlamm/maps/map01.xml'
Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId TipTrigger_GRAIN_ELEVATOR
Error: Adding onCreate loaded object with duplicate saveId Bga
Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'D:/aaron/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/GiantsElite_v3_1ohne_schlamm/maps/map01.xml'
Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'D:/aaron/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/GiantsElite_v3_1ohne_schlamm/maps/map01.xml'
the above errors exist on every map load. the below only exist on the first time load. after a save the below do not show.
Error: Corrupt savegame, onCreateLoadedObject 74 has invalid saveId 'TipTrigger_FARMER_2_CompostLS2013'
Error: Corrupt savegame, onCreateLoadedObject 199 has invalid saveId 'TipTrigger_FARMER_2_Compost'
Mod: Kuhn Knight VTC 180
It empties but the volume never goes down. it gives endless TMR.
This is a real nice trailer and the capacity on round bales is outstanding. I have noticed that the round bales seem to jump a bit when unloading center and if your not quick with the straps it can cause the bales to some times go rather awkward. I like that this can be my one trailer for bales, pallets and equipment transport. If it had log spikes you could install to the sides and it auto load logs some how it would be even better.
Mod: Springfield Estate
can you say what was changed from version 1
Mod: Serenity Valley
This map just keeps getting better and better. Easily one of the top 10 maps for FS17.
Mod: MBJ Semi-trailer
So this is different from how?
Mod: Westbridge Hills 5
While this map westbridge hills 5.2 and are extremely similar. This version has trains at some of the sell points and does not have the trains. I never played FS15 but I understand the trains where a part o fthat game so I fell that either he took as a base and added in the trains and some other tweaks or did convert the map independent of or converted what I belive is one of many varients of the map from FS15.
Mod: Westbridge Hills 5
Dajoun, since you plan to update see my comment below on pacman28 on the soybean sales. Also I found three non game play issues. At the woodchip biomass location the sell point should be moved back and over a bit. there is a depression in the concrete for the sell point to sit over.
At the mill right down from the biomass sell point there is a parked truck in the middle of the concrete ramp on the building. it needs to be raised up or removed.
In town there is a ghost building with bunting and moss growing on it and an ATM. its as if the building model was not imported but the decorations on the building where.
Mod: Westbridge Hills 5
soybean needs to be added to two lines in the map01_train.xml file in the maps folder within the zip. in the XMl file there is an entry for grainTrain1 and grainTrain2. On the second line of grainTrain1 under fillTypes add soybean to the list between the " " and do the same for line three of grainTrain2 then save the file and overwrite the map01_train.xml file in the map zip file. I have tested this before and after the edits and only after the edits do I get money for soybeans dumped at the mill and freightyard. I did get money for the other crops tipped at those locations.
Mod: Southwest Germany
Must unzip the map and then zip the contents of the map folder before game will recognize map.
Mod: Great Country
I did save the game, exit and reopen. Although I had several maps that where not activated in the mods folder. i guess I should try a new save game with no other maps in the folder and then save the game and relaunch to see what happens.
Mod: Great Country
Even with no other maps in my mods folder I get several invlaid fill type errors in the log and I do not have the extra fruit types listed in the status screens. This is with version 1.2.
Mod: 2016 Ford F-350 Jerr-Dan Rollback
Really nice mod, I found a few things that could be corrected. First you have manual engine start the engine sound does not stop after turning the engine off. The mod starts with the engine off when buying it but once you get in and start it the sound for the motor does not stop when the engine is turned off. Second is the license plate on the roll back does not move with the roll back bed. If you move the bed back and angle it and then look at the truck the license plate is floating in the air. but when the bed is flat and all the way up on the truck body the license appears attached to the roll back bed. Final thing is the camera view when something is locked on the roll back bed if your not first person. the camera seems to lock to a few that ends up being inside what ever is on the truck bed making driving in third person impossible if the lock script is in place. if I did manage to get a third person view by being off to the side a bit the item on the back of the truck would shutter back and forth on the bed while in motion. love the mod other wise. wish it was a chevy or dodge but thats personal preference.
Mod: BIO-Diesel Refinery placeable
I placed this yesterday quickly on gold crest. I thought the land was flat but apparently it was not. the mod did not do well with unlevel ground even with a slight grade change. can it be designed so if not on level ground a ramp