Userprofile of Rockhound
Member since 12 / 2011

1 tqueen113(bis: 05.03 2017)
Punkte: 916
Modder Level 9
Rank: #2283
First name: Tony Age & Gender: m City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Rockhound

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  1. Rockhound 04. 11 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Industry is built into the map on Rise of industry

  2. Rockhound 22. 09 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    the wool pallets spawn right next to the sheep stable and thanks for your feedback!

  3. Rockhound 29. 07 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    That's because it is not animated, someone left it open and the hinges rusted and now it won't move, now all the chickens are free roaming.
    Thanks for playing my map.

  4. Rockhound 22. 07 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Can only be sold at the Sawmill

  5. Rockhound 21. 07 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Fixed all the trees that had no collision
    Changed the animals to be worked every 3 days instead of 6 as noted in the change log section.

  6. Rockhound 20. 07 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    I do not understand your question or problem

  7. Rockhound 18. 07 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley
    Te trigger is in the back of the tank

  8. Rockhound 16. 07 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    sorry to disapoint you

  9. Rockhound 03. 07 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    I will be making an update soon for the Seasons Mod.

  10. Rockhound 01. 07 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    The BGA is a good place to take it, the 2 silos there make digestate and silage.

  11. Rockhound 30. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    The Compost Master t also the Clamp at the Cow Stables

  12. Rockhound 30. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    SW corner of map is a fertilizer factory for liquid and at the BGA put in Digestate for Solid

  13. Rockhound 27. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Never said it was, just a big map

    1 replies

    1. Ghost1968 01. 07 2017

      Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
      Schau mal nach ganz oben, in welcher Kategorie wir uns hier befinden:
      Modhoster / LS / Maps & Gebäude / 4fach Maps Mods

      Die map01_dem.png hat die Größe von 1025x1025, also ist es eine 1fach Map. Der Ausdruck "big" ist hier sehr irreführend.

      Sollte auch nur zur Info für andere User dienen. Mehr nicht.

      1 replies

  14. Rockhound 27. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    I am sorry but it is working fine in testing, I hate this is happening for you but I am stumped for a solution.

  15. Rockhound 27. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    I am sorry you are having issues with the map. All I can say is try re downloading it due to a possible corrupt zip file during the original download.

  16. Rockhound 27. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Not yet but I am working on it.

  17. Rockhound 25. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    sounds like a mod conflict, unload all mods except course play and try again, I have had no issues with course play during testing.

    1 replies

  18. Rockhound 25. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Ya never know I will look into it.

  19. Rockhound 25. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    As I stated in the description some mods may cause errors. I'm glad you figured it out!

    1 replies

  20. Rockhound 23. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Try renaming your mods folder to Mods_origin and make a new Mods folder, put this map in it with just a few of your favorite mods (No factory Placeables) and try it again by using your same save game of a new save game. There may be a conflict with one of your mods.

  21. Rockhound 23. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Try renaming your mods folder to Mods_origin and make a new Mods folder, put this map in it with just a few of your favorite mods (No factory Placeables) and try it again by using your same save game of a new sav e game. There may be a conflict with one of your mods.

  22. Rockhound 21. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    I don't understand try speeding up time to X15 it takes a few game min to start productions. All factories take a few min to start production and they all work fine in testing.

  23. Rockhound 19. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    I can on my map sorry to hear this

  24. Rockhound 19. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Re you saying you cannot plant crops?

    1 replies

  25. Rockhound 18. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    You can also install with GE

    1 replies

  26. Rockhound 18. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    Thanks for your comments! The shelving system runs on a animated object script which can be place in using GE or as a placable, you can download here


    1 replies

  27. Rockhound 16. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    The Log is error free

  28. Rockhound 16. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry
    No matter what you do someone will ALWAYS ***** about it! If ya don't like it DON'T play it.


  29. Rockhound 15. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley
    Be on the lookout for Serenity Valley II The rise of Industry. I renamed it a little bit due to all the Industry I put in and added a few more since the last update of Serenity Valley. The water trigger you speak of is now fixed in the new version coming out in a day or so.
    Thanks for Farming my map!

  30. Rockhound 15. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley
    Yes and I am sorry I have found and fixed the problem and will be releasing V5.1 very soon. Is there anything else you can think of that I need to look at?

  31. Rockhound 07. 06 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley
    The lifters are a bit tricky but when you lower the shelf it is best to remove the header before raising again. also when you set your header on the shelf after use try to set it down as close to the front of the shelf as possible. It did me that way too once and I almost scrapped them from the map but I was able to get them to work ok as long as I set the header back down in the correct spot. You can also use them to store other items as well if you are having too much trouble with the headers. You also need to make sure the shelf has run the full cycle, the green button will turn white when its done. Thank you for playing Serenity Valley V. and Happy Farming

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