Member since 6 / 2011
Userprofile of timmiej93
Gritter Pack
ago almost 7 years
Gritter Pack
ago almost 7 years
MixerWagon Fix
ago about 7 years
MixerWagon Fix
ago about 7 years
MixerWagon Fix
ago about 7 years
Watertrailer Fix
ago over 7 years
Watertrailer Fix
ago over 7 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
ago over 10 years
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Mod: Agco Ideal
BigRich, you're being a baby. Honestly, this isn't even a mod. You've changed a few XML values, everybody can do that.
Secondly, somebody uploaded this here, not modhoster themselves.
Finally, uploading here has too much red tape? You've clearly never uploaded anything to ModHub.
If you had more than 30 minutes into this "mod", I'd say sure, report the mod (which you don't do by yelling like a baby in the comments), be a proper person, and have it taken down. But honestly, you don't even deserve credit for this, since you didn't do anything. Uploading the "mod" here is more work than the changes you made.
Mod: Cover addon
Be very careful with this mod when you're using CoursePlay or AutoDrive! If you use CP or AD with a vehicle with a cover (any vehicle where you can open something with the N key), the game will freak out, and it'll be difficult to stop AD or CP.
Seid mit diesem Mod sehr vorsichtig, wenn du CoursePlay oder AutoDrive verwendet! Wenn du CP oder AD mit einem Fahrzeug mit einer Abdeckung verwendet (jedes Fahrzeug, bei dem du etwas mit der N-Taste öffnen kan), wird das Spiel ausflippen und es wird schwierig sein, AD oder CP zu stoppen.
Mod: MixerWagon Fix
Ich hab beide mit rein genommen und versucht der error zu bekommen, aber bei mir hat es funktioniert wie es sich gehört.
Könntest du vielleicht mal versuchen ein neues savegame an zu fangen ohne mods auf Goldcrest Valley? Ich vermute das es irgendwo schief geht mit ein andere mod.
Mod: MixerWagon Fix
Moin, danke wieder.
Könntest du mir vielleicht auch sagen welcher mischfutterwagen mods du verwendet in dein savegame (nur die die du im moment im besits / gekauft habt)
Mod: MixerWagon Fix
Tut mir leit das zu hören. Könntest du mir vielleicht dein log-datei schikken? Ich wird das dan gleich fur dir nachgucken.
Mod: Manure Mod
So, since these comments are from may, is there any chance you will be able to fix this?
Mod: Loess Hill Country
Gibt es irgendwo etwas zum produzieren von Saatgut oder Dunger, weil es ein lager gibt am hof?
Mod: BGA Extension
Ich habe dieser mod schön weniger zeit im gebrauch, aber seit kurz werd der Bunker nicht mer entladen. Er macht Geräusch, und die Messer drehen, aber das Füllvolumen ändert nicht. Weisst jemand vieleicht was da loss ist? Log gibt kein fehler.
Mod: LoanTax
Nicely done. May I suggest two things?
First: determine the AnnualInterestRate by multiplying the current loan with a certain number. The way you've got it setup now, you pay the same interest for a loan of €1.000.500 and a loan of €5.000.000, which is crazy of course.
My numbers are:
<= 100.000: loan times 0.004
<= 200.000: loan times 0.00375
<= 500.000: loan times 0.0022
<= 1.000.000: loan times 0.00145
<= 5.000.000: loan times 0.00036
These numbers add up to the same interest you set initially.
Secondly, can you make the max loan depend on how much all you vehicles combined are worth? So that when you start of with 1 tractor, you can't just borrow 5 million and start big. At the moment the 5 mil loan feels a bit cheaty to me.
Also, can you tell me where you found documentation for the etc., if you found any.
Mod: rotunda board
Just helping to translate here, not trying to be mean:
Title: Roundabout sign
Description: This item has to be imported with Giants Editor.
Mod: Bjornholm
Hi guys,
So what would you like to see next on this map? Any ideas?
The only thing (so far) I could come up with, is the water mod or pigs. If you don't have a suggestion, you can make a choice between those to in the strawpoll I posted in the description. If you do have a suggestion, please let me know!
Hallo Leute,
Was möchten Sie als nächstes auf dieser Karte, zu sehen?
Ich dachte an das(die, der, weiß ich nicht :P) Wasser mod, oder Schweine. Sie können zwischen dem Wasser mod und Schweinen wählen in der strawpoll in der Beschreibung. Wenn Sie einen Vorschlag haben, lassen Sie mich in den Kommentaren wissen!
Mod: Bjornholm
Hi Moonwalk65,
I'm also planning on adding the new GMK textures to the next version of the map.
About the rest, I'm not sure. I might add some fruittypes, provided I can get it done right.
I hope you enjoy playing on the map!
Mod: Bjornholm
Danke Scheunenfund.
I was thinking about adding pigs to the map next, would that be something you would like?
Mod: drive control
Maybe it's a good idea to automatically turn lights on vehicles off if the engine is stopped? Like only keep them on when the engine is running?
Mod: Bjornholm
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "the screen taring is not here"? Could you explain? Feel free to reply in german if that's easier for you.
Mod: AutoCombine
Everything works fine, but sometimes I get this error, which makes my game freeze.
AutoCombine.lua:880: attempt to call method 'setIsThreshing' (a nil value)
Mod: drive control
Small hint: You have forgotten to update the English description.
Mod: Maitre BMM 140
My trailer bounces when I buy it, why is this happening?
Mod: Krone BigX 1100 Beastpack
Frage. Ist sonst noch jemand das Problem, dass die Räder sehr langsam drehen während das steuern? Nur beim big X, nicht beim mousecontrolled version.
Mod: Large bales-mod-pack
Does the balewagon work for ANYone?
Mod: JD9030 English Deutsch and help window
Ich hoffe Sie verstehen, was ich oben geschrieben habe.
Ich hatte das in English geschrieben, aber das ist automatisch umgezetst in Deutsch. Mein Deutsch ist nicht so sehr gut (A).