
V mod for Farming Simulator 19

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VehicleExplorer for FS19 aka VeEx19

This is a revamp of the good old VehicleSort from FS17

For beginners: VehicleExplorer helps you organize your vehicles, by showing you a list which can be organized, well, sorted by you. Besides that it has a couple of additional functionality. See below.

Feedback, this readme and additional information incl. source code can be find at:

Please download the latest version directly from GitHub Latest version


  • List of all steerable vehicles (Specialization: Enterable)
  • Set a customer order for your vehicles
    • Your order is saved in the default vehicles.xml, so no additional clutter
  • Enter your vehicles directly with a click of a (mouse) button
    • This is meant literally, see known issues ;)
  • Park your vehicles, so that a switch of vehicles via Tab ignores them
  • Repair vehicles and its implements
  • Let your vehicle and implements get cleaned on a repair from your friendly VeEx staff ;)
  • Displaying a store image next to the list
  • Info box with additional informations
  • Motor on/off, turned on/off (for e.g. harvester) and light status is saved and restored
  • Different colors in the list if a vehicle is selected, or currently used by a helper/Courseplay
  • Config Menu
    • Config is saved per savegame within modsSettings/VehicleExplorer/savegameX
    • Show/hide trains in the list
    • Show/hide station cranes in the list (No idea if that actually works, would need a map with a crane to test)
    • Show/hide steerable implements/trailers (e.g. forwarder trailer with crane)
    • Show/hide brand names in the list
    • Show/hide your own name when you enter a vehicle
    • Show/hide horse power in the list
    • Show/hide fill levels in the list
    • Show/hide implements in the list
    • Show/hide store images
    • Show/hide infobox
    • Move infobox up/down
    • Show/hide a background for the infobox/store image
    • Change text size
    • Change text alignment
    • Change list background transparency
    • Enable/disable saving of the additional vehicle status (motor, turnedOn, lights)
    • Show/hide keybindings in the game F1 help menu (needs a game restart to take affect)
    • Clean vehicle & implements on a repair
  • Tardis integration
    • With Tardis ( you can teleport yourself AND your vehicles to any position on the map
    • With VehicleExplorer & Tardis you can select a vehicle on the list, and teleport that to any location without entering it. You can also configure if you want to enter the vehicle after teleportation or just drop the vehicle to another location
    • With Tardis Map Hotspots you can again, select a vehicle and quickly teleport that to one of those hotspots

Known issues

  • Although you can change all the keyboard bindings, the mouse actions are hardcoded for now
    • Left mouse click: Enter vehicle
    • Right mouse click: Select vehicle (to e.g. move it)
    • Right mouse click: Change value in the config menu
    • Mouse wheel: Selection up/down in list
  • The actual 'tab order' of vehicles is not changed -> Workaround available
  • Metric measuring units are used
  • Max of three columns. If you've more vehicles (which would be insane anyways ;) , just disable the display of brand name etc
  • A wrong value for horse power is displayed for trains
  • Sometimes selling or resetting a vehicle is causing a flickering of the vehicle list. I've already an idea why, just have to look more into it. As a workaround you just have to move any vehicle a position up or down, then a reshuffle is triggered and the list is rendered properly again.
  • If a train is parked, although this state gets saved, on loading a savegame it's not restored. So the train is tabbable.

Incompatible Mods

  • SpeedControl
    • Actually both work fine side by side. There is just a keybinding overlap. So you've to set new keybindings through the game menu for Key 1, Key 2, Key NumPad Plus, Key NumPad Minus
    • Changed the default keybinding. So there is no overlap anymore.

Default Keybinding

Key Combi Action
LAlt + v Show/hide vehicle list
LAlt + KeyPad Minus Show/hide config menu
KeyPad Enter Enter vehicle
LAlt + p Toggle parking
LAlt + KeyPad 5 Select item (for moving the vehicle) or to change values in the config
LAlt + KeyPad 8 Move up in the list/config
LAlt + KeyPad 2 Move down in the list/config
LAlt + 1 Move up fast in the list/config
LAlt + 2 Move down fast in the list/config
LAlt + R Repair vehicle incl. implements
Tab Next vehicle; VeEx own switch vehicle implementation (necessary to tab through vehicles in your own order)
Shift + Tab Previous vehicle; VeEx own switch vehicle implementation (necessary to tab through vehicles in your own order)
Mouse Left Enter vehicle
Mouse Right Select item/change values in config
Mouse Wheel List up/down

_ If you want to use the 'sorted tabbing', make sure you drop the default key binding in the game menu. I didn't find a way to overwrite the default vehicle switching, and I think it's better to let you, the user, this choice anyways. _

Meaning of colors used

Color Meaning
White Standard
Green Current player is controlling vehicle
Orange Vehicle selected
Red Vehicle locked (necessary to move it up/down in the list)
Grey Vehicle is parked
Blue Vehicle is controlled by AI (Helper or Courseplay)
Light Pink Vehicle is controlled by FollowMe (not yet available)
Yellow Engine is running

Note that the current version does NOT support multiplayer!

There were reports that VehicleExplorer does work in MP if you simply change the moddesc.xml. Although I assume not everything works then. Anyways, I decided to work on a MP version. Just have no idea yet till when it will be available.


Primarily to Dschonny & Slivicon. At least those are the names which were mentioned in the FS17 VehicleSort I used as a foundation. But the majority of code has changed anyways. Also Kudos to the guys and gals from CoursePlay, VehicleInspector, VehicleFruitHud, EnhancedVehicle and many more for some inspiration and ideas. Additionally Ifko[nator] for the RegisterSpecialization script.

Latest Version - I consider it as Beta. I tested it quite a lot myself, but hope for some helpful feedback from the community.


  • 02 Mar 08:27

    * Kran-Reihenfolge wird jetzt gespeichert und wieder entsprechend geladen
    * Store-Bild von Kränen wird wieder angezeigt
    * Einen Bug behoben wenn VeEx ohne Tardis verwendet wurde

    * Crane order is now saved and restored properly
    * Store image of cranes is visible
    * Fixed an issue when VeEx was used without Tardis

  • 25 Feb 07:32

    * 'Flackern' beim Verkauf oder Zurücksetzen von Fahrzeugen
    * Reihenfolge wird durcheinand gebracht beim Verkaufen oder Zurücksetzen von Fahrzeugen
    * Parken von Zügen wird jetzt auch beim laden wiederhergestellt. Sowie der Motorstatus

    * Anbaugerätestatus (gesenkt, eingeschaltet) wird in der Infobox angezeigt

    Noch offene Probleme:
    * Reihenfolge von Kränen wird nicht gespeichert/wiederhergestellt. Diese werden in der items.xml gespeichert und die Funktionen fürs speichern/laden funktionieren anderst.

    * 'Flickering' list after selling/resetting vehicles
    * Screw up of order when selling/resetting vehicles
    * Parking state of trains get properly loaded now. As well as the motor status.

    * Implement status (lowered, turned on) is show in the info box

    Still open issues:
    * Crane order doesn't get saved/restored yet. These get saved in the items.xml, and the save/load methods are different.

  • 20 Feb 22:15

    * Verschmutzung und Diesel/AdBlue wird jetzt in der Infobox angezeigt
    * Fahrzeug beim reparieren auch waschen
    * Integration mit Tardis
    * Config Optionen angeordnet
    * Mehrere neue Konfigurationsoptionen

    * Dirt level and Diesel/DEV are shown in the info box
    * Vehicle can get cleaned on repair
    * Integration with Tardis
    * Ordered config items
    * Several new config options

  • 16 Feb 13:15

    * Problem mit Kränen behoben (hoffentlich ein für alle mal). Generell bessere Logik um Fahrzeuge ohne Anbaugeräte zu handhaben
    * Farberklärung im Readme erstellt

    * Fixed the regression which broke cranes again. Now have a better logic to handle vehicles without implements.
    * Added the color meanings to the Readme

  • 15 Feb 21:05

    * Fixed the issue that parked vehicles don't get saved
    * Custom Tab-Switching which respects the ordered list. Just remove the default Tab & Shift+Tab keybinding within the game so that VeEx owns those keys
    * Vehicle List can now be configured to be aligned left/right/centered within the config menu

  • 15 Feb 00:12

    * Added background for image & infobox. Should be nicer and easier to read. Furthermore added the config options to enable/disable that.
    * Taking care of station cranes now too. Furthermore no PS/HP are shown for trains anymore, as the calculation based on torqueScale apparently doesn't work there anymore.
    * Furthermore added a check in case there are no vehicles to display so that no callstacks get thrown. Will display a blinking warning message now instead.
    * Fixed the repair thingy. Just a stupid mistake that I used the wrong id
    * Changed the wording from wear(Abnutzung) to damage(Schaden). There are different methods for Wear vs. Damage, and based on the LUA doc getVehicleDamage is considering more factors
    * Some modifications around the status save. Thought the lua callstacks around shaders were caused by that. But it's definitely not caused by Vehicle Explorer. Anyways, now the beacon lights and turn lights get saved too, as well as it's just getting saved if lights were actually turned on.

  • 13 Feb 20:54


checksum: 6f02a5c3ee0d11492089f12e76e18083
multiplayer ready? no
Author: sperrgebiet
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13.02 2019
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7 Comments for VehicleExplorer

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  1. sperrgebiet 02. 03 2019
    Bald auf Modhoster, in der Zwischenzeit auf:

    Siehe changelog. Primärer Fix:
    *Kran-Reihenfolge wird jetzt gespeichert/wiederhergestellt

    Ich habe festgestellt, dass durch den Workaround der Tab-Reihenfolge (entfernen von Tab, Shift+Tab von der Standardbelegung) auch das landscaping beeinträchtigt ist. Man muss also eine Alternative festlegen, damit man die Texturen im landscaping ändern kann. Da bin ich noch dran wie man das schöner lösen kann.

    See changelog: Primary fix:
    * Crane order gets saved/restored properly

    I realized that because of the "Tab workaround" (removing Tab / Tab+Shift from the default keybindings) the landscaping gets influenced. So you have to set a alternative keybinding for Next Vehicle/Previous Vehicle so that you can change the textures within the landscaping tool. Still looking into it to find a proper solution.

  2. tigrecita 16. 11 2024

    Hallo, eine Frage: Gibts diesen Mod auch mal für den FS25 ? Das ist ein genialer Mod, vor allem zum Parkieren der Fahrzeuge

  3. Kallly 26. 04 2021

    Vielen Dank. Jetzt kann ich meinen Fuhrpark endlich mal sortieren.

  4. Miran 19. 03 2021

    Toller Mod. Meine Maustasten machen zwar nicht immer das, was sie wollen, mal wird mit der Linken zum Fahrzeug gesprungen, beim nächsten Fahrzeug wird es nur ausgewählt und ich muss zwei Mal Links klicken um wieder ein neues Fahrzeug auswählen zu können. Aber damit kann ich leben.

  5. StukaRT 25. 10 2020

    Hey, die Mod ist super nützlich finde ich. Wird noch an ner MP Funktionalität gearbeitet? Eigtl. geht alles, man müsste nur die Fahrzeuge der andren Farmen beim laden rausfiltern. Kenn mich da leider zuwenig mit LUA aus.

  6. V 0921 bringt folgenden log:

    2019-03-01 21:06 C:/Users/User/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_VehicleExplorer/VehicleSort.lua:180: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got nil)

  7. SavageModding 25. 02 2019

    Version requires Tardis to function. Without Tardis, an error shows in the log and game will not start after loading.
