
V 0.5 Beta mod for Farming Simulator 19

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This mod is to give you the opportunity to change / reset some LS19 default values in the animals and more.

At Multiplayer/HostMp/DediServerMp and SinglePlayer games.

Current Version/next Version:

  • v0.3 - set Animals placeable Limit New (LS19 Default 10) NOT FOR HORSE (limit 2)
  • v0.3 - set Animals cleanLiness Off (over string)(each animal individually)
  • Info <acceptsAnimalCleanLinessOff>
  • v0.3 - set Animals cleanLiness On (true/false)
  • v0.3 - set Animal Visual Limit New (Performenc)
  • v0.4 - visual Display nearness Animals (XML On/Off) "Picture"

Is Edit XML then Restart Game/Server (NOT Reboot XML inGame)

animalPlaceableLimit exaggeratedly high ---> own risk

animalVisualLimit use for better Performenc


XML Settings File for Mod: (edit xml values ...)

.../LS19/modsSettings/AnimalsManager/animalsManagerSettings.xml <-------SP/HostMp

.../ServerRootDirectory/animalsManagerSettings.xml <-------DetiMp

Check Images Files:

ColorCode Description: Click here


Buglist for Current Version: Fix Check Not Reproducible Info

  •  ..



And if you do not like it should not load it :-)


1.Publication only with original download link. NO replacement link


2. Altering and re-uploading is not permitted


Modell: HappyLooser
Textur: HappyLooser
Script: HappyLooser
Idee / Konzept: LS19 Players
Tester: HappyLooser
Sonstige: HappyLooser

  • 10 Mar 14:45
    Version 0.5 Beta

    *Fix animalCleanLinessOff string

    *Update liter/dezimal 1.000 ---> 1000
    *Update visualHud Display near AnimalMenue Trigger(Door)

    *New SP optional edit horseBarn limit - default small 8 and large 16(sp over xml edit optional) see Picture
    *New optional visualHorseHud (prio High,VehicleFruit Hud Low)

  • 20 Jan 21:18
    Version 0.4 Beta

    *Fix client join server update
    *Fix animalVisualLimit update

    *New visualDisplay nearness animals (see images) over XML On/Off

  • 16 Jan 21:49
    Version 0.3 Beta


16.01 2019
Modhoster user rating
4.76 / 50 Votes


nach 59 Stimmen

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V 0.5 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
23.9 KB 2646
10. 03 2019 2,646
V 0.4 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
20.8 KB 1506
20. 01 2019 1,506
V 0.3 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
16.8 KB 1190
16. 01 2019 1,190

5 Comments for AnimalsManager

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  1. HappyLooser 30. 12 2020

    Support wird für diesen Mod wird eingestellt. Nutzt den MultiOverlayV3 Hud Mod.

  2. Catweazle_59 31. 12 2020

    Wo bekomme ich den MultiOverlayV3 HUD Mod? Suchmaschiene sagt mir den gibt es nur für LS17!

    1 replies

  3. knuuud 21. 01 2019

    First off: Super mod!

    now for my problem :P I can't get cleanliness working on my dedi server. I tried to change settings in all possible ways, but no luck. Am I missing something?

    2 replies

  4. Roby1164 20. 01 2019

    In single player, ok animal number works, while in multiplayer NO, tried in MP Host, and the animals are the usual 25 ...

    1 replies

  5. Roby1164 19. 01 2019

    Problem, the Animal Visual Limit, should limit the number of visible animals? In XML it is set to 10, but I continue or see many more ... I also tried to put 5, but it does not change anything ...

    1 replies
