Member since 11 / 2016
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Mod: Lands Of La Mancha
Ok, discovered that you need to buy the land, to activate the productions, and also that the nails can only be purchased in the shop ...
It would have been better if it was specified in the description....
Mod: Lands Of La Mancha
It does not work.
The BGA, the new productions, don't work, they exist as buildings, but no interactions, nor does the map show them as factories or outlets.
Mod: Real Dirt Color
The game does not start, lua file error:
/ Documents / My Games / FarmingSimulator2022 / mods / FS22_realDirtColor / src / rdcLoadSettings.lua: 72: attempt to concatenate field 'title' (a nil value)
Mod: Distribution Center
It is not clear how it should be used. From what you read, it should automatically replenish the productions present. But is there a maximum distance where to place it? Does it supply all productions, including greenhouses? I tried to place it near the Garden productions, which needs water, stocked with some water, but I don't see any transfer to the productions .....
Mod: LS22 Produktionen Pack
Ok thanks, now everything is ok
Mod: LS22 Produktionen Pack
Update, auch mit 2.6 habe ich das gleiche Problem, aber ich habe festgestellt, dass es einen Fehler in der Protokolldatei gibt, dieser:
2022-01-23 18:43 C:/Users/casro/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Paletten_Switty/fillTypes/pallets/bananaBoxPallet/bananaBoxPallet.i3d (3.59 ms)
2022-01-23 18:43 Error: No fillUnitIndex for fillType BANANA found, pallet:
2022-01-23 18:43 Error: No fillUnitIndex for fillType BANANA found, pallet:
2022-01-23 18:43 Error: No fillUnitIndex for fillType BANANA found, pallet:
2022-01-23 18:43 Error: No fillUnitIndex for fillType BANANA found, pallet:
2022-01-23 18:43 Error: No fillUnitIndex for fillType BANANA found, pallet:
2022-01-23 18:43 Error: No fillUnitIndex for fillType BANANA found, pallet:
2022-01-23 18:43 Error: No fillUnitIndex for fillType BANANA found, pallet:
2022-01-23 18:43 Error: No fillUnitIndex for fillType BANANA found, pallet:
Mod: LS22 Produktionen Pack
Entschuldigung für die Übersetzung.....
Ich habe ein Problem mit den Gewächshäusern, ich weiß nicht, ob es schon gemeldet wurde, aber solange die drei Standardfrüchte hergestellt werden, funktioniert alles gut, während mit den neuen Produkten, wenn die erste Palette herauskommt, sie weiterhin der Reihe nach herauskommen, ohne niemals aufzuhören, ich habe versucht herauszufinden, wo das Problem liegt, aber ich habe keine Fehler in der Protokolldatei, ich werde es mit m 2.6 versuchen, aber ich glaube nicht, dass ich Änderungen dafür gelesen habe Problem.
Mod: AnimalHud for Seasons Mod
Congratulations on the theft ... at least the correctness of not putting it on Uploaded and giving credit to those who changed the original.
Original :
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
Ok, great, I saw that those two entries remained, that actually sarebeb better to delete, I also change my file, and test it, if ok I change the file. I hope that xDeekay, read the post and maybe make an official version ...
Thank you too.
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
Look at this and my Fenton 4X by Stevie, as you can see, the pigs are seen correctly, and even in this map the stable is not the original, but it is a mod of the original.
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
In Felsbrunn, did you try the original pig barn or your mod? I still have the doubt that the problem is in the stable mod, which is not correctly recognized. check that there are no other errors in the log, concerning that stable.
I have tried various maps, and in none have I ever had that problem.
If you want, pass me the complete map, I try to load it and see what happens, I always keep in mind that, it could also be another mod, which creates the problem for you, you should try, without mod, in addition to Seasons and the animalhud.
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
Sorry but what map is it? I tried to download the one from the ModHub of farming, but, I don't see inside the stables, while in your xml file, it is reported as if the stable is present in the zip file of the map, but precisely in the zip, there is no animalHusbandry folder, so not even the various i3d and xml files ..
I think the problem is in the map, and not in the AnimalHud mod
If you can, try a basic map of the game, and try placing the pig barn, to see if it works ...
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
My modification only removed the potatoes and sugar beets, nothing else.
For your mistake, it's hard for me to understand the problem, but I have a doubt:
Have you started a new game with the Seasons Mod? If it were not so, and you sent an old game forward, didn't you have the full pig feeder? In that case, since the quantities have been drastically reduced with the Seasons, there may be too much feed. Check in the Items.xml file, in the cartelal of your save, looking for the barn of pigs, how much food it contains, and in case, reduce it, modifying the values, it depends on how many pigs you have, maybe you put everything to 0, it's not a great loss , bearing in mind that, in that file you might still see both potatoes and beets, but they are no longer used, so they must be at 0.
I don't understand what you mean, you don't see pigs ?? If you are referring to the Hud in play, it could be a problem of activation and / or combination of keys, check in the folder modsSetting, animalhud, in the xml file, if all the entries are true, in particular that of the pigs.
Mod: TMR production
One problem, the displays do not correctly indicate the Mischfutter, one indicates the quantity, while the other does not ..
Mod: Placeable lime production with level indicators
Two problems, see the photos:
One, the meter does not mark correctly, as you can see in the photo, I had just loaded 30000 liters of water, but the panel marks 19289 liters.
Two, the transparency in the windows .......
Mod: Greenhouses
The zip file name is incorrect, V.2 must be removed, otherwise it is not loaded by the game, and in the log, there is the error ...
Mod: EnhancedVehicle
After the FS update, we are having problems on the MP, that is, every time we re-enter the game, all the means are with the commands, back and forth, reversed .... but sometimes it does so also in SP. ..
Mod: VehicleFruit Hud
Problem, in multiplayer, on dedi server, the horse's hud, appears to all players, when one goes on horseback, overlapping the odometer, if it is on a vehicle
Mod: AnimalsManager
Ok found the problem, it was the map mod ..... test on the original map, everything is ok
Mod: AnimalsManager
This is my situation, set 5 animals, but as you can see in the picture, if you see 25 ...
Mod: AnimalsManager
Tested alone, as a multiplayer hoster, while in single player, set number animals to 5, actually you see 5, in multi player, continue to see the usual 25, as if there was not the mod ...
Mod: AnimalsManager
In single player, ok animal number works, while in multiplayer NO, tried in MP Host, and the animals are the usual 25 ...
Mod: AnimalsManager
For now tried only in single player
Mod: AnimalsManager
Problem, the Animal Visual Limit, should limit the number of visible animals? In XML it is set to 10, but I continue or see many more ... I also tried to put 5, but it does not change anything ...
Mod: HiredHelperTool
I wrote you a PM, for stalls animal....
Mod: HiredHelperTool
" HappyLooser 10:02
Ah Animals,hm limit is 10 yes
I check this "
I'm sure that if we have to wait for the Giants, for the correction, we are fried ... we are counting on you .... thanks
Mod: HiredHelperTool
No, HappyLooser, I'm talking about the possibility of placing the animal stables, which is limited to 10, both in SP and in MP, and in MP is very restrictive, if you play 3 or more, you can not get all the stalls.
Since you have done this mod, for the helpers, maybe you could be able to do that for the animal stables ....
Mod: HiredHelperTool
Since you did that for the Helper, is not that you can do what increases the number of positionable stables? since now the limit is fixed at 10, and multiplayer, this limit penalizes when playing in more than 2 players ... Thanks
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
And all right, apart from the problem horses, but it would be comfortable and I think more functional, if it were possible to make sure that, the hud, was displayed in this way, see photo, mdificato to give an idea:
Now, if you increase the font, to be more readable. this happens, see photo:
Or panes, would make it easier to identify the stable in question,
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
Problem, in multiplayer, the horses are seen in all the farms, while the other aninimals Ok, each one sees his stalls,
Excellent for the compaction solution and for the ON / OFF key
Mod: Animals HUD - animals number, levels, cleanliness
When for the new version?
Mod: DisplayOverviewHud
I do not understand what that data indicates, Capacity ?? See photos
Then the quantities of pallets present are not indicated, in fact, they are present at the stables.