
V 1.0 Beta mod for Farming Simulator 19

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The DisplayOverview Hud should give you a quick overview of your stock / sales prices / animals and more ads

---- v0.4 Beta or higher ---

F9 ON/OFF/ (reset (new) placeables objects disabled 1.0 or higher)

F11 MasterKeySwitch

F11 + left / right -> switch mode (modus edit Xml Settings File)

(Edit LS19 Keyboard Settings)

---- v0.4 Beta or higher ---

In multiplayer and single player games.


XML Settings File for Mod: (edit xml values ...)

... / LS19 / modsSettings / DisplayOverwieHud / displayOverviewHudSettings.xml <-------


New: rebootXmlESC value in XML File

If rebootXmlESC is true, you can change all Life Update data in the XML file in the XML file if you press 1xESC and leave once again. When you have finished your test phase, you should set the rebootXmlESC back to false to avoid unnecessary script tasks / calls. If you set something wrong or miss something, you may get error messages in LOG.TXT


ColorCode Description: Click here

Buglist for Current Version: Fix Check Not Reproducible Info

  • line Vertical disappear again and again


No more and no less


And if you do not like it should not load it :-)


1.Publication only with original download link. NO replacement link


2. Altering and re-uploading is not permitted


Modell: HappyLooser
Textur: HappyLooser
Script: HappyLooser
Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser
Tester: HappyLooser
Sonstige: HappyLooser

  • 12 Jan 18:42
    Version 1.0 Beta

    *Fix draw modus4-x ignore value XML,
    *Fix animals (colorBackground,colorLine,colorTxt) not loaded (XML)
    *Fix Diverses

    *New Mod On/Off = reset placeable disabled
    *New updateIntervalTimer for reset placeable (XML ...) -->Default 1,5 min tick
    *New updateIntervalTimer for HostServer (synchronize items ,bale pallet etc.) (XML ...) -->Default 1 min tick
    *New DetiServer MP Events for Items (synchronize bale,pallet etc.) 1 min tick
    *New bestPrices optional with switch (stationName priceTotal pricePerLiter) or ... (see )
    *New amounts (pallet,bale etc.)
    *New fillTypes optional (see only amounts with fillLevel)
    *New amounts optional (see +manure and +liquidManure animals)

  • 06 Jan 14:34
    Version 09 Beta

    *Fix txtSize XML Settings File (not loaded)
    *Fix large number(99.87868...)
    *Fix pallets (animals)
    *Fix Diverses

    *New view amount bales and Pallets(SP)

  • 02 Jan 21:11
    Version 0.8 Beta

    *Fix XML Settings File (not loaded)
    *Fix Small Bugs

    *New Animals Info
    modus..= animalPig animalCow etc.
    see XML Settings File accepts....

  • 29 Dec 23:11
    Version 0.6 Beta

    *Beta Status
    *Fix MP Features
    *New many many
    *see XML Settings File .../LS19/modsSettings/DisplayOverviewHud/displayOverviewHud.xml

  • 24 Dec 15:56
    Version 0.2 Alpha


24.12 2018
Modhoster user rating
4.73 / 80 Votes


nach 83 Stimmen

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V 1.0 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
29 KB 3146
12. 01 2019 3,146
V 09 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
29.2 KB 1342
06. 01 2019 1,342
V 0.8 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
28.6 KB 1352
02. 01 2019 1,352
2 ältere Versionen

9 Comments for DisplayOverviewHud

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  1. HappyLooser 30. 12 2020

    Support wird für diesen Mod wird eingestellt. Nutzt den MultiOverlayV3 Hud Mod.

  2. Webmeteor 21. 01 2021

    Und wo bekommen wir den MultiOverlayV3 Hud Mod?
    Den habe ich in LS15 und 17 immer genutzt. Vor allem um zwischen den Fahrzeugen zu wechseln.

    1 replies

  3. Trecker Toni 07. 07 2020

    hallo.bei mir funktioniert das nicht. habe nur die kleine liste links mit dem lagerbestand.
    und was hat es mit der xml änderung auf sich versteh das leider nicht.bitte um hilfe danke..

    1 replies

  4. Trecker Toni 06. 07 2020

    in welcher datei find ich das mit der schriftgrösse? gruss

  5. Roby1164 03. 01 2019

    I do not understand what that data indicates, Capacity ?? See photos
    Then the quantities of pallets present are not indicated, in fact, they are present at the stables.

    3 replies

  6. Roby1164 02. 01 2019

    To me not from information about animals, moving with the arrows, comes to the module 4, and says empty, even if there are animals ...

    2 replies

  7. Roby1164 31. 12 2018

    Not the character, the font size.
    It overlaps for example with the AnumalHud.

    1 replies

  8. Roby1164 30. 12 2018

    It would be better if the panel was positioned centrally, and not on the side, more or less as it was in farming17, as well as having the ability to vary the character .... now, positioned laterally, overlaps with other mods, and the character is small...

    1 replies

  9. Thank you HappyLooser and Merry Christmas
