Hi folks, as a follow-up to the wind power plant, I have worked on the Greenhouses of GIANTS. If you play on normal Mode, you need in the unmodified version about 417 hours (ingame time) to cover the costs. In light mode it is "only" about 278 hours :( Therefore, I have now adapted a bit and now you only need about 50 hours on easy or 58 hours on the difficulty Normal. You still have to take care of the buildings and keep them in place.
If you like this mod ou can use the buttons down below, give me some Feedback or some improvements.
Modell: GIANTS Software
Textur: GIANTS Software
Bearbeitet: Playn_me
02 Apr 18:38Version 2.1 mehr Kapazität
Bei der V.2 ist mir ein Fehler unterlaufen, ich hatte das V.2 im späteren Verlauf hinzugefügt, doch dadurch habe ich den Weg den das Spiel nimmt zerstört. Daher jetzt eine neue Version. Danke an Roby1164 der mich darauf hingewiesen hat. Ich habe jetzt nicht an der Version geändert außer den Name also keine neuen Features erwarten.
01 Apr 12:00Version 1.0
by Playn_me
ago almost 6 years
by Neroxc
ago almost 6 years
by Neroxc
ago almost 6 years
by Neroxc
ago almost 6 years
by Neroxc
ago almost 6 years
by Neroxc
ago almost 6 years
by Neroxc
ago almost 6 years
1 Comments for Greenhouses
The zip file name is incorrect, V.2 must be removed, otherwise it is not loaded by the game, and in the log, there is the error ...