VehicleFruit Hud

V 0.53 Beta mod for Farming Simulator 19

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This mod extends the LS19 own VehicleFruit Hud with the following additional information.

Fill / Fruit Name, Fill Percent, Capacity

And on user request the VehicleScheam which is above in LS19 above the control, this one can put on 3x positions (1-3) and ideally also zooming. For screen matching there is a schemaFixY value because you can use. Everything depends on your IngameHud scaling.


XML Settings File for Mod:

.../LS19/modsSettings/VehicleFruitHud/vehicleFruitHudSettings.xml <-------

Description: Hier Klick

ColorCodes: (Hier Klick) Value RGB

For Green so 0,255,0 ---> R=0/255, G=255/255, B=0/255 is

colorR=0.000000, colorG=1.000000, colorB=0.00000, colorA=1.000000

XML Settings File edit

ColorCode Description: Hier Klick

Bug Reports for current Version: Fix Check Not Reproducible Info


No more and no less

And if you do not like it should not load it :-)


1.Publication only with original download link. NO replacement link

2. Altering and re-uploading is not permitted



Modell: HappyLooser
Textur: HappyLooser
Script: HappyLooser
Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser
Tester: HappyLooser
Sonstige: HappyLooser

  • 17 Feb 13:28
    Version 0.53 Beta

    *Fix Double Display (1.3 Beta Patch)
    *New set optional background (FillLevelDisplay)
    *New Ready for 1.3 Patch (name,prozent,filllevel disabled)

  • 10 Feb 13:44
    Version 0.52 Beta

    *FIX MP/Host VehicleFruitHorseHud (Double Display)

  • 27 Jan 09:54
    Version 0.5 Beta

    *Fix VehicleFruitHud true/false (not loaded over XML)

    *New optional VehicleFruitHorse Hud (Horse Riding) (see XML )
    *New performenc check

  • 04 Dec 19:29
    Version 0.45 Beta

    *Fix Comaptible with VehicleInspector Mod
    *New optional slide Effect POS X Fix over XML

  • 29 Nov 17:24
    Version 0.4 Beta

    -Fix schemaPos
    -Fix AutoSize for LongName
    -New Pos 1-5 see HelpImage
    -New XML value "namePosAutoSize" (can mod fix longName is optional)
    -New XML value "txtBold"

  • 28 Nov 17:28
    Version 0.3 Beta

    -XML Settings File (vehicleFruitHudSettings.xml)
    -FruitName Text Color optional
    -FruitName Pos optional
    -FruitName On/Off optional
    -FruitCapacity On/Off optional
    -FruitProzent On/Off optional
    -VehicleSchema Pos optional
    -VehicleSchema Zoom optional
    -VehicleSchema Fix Y optional

  • 27 Nov 18:59
    Version 0.2 Beta


checksum: 082051688d557dd4bcfa99cad0545400
Version: 0.53 Beta
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: HappyLooser
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

27.11 2018
Modhoster user rating
4.93 / 466 Votes


nach 508 Stimmen

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V 0.53 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
36.7 KB 17777
17. 02 2019 17,777
V 0.52 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
36.3 KB 4276
10. 02 2019 4,276
V 0.5 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
36.2 KB 6669
27. 01 2019 6,669
4 ältere Versionen

13 Comments for VehicleFruit Hud

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  1. punzi01 01. 09 2020

    toller mod. würde mich freuen wen du bei der Preistabelle auch die Früchte beschriften könntest. Weiter so!

  2. retiredegs 18. 02 2019

    HappyLooser thank you very much, this mod as well as Individual HUD fruits are great. one question i have is there a way to combine the two together, so you can have the individual HUD fruits icons on the

  3. Roby1164 27. 01 2019

    Problem, in multiplayer, on dedi server, the horse's hud, appears to all players, when one goes on horseback, overlapping the odometer, if it is on a vehicle

    1 replies

  4. Mirdochegal 02. 01 2019

    Supper Supper Supper Mod das Problem ist schon mal gelöst.
    Danke und weiter so.

  5. joshmiller83 16. 12 2018

    Can we please get an in-game config screen? Much easier than editing a xml file.

    KeyboardSteer has something like it already! :)

    1 replies

  6. criss20ster 06. 12 2018

    Could you fixed smaller letter text ?

  7. ok loaded up v.04 and loosk lot better for me now, just 1 thing when closing help menu top left (F1) the position the tractor whit implemrnts go I like that position between the fruit on the left of it and gauge on the right of it., but do not seem to be able to get it there when changing number for it. When opening F1 it hops/moves to the right of the gauge. Unless I missed a number maybe that can be added in a future update?

    1 replies

  8. Gonimy_Vetrom 28. 11 2018

    Thank. I dreamed about changing the VehicleSchema position before the game was released. And you did it! Now it is convenient.

  9. jacekstepien 28. 11 2018

    sugarbeet text small

  10. Ow i see new picture, you managed to put left top tractor and implements to bottom right. That is awesome HappyLooser, cant wait to try it out once uploaded

  11. Pappnase 28. 11 2018

    mal ein richtig cooler Mod

  12. LittleMaxx 27. 11 2018

    Great mod. Thanks for this.

  13. Thank you for this, glad it is up and running again
