HappyLooser thank you very much, this mod as well as Individual HUD fruits are great. one question i have is there a way to combine the two together, so you can have the individual HUD fruits icons on the
Problem, in multiplayer, on dedi server, the horse's hud, appears to all players, when one goes on horseback, overlapping the odometer, if it is on a vehicle
I have the same bug, but for us, it is bit different. We are 2 people on the map (dedi server) and the one who is riding doesn't see the overlay for the horse, but the one who is not riding has it over the odometer ;-) no big deal, still nice mod. thanks.
ok loaded up v.04 and loosk lot better for me now, just 1 thing when closing help menu top left (F1) the position the tractor whit implemrnts go I like that position between the fruit on the left of it and gauge on the right of it., but do not seem to be able to get it there when changing number for it. When opening F1 it hops/moves to the right of the gauge. Unless I missed a number maybe that can be added in a future update?
Ow i see new picture, you managed to put left top tractor and implements to bottom right. That is awesome HappyLooser, cant wait to try it out once uploaded
13 Comments for VehicleFruit Hud
toller mod. würde mich freuen wen du bei der Preistabelle auch die Früchte beschriften könntest. Weiter so!
HappyLooser thank you very much, this mod as well as Individual HUD fruits are great. one question i have is there a way to combine the two together, so you can have the individual HUD fruits icons on the
Problem, in multiplayer, on dedi server, the horse's hud, appears to all players, when one goes on horseback, overlapping the odometer, if it is on a vehicle
Supper Supper Supper Mod das Problem ist schon mal gelöst.
Danke und weiter so.
Can we please get an in-game config screen? Much easier than editing a xml file.
KeyboardSteer has something like it already! :)
Could you fixed smaller letter text ?
ok loaded up v.04 and loosk lot better for me now, just 1 thing when closing help menu top left (F1) the position the tractor whit implemrnts go I like that position between the fruit on the left of it and gauge on the right of it., but do not seem to be able to get it there when changing number for it. When opening F1 it hops/moves to the right of the gauge. Unless I missed a number maybe that can be added in a future update?
Thank. I dreamed about changing the VehicleSchema position before the game was released. And you did it! Now it is convenient.
sugarbeet text small
Ow i see new picture, you managed to put left top tractor and implements to bottom right. That is awesome HappyLooser, cant wait to try it out once uploaded
mal ein richtig cooler Mod
Great mod. Thanks for this.
Thank you for this, glad it is up and running again