now for my problem :P I can't get cleanliness working on my dedi server. I tried to change settings in all possible ways, but no luck. Am I missing something?
Tested alone, as a multiplayer hoster, while in single player, set number animals to 5, actually you see 5, in multi player, continue to see the usual 25, as if there was not the mod ...
Problem, the Animal Visual Limit, should limit the number of visible animals? In XML it is set to 10, but I continue or see many more ... I also tried to put 5, but it does not change anything ...
5 Comments for AnimalsManager
Support wird für diesen Mod wird eingestellt. Nutzt den MultiOverlayV3 Hud Mod.
Wo bekomme ich den MultiOverlayV3 HUD Mod? Suchmaschiene sagt mir den gibt es nur für LS17!
First off: Super mod!
now for my problem :P I can't get cleanliness working on my dedi server. I tried to change settings in all possible ways, but no luck. Am I missing something?
In single player, ok animal number works, while in multiplayer NO, tried in MP Host, and the animals are the usual 25 ...
Problem, the Animal Visual Limit, should limit the number of visible animals? In XML it is set to 10, but I continue or see many more ... I also tried to put 5, but it does not change anything ...