Userprofile of justcallmefred
Member since 11 / 2012

Punkte: 328
Level 7
Rank: #6909
First name: Jeffrey Age & Gender: 54 m City: Greenville Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About justcallmefred

no entry
  1. Mod: OGF USA MAP 2018
    As always, you do some amazing work. Thank you so much !

  2. Mod: FS15 County Line
    I understand your need to modify some files, but why can't you do what other mod authors did and rename them ?? I use Mod Manager so it's easy to make a profile , but when you don't rename them it's not worth it for one map.

  3. Mod: Clover Creek
    I understand your need to modify some files, but why can't you do what other mod authors did and rename them ?? I use Mod Manager so it's easy to make a profile , but when you don't rename them it's not worth it for one map.

  4. Mod: John Deere 8400 American
    Is the log error free ?

  5. Mod: Baldeykino
    Could someone please tell me the name of the animated 2d trees used on this map ? I would like to edit my copy and install all 3d .In the GE i have been unsuccessful at clicking on them or finding the name

  6. Mod: John Deere 8520T
    That's the one I was thinking of, sorry

  7. Mod: John Deere 8520T
    Wasn't this released awhile ago , same tractor ?

  8. Mod: HTZ T-150K PACK
    Is the log error free ?

  9. Mod: Green River 2016
    A very nice map.....only criticism is I like to see more junk and clutter....there is no 'clean' farms :)

    1 replies

  10. Mod: MAN TGS VIP Mods Pack
    Well, if you have made no changes to the mod and then upload are the cheater. If Setka took mods and fixed all the errors , improved the me that is all different.

    2 replies

    1. borutcebulj 06. 01 2016

      Mod: MAN TGS VIP Mods Pack
      OK if you think so ... but look it this way ... if I wouldnt edited original MAN to this one ...
      ... then surelly he would not be able to sell it as "his own" VIP mod. Agree?

    2. Stephan007 06. 01 2016

      Mod: MAN TGS VIP Mods Pack
      agree with you fred, btw, i´ve downloadet the VIP mods for free a few hours ago, they working well and they have no errors (original mods have errors). greetz

      1 replies

  11. Mod: ExtreNort 2016
    Do you have permission to upload here ?

    1 replies

  12. Mod: VIP PACKS
    Thanks a lot. Thanks to the uploader Setka has decided to quit modding. YOU RUINED IT FOR EVERYONE !!!!!

    3 replies

  13. Mod: Belgique profonde
    Can you explain out just what you did ?

  14. Mod: Small Harvester Pack
    Is the log error free ?

    1 replies

  15. Mod: OGF USA
    AnimationMapTrigger installed?

  16. Mod: OGF USA
    Amazing work ! I just noticed a few things. PDA needs to be cleaned up, a few icons need fixing ( sheep icon near military base, e.t.c. ). The cow barn could have better placement for the milker ( could be worse though :) ). After buying the cow barn addition, on the lower floor, after opening the doors, can see ground in the back ( there again, could be worse :) ) . Wonderful job, very few U.S. maps out there besides the Manchester Map.

  17. Mod: Somewhere in Thuringia
    Where can I store the straw ?

  18. Mod: FahrsiloExtension
    Are there 2 stages of fermenting with this ? I uncovered the bunker and it still looks green , not brown and it won't let me dump it at the BGA .Can someone please explain ?

  19. Mod: ModmanagerPro
    I want to backup and swap saved....not auto save

  20. Mod: ModmanagerPro
    Is it possible to add a feature to do backups and restore of saved games ? FS 11 mod manager had this feature , would love to see it again

    1 replies

  21. Mod: NotThatBigWindTurbine
    is the log error free ?

  22. Mod: Mod manager
    Will this ever be in english ? If it is , I cannot see how to change it. Please , please , can someone make an english version....please.

    1 replies

  23. Mod: Mod manager
    Will you ever be adding a feature to backup saved games, and the ability to swap them out ? I really miss that from fs 11

  24. Mod: FahrsiloExtension
    I cannot seem to empty the bunker at the BGA into the 'grinder' . Bucket fills, but when I try to empty it won't. Iron Horse map . is it something I did wrong ?

  25. Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
    All the mods downloaded and installed.....Same error

  26. Mod: drive control
    Could someone explain to me how to turn off the shuttle feature and the parking brake ? My son has difficulty with this

    1 replies

  27. Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
    Wouldn't let me even open the map

    1 replies

  28. Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
    Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 128 fill types are supported
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Sprayer.lua(40) : table index is nil

    2 replies

  29. Mod: MY Dolgosfalva
    If it had junk and clutter around it would be a little better, good job though !

  30. Mod: John Deere 8530
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/xxxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//JohnDeere8530_USA_Pack/scripts/ShiftableMassEvent.lua'.

  31. Mod: OGF FARM
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/xxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//OGF_MAP15/huds/'.

  32. Mod: Knuston Farm Extended
    Installed with the needed mods.Not even showing up

  33. Mod: Ackendorf
    I meant , I read 20 pages . plus I looked all over the forum for this error , or something related

  34. Mod: Ackendorf
    I read through all 2 pages on your forum, Ackendorf support. Saw no mention of this error . Could you be so kind as to point it out , please , thank you

  35. Mod: Ackendorf
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    C:/Users/xxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Ackendorf/map/Scripte/weightStationVehicle.lua:61: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'fruitWeightFactor' (a nil value)

    1 replies

    1. Atabogo 15. 11 2015

      Mod: Ackendorf
      Schau mal ins Forum da gibt es genug hinweise zu deinem Problem.


      2 replies

  36. Mod: Klein Neudorf
    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/xxxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Klein_Neudorf_15/map/scripts/GMM_Reg.lua'.

  37. Mod: John Deere 8530
    USA Version

    Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/xxxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//JohnDeere8530_USA_Pack/scripts/ShiftableMassEvent.lua'.

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