Member since 11 / 2012
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Mod: OGF USA MAP 2018
As always, you do some amazing work. Thank you so much !
Mod: FS15 County Line
I understand your need to modify some files, but why can't you do what other mod authors did and rename them ?? I use Mod Manager so it's easy to make a profile , but when you don't rename them it's not worth it for one map.
Mod: Clover Creek
I understand your need to modify some files, but why can't you do what other mod authors did and rename them ?? I use Mod Manager so it's easy to make a profile , but when you don't rename them it's not worth it for one map.
Mod: John Deere 8400 American
Is the log error free ?
Mod: Baldeykino
Could someone please tell me the name of the animated 2d trees used on this map ? I would like to edit my copy and install all 3d .In the GE i have been unsuccessful at clicking on them or finding the name
Mod: John Deere 8520T
That's the one I was thinking of, sorry
Mod: John Deere 8520T
John Deere 8430T
Mod: John Deere 8520T
Wasn't this released awhile ago , same tractor ?
Mod: HTZ T-150K PACK
Is the log error free ?
Mod: Green River 2016
A very nice map.....only criticism is I like to see more junk and clutter....there is no 'clean' farms :)
Mod: MAN TGS VIP Mods Pack
Well, if you have made no changes to the mod and then upload are the cheater. If Setka took mods and fixed all the errors , improved the me that is all different.
Mod: MAN TGS VIP Mods Pack
OK if you think so ... but look it this way ... if I wouldnt edited original MAN to this one ...
... then surelly he would not be able to sell it as "his own" VIP mod. Agree?
Mod: MAN TGS VIP Mods Pack
agree with you fred, btw, i´ve downloadet the VIP mods for free a few hours ago, they working well and they have no errors (original mods have errors). greetz
Mod: ExtreNort 2016
Do you have permission to upload here ?
Thanks a lot. Thanks to the uploader Setka has decided to quit modding. YOU RUINED IT FOR EVERYONE !!!!!
Mod: Belgique profonde
Can you explain out just what you did ?
Mod: Small Harvester Pack
Is the log error free ?
AnimationMapTrigger installed?
Amazing work ! I just noticed a few things. PDA needs to be cleaned up, a few icons need fixing ( sheep icon near military base, e.t.c. ). The cow barn could have better placement for the milker ( could be worse though :) ). After buying the cow barn addition, on the lower floor, after opening the doors, can see ground in the back ( there again, could be worse :) ) . Wonderful job, very few U.S. maps out there besides the Manchester Map.
Mod: Somewhere in Thuringia
Where can I store the straw ?
Mod: FahrsiloExtension
Are there 2 stages of fermenting with this ? I uncovered the bunker and it still looks green , not brown and it won't let me dump it at the BGA .Can someone please explain ?
Mod: ModmanagerPro
I want to backup and swap saved....not auto save
Mod: ModmanagerPro
Is it possible to add a feature to do backups and restore of saved games ? FS 11 mod manager had this feature , would love to see it again
Mod: NotThatBigWindTurbine
is the log error free ?
Mod: Mod manager
Will this ever be in english ? If it is , I cannot see how to change it. Please , please , can someone make an english version....please.
Mod: Mod manager
Will you ever be adding a feature to backup saved games, and the ability to swap them out ? I really miss that from fs 11
Mod: FahrsiloExtension
I cannot seem to empty the bunker at the BGA into the 'grinder' . Bucket fills, but when I try to empty it won't. Iron Horse map . is it something I did wrong ?
Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
All the mods downloaded and installed.....Same error
Mod: drive control
Could someone explain to me how to turn off the shuttle feature and the parking brake ? My son has difficulty with this
Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
Wouldn't let me even open the map
Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 128 fill types are supported
Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Sprayer.lua(40) : table index is nil
Mod: MY Dolgosfalva
If it had junk and clutter around it would be a little better, good job though !
Mod: John Deere 8530
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/xxxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//JohnDeere8530_USA_Pack/scripts/ShiftableMassEvent.lua'.
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/xxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//OGF_MAP15/huds/'.
Mod: Knuston Farm Extended
Installed with the needed mods.Not even showing up
Mod: Ackendorf
I meant , I read 20 pages . plus I looked all over the forum for this error , or something related
Mod: Ackendorf
I read through all 2 pages on your forum, Ackendorf support. Saw no mention of this error . Could you be so kind as to point it out , please , thank you
Mod: Ackendorf
Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
C:/Users/xxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Ackendorf/map/Scripte/weightStationVehicle.lua:61: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'fruitWeightFactor' (a nil value)
Mod: Ackendorf
Schau mal ins Forum da gibt es genug hinweise zu deinem Problem.
Mod: Klein Neudorf
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/xxxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Klein_Neudorf_15/map/scripts/GMM_Reg.lua'.
Mod: John Deere 8530
USA Version
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/xxxxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//JohnDeere8530_USA_Pack/scripts/ShiftableMassEvent.lua'.