Green River 2016

V 2.3 Multifruit mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Green River in 2016


Welcome to the Green River Map 2016th v2.3 Multifruit


Here you can be a farmer who wants to be able to seed and harvest more than 160 acres of fields! Or you can go and plant trees and be a lumberjack There is a quite large Forest!

I wish al of you a good time in the Green River Map 2016 Enjoy! Kind Regards, Richard / NLD Farmers



What can you find in the map;


Main farm with cows, sheeps, Chickens

Pig, Beef, Chicken and Fattening Fattening Goose

Biogass Facility

Contracter where you can therefore store your grains.

Vehicle shop.

Multiple Farm Shops, The Balloon Tree, Blacker Hall, and where you can sell your Drewtons Crops Wool and Eggs.

The Butcher where you can sell, pig, beef, goose and chicken.

Allgreen Energy where you can store and sell woodchips.

Milk Factory (no function).

Sawmill where you can sell your trees.

Garde shop where you can sell grass, Manue and Liquid Manure.

A large forestry area.


More than 160 acres of fields!




Wheat, Barely, Canola, Corn, Potatoes, Sugar Beets, Sunflower, Luzerne, Oat, Rye, Klee


required mods:





Kotte Universal Pack tank

ChoppedStraw V 15.0.05

Fliegl Livestock Pack




NLD Farmers By Richard, Jaguar95, Modding Welt, Giants, CebuljCek, Mythic modding, Mike, bluebaby210, Vertexdezign, Katsuo, Dutch Agricultural Modelling, steffen30Muc, Buschi,

Xentro, Fatian, chris1988, Eifok team Glower15, ReFFarmer, Fatian, Marhu, Luxfarm, Steffen30muc, Nick98.1, Niggels, rafftnix, BM modding, Vertex Design,

fruktor, fendt2000, MadMax, Swiftpaw, Marhu, Farmer_Andy, RC-Devil, mkausen, Farmer_Andy, Farming Place, bluebaby210, manni_112, SoftFOX, Xentro, polygon A,

I would like to thank al the modders for using Their objects, buildings, textures ..

I hope i do not forget someone in my credits, if i forgot you let me know and I will add you to the credits.

And a special thank you for the v2.3 Multifruit to Jaguar95



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NLD Farmers By Richard, Jaguar, Modding Welt, Giants, CebuljCek, Mythic Modding, Mike, bluebaby210, Vertexdezign, Katsuo, Dutch Agricultural Modelling, steffen30Muc, Buschi, Xentro, Fatian, CHRIS1988, Eifok Team, Glower15, ReFFarmer, Fatian, Marhu, Luxfarm, Steffen30muc, Nick98.1, Niggels, rafftnix, BM Modding, Vertexdesign, fruktor, fendt2000, MadMax, GoldFox, Marhu, Farmer_Andy, RC-Devil, mkausen, Farmer_Andy, Farming Place, bluebaby210, manni_112, softfox, Xentro, m4ppj3cts, And all the rest of the modders that i not have mentioned, but i used object from.

  • 06 Mar 15:49
    Version 2.3 Multifruit

    Added Multifruit.
    - Sunflower
    - Luzerne
    - Oat
    - Rye
    - Klee

    Added Straw and Hay bales to grass/straw storage.
    Changed biogass bunkercapacity and bunker speed set a bit higher.
    Changed field dimmensions.
    Changed some object textures.

  • 14 Feb 10:54
    Version 2.2

    Manure and Liquid manure texture changed.
    Added pda icons beef, pig and fattening chicken.
    Added atm icons.
    Replaced the planes of the storage for grass, straw and silage.
    Removed a bump in grass field next to the cows.
    Changed navimesh of the cows, 1 whas stuck in the corner.
    Placed the trigger of the potatos and sugarbeet a bit more outside the shed.
    Added a hole at the grain storage, Added a hole at bioass for manure.
    Replaced some lights, an added extra lights.
    New trigger for Blacker Hall.
    Added milk fill trigger and selling point.
    Added bale selling point.
    Changed prices for the Butcher.
    Added 2 extra atm's.
    Added traffic.
    Changed/replaced some trees.
    Added some small things.
    Changed some object for new models.
    Added a entry to cows grass field.
    Changed some field dimmentions.

    Added Map Buyable Objects,
    Wind park, with daily income.
    Machine shed at the beef and pigs.
    Forest lease agreement.

  • 10 Jan 14:01
    Version 2.1


checksum: 9c49fba3157852b50b9c3f8b093782d4
Version: 2.3 Multifruit
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Ifko[nator] - -
price in shop: LS
name in shop: GreenRiver 2016 v2.3
description in shop: Welcome in the Green River map. I hope you will enjoy my map, for questions or issues please contact us at or by email.
checksum: 9c49fba3157852b50b9c3f8b093782d4
Version: 2.3 Multifruit
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Richard,
price in shop: LS
name in shop: GreenRiver 2016 v2.3
description in shop: Welcome in the Green River map. I hope you will enjoy my map, for questions or issues please contact us at or by email.

10.01 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.26 / 54 Votes


nach 42 Stimmen

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V 2.3 Multifruit
Farming Simulator 15
497 MB 7856
06. 03 2016 7,856
V 2.2
Farming Simulator 15
477 MB 4032
14. 02 2016 4,032
V 2.1
Farming Simulator 15
459 MB 7169
10. 01 2016 7,169

10 Comments for Green River 2016

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  1. grandma 05. 05 2016


    i have a problem with the silage storage next to the mix feeder. i'm not able to fill it with silage.

    Has someone a idee why it doesn't work?
    The straw storage on the left side and the grass storage in the middle can be filled.

    Gruß Marc

    1 replies

  2. Can you please make reflectorpaaltjes than this map is perfekt.

  3. mauriciocard 05. 04 2016

    you are of congratulations for your map so I have some doubts at the time that I phaco silage in biogas and vo to sell those barrels are black fills it does not sell why?

  4. Luscion 11. 03 2016

    This is one of the best maps i've played. The only real thing i'm sad about with this map is that its not soilmod compatible

  5. princedu49 20. 02 2016

    Hello, I'll go solo on this map which I think should be enjoyable to play. I intend to exploit every corner and also you post my comments if this can help you improve this map to a prométeur future.
    Sincerely Princedu49

    1 replies

  6. macenkodenis 14. 02 2016

    Make trees random rotated and height scaled to make them more realistic.

    1 replies

  7. kalo20111 14. 01 2016

    This map remind me for old Papenburg whit so many bridges and waterkanal :) anyway very good medium map,good road network and signage.
    prices of pig,beef and goose are equal needed some correction**
    multifruit needed here and one step further----> soilmod***

    1 replies

  8. A very nice map.....only criticism is I like to see more junk and clutter....there is no 'clean' farms :)

    1 replies

  9. DCinema 11. 01 2016

    Great map. But sad without sunflower (((((

    1 replies

    1. Hi P@vruh@, thank you for your reply. I will se what i can do.

  10. Bertuss 11. 01 2016

    Great map, thanks for making it!
