Wie hast Du versucht abzuladen? Mit der Schaufel? Kann sein dass das an dem Trigger nur mit einem Anhänger funktioniert.
Ob forage / Futter sinnvoll ist ist wieder eine andere Frage.
Wenn Du dich mit dem GE auskennst kannnst Du ja einfach den Fülltyp für diesen Trigger von forage auf Silage ändern.
Nachtrag gerade eben getestet:
In dem Trigger kann man mit dem Kuhn SPV Confort, mit einem Radlader und auch mit einem Trailer Mischfutter abladen. Kein Problem.
you are of congratulations for your map so I have some doubts at the time that I phaco silage in biogas and vo to sell those barrels are black fills it does not sell why?
Hello, I'll go solo on this map which I think should be enjoyable to play. I intend to exploit every corner and also you post my comments if this can help you improve this map to a prométeur future.
Sincerely Princedu49
At first glance, I allow myself to say that it lacks a compost corner to diversify modes of fertilizer. A second forest based on a reboisage system would also be ideal but this is only my point of view. And I just started the map but I must admit that at first glance it was missing for me.
This map remind me for old Papenburg whit so many bridges and waterkanal :) anyway very good medium map,good road network and signage.
prices of pig,beef and goose are equal needed some correction**
multifruit needed here and one step further----> soilmod***
10 Comments for Green River 2016
i have a problem with the silage storage next to the mix feeder. i'm not able to fill it with silage.
Has someone a idee why it doesn't work?
The straw storage on the left side and the grass storage in the middle can be filled.
Gruß Marc
Can you please make reflectorpaaltjes than this map is perfekt.
you are of congratulations for your map so I have some doubts at the time that I phaco silage in biogas and vo to sell those barrels are black fills it does not sell why?
This is one of the best maps i've played. The only real thing i'm sad about with this map is that its not soilmod compatible
Hello, I'll go solo on this map which I think should be enjoyable to play. I intend to exploit every corner and also you post my comments if this can help you improve this map to a prométeur future.
Sincerely Princedu49
Make trees random rotated and height scaled to make them more realistic.
This map remind me for old Papenburg whit so many bridges and waterkanal :) anyway very good medium map,good road network and signage.
prices of pig,beef and goose are equal needed some correction**
multifruit needed here and one step further----> soilmod***
A very nice map.....only criticism is I like to see more junk and clutter....there is no 'clean' farms :)
Great map. But sad without sunflower (((((
Hi P@vruh@, thank you for your reply. I will se what i can do.
Great map, thanks for making it!