
V 3.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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The Fruit + Multi-Mod Mod upgraded as a global new fruits in existing vehicles automatically.
Installation: and in the mods folder. Done.

LS15 adjustments

     In LS15 Giants graciously cleared some things that come to meet the multi Fruit very much.
     The new parti clean Imation for the tilting of hangers & blades are supported.
     Bales are registered under LS15 standard

Since the textures of the fillPlanes and parti clean Imation lie in the vehicles themselves no longer is the Multi Fruit no longer dependent on matching textures in the vehicle itself.

On the last point, a few notes:

This allows you, for example, Crap load in each trailer, which also can load chopped. It also has fewer replacement textures. And both those upgrades as silage> compound feed or chaff> manure, as well as for proper multi-Fruit retrofits. If this correct textures are stored in the game to load the default vehicles then sunflowers and can no longer rely on the use of rape similar texture. In real ParticleSystemen the system does not apply, however, remains.

A small note on about a dozen "converts I have the MF, may I the upload?" - PMs: No, turn up with just moddesc version it was not done, even if it may have looked like at first sight ...

LS15 Multi-Fruit-Maps

This weekend will appear parallel to the release of the next version + Multi Fruit of the MIG-Celle map. Here we have new fruit varieties installed my knowledge for the first time with oats, rye and sunflower completely after LS15 standard.

Modules (same time, the answer to the question: Why two zips?)

In the the script that does all the work is located. This zip you need exactly once, and if you do not really know what you're doing, there's also no reason to touch them.

What fruits after what template it should grudge in the vehicles is controlled by the This is a zip file multiFruit_config.xml. Here, is related to any new fruittype / fillType (new = "sunflower") registered under what template files in normal vehicles (subStd = "rape"), insulation works (subCutter = "maize") and seeders (subSowing = "maize" ) is to be seen.

There can be any number of modules in the mods folder, which are all considered. So you like your dürft Maps attach more appropriate add-on modules.

Standard module

First, the standard module equips several new fruit varieties including (if any) by steam. These are: sunflower, oat, rye, clover, alfalfa, soybean, rice, hemp, millet, spelled, triticale, poppies, green wheat, lime

In addition, it extends the functional area of some equipment (especially blades and trailers) within the existing fillTypes. You can now also go manure, silage, compound feed, grass and hay with any device that can carry chaff. This should also cover all the problems that some of the FahrsiloExtension + BGAextension with grass silage had a thing of the past.

Thanks to

     Eribus for great artwork
     JakobT + biedens / mogli, without the aid of tools and I have long had desperately
     bull gore for tireless testing and the great cooperation with the parallel multi-Fruit MIG project.
     Ifnokator who has offered the addFillType a very well-made interim solution that has given me the time to get the + MF in peace and tidy on LS15 stand.

FAQ / known issues:

     No, Fruit + Multi-Mod not upgraded by the maps.
     Yes, it must both zips in the folder. Without module makes the script: Nothing.
     Conflicts with the addFillType (the little brother of the + Multi Fruit) by ifnokator there should not be, but the mod should thus also no longer be needed.
     When chopping / threshing sunflowers Unfortunately the corn-PS is displayed. If I find a reasonable solution for this I submit after.


Skript: upsidedown
Artwork: Eribus

  • 09 Jan 15:14
    Version 3.0


checksum: 344cf79447fef8b1e100d1833f13b923
Version: 3.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:
checksum: 344cf79447fef8b1e100d1833f13b923
Version: 3.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

09.01 2015
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V 3.0
Farming Simulator 15
multiFruit LS15 V3_0 ENTPACKEN P...
60.8 KB 412566
09. 01 2015 412,566

14 Comments for multiFruit

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  1. unregistered user 07. 07 2022

    Hallo alle zusammen. Ich habe mir zum LS15 Spiel den MultiFruit Mod runtergeladen und wie in der Beschreibung Funktion in den mods Ordner installiert. Aber der funktioniert nicht, es sind immer noch nur die Standart Früchte vorhanden, oder mache ich was verkehrt. Bitte um Hilfe.
    MfG WEPO

  2. unregistered user 05. 07 2022

    Hallo alle zusammen. Habe mir zum LS15 den MultiFruit_Mod runter geladen und wie in der Beschreibung die zip Dateien in den mods-Ordner installiert.
    Aber es funktioniert nicht. Sind immer noch NUR die standart Fruchtarten vorhanden.
    Mache ich was falsch? Wer kann helfen?
    DANKE im voraus. Mf

  3. unregistered user 05. 07 2022

    Hallo alle zusammen. Habe mir zum LS15 den MultiFruit_Mod runter geladen und wie in der Beschreibung die zip Dateien in den mods-Ordner installiert.
    Aber es funktioniert nicht. Sind immer noch NUR die standart Fruchtarten vorhanden.
    Mache ich was falsch? Wer kann helfen?
    DANKE im voraus. MfG WEPO

  4. davidt2232 16. 08 2016

    how do I download?

    Wie lade ich ? gibt es keine Download-Button

  5. hi guys and girls:)

    just wondering if anyone can tell me how to download mods from this site?
    doesn´t say download or anything like that

    also how do i get the gates to work in sandy bay gold edition

  6. Numinous 28. 05 2016

    There is a round forrested thing on the map that can not be entered. What is this supposed to be?

  7. Tijnie 24. 05 2016

    Hi guys,

    I'm having a bit of trouble with sand in the Mauris4Fach map. The annimation works when the excavator loads the sand/gravel but my trailer doesn't register it so there's no sand in my trailer/tipper.
    Hope someone can help me.


  8. GregCMulch 29. 03 2016

    I'm having trouble downloading Mods to Farm Simutator 15. Can anyone PLEASE HELP by E-Mailing me THANK YOU.

    1 replies

  9. Can somewhone help me plz if i have those mods installed my game just keeps loading and the start button won't appear

    1 replies

  10. MadJock 16. 03 2016

    Great mod upsidedown, only problem I've found is it seems to have a conflict with the Baler_add_grass mod where the baler will produce a silage bale from grass_windrow instead of producing a hay bale.
    This was on Sandy Bay Gold although it has happened on another map too. As soon as I remove your ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard zip the balers work as normal again.
    Any help or advice would be great thanks.


  11. I am trying to add your multifruit mod into my map. My problem is when the game loads, it can't find the multifruit.config file. What to I need to change in the LUA for the game engine to find it?
    It is a great mod!
    Thank you for it!

  12. adding multiFruit to a map

    i added ( Onion. Carrots. Soybean. hemp. Rye. Sunflower. Oat. clover. alfalfa.) (all work in game) 9 in total.
    i can seed . cut and store all ( particleAnimation and fillPlanes added to all )

    the problem is if the list hits the bottom of screen. multiFruit will not show up after 5 Fruit added.

  13. Wildflower 03. 04 2015


    so if i understand good, i only need to add both mods in my folder and i can transport manure with all standard trailers???

  14. SoStar 21. 01 2015

    Great mod, but unfortunately is not compatible with mod bale_add_grass. Even if I use just this mod I can't pickup wet grass with baler like with mod bale_add_grass.

    1 replies
