featuredWelcome to County Line. You start on a small family farm with enough money to get started with a modest beginning. You initially own 4 fields near your farm and 1 hog installation down the road a bit, but can buy more fields from the real estate office in Burksville. If you are successful, you can buy nearby land and start expanding your farm! Multifruit enabled with soybean, oats, sunflower, sorghum, alfalfa, and clover.
There are options to buy dairy, beef, and hog installations as well as additional grain bin complexes. There are multiple sell points around the map and straw/bales can be sold at the horse ranch in the southeast corner of the map. On the map you will find all default crops plus soybean, oats, sunflowers, and sorghum. Your grain bins have limited capacity per crop, so plan accordingly. Young animals can be bought from the auction near the center of the map. Once they are fattened, they can be sold to Smithfield just near the railroad tracks in Moore. Milk from your dairy can be sold manually at the dairy plant on the west side of the map (I recommend Marhu's stop milk sale mod if doing this).
CAUTION: I have modified the soilmod, chopped straw, and multifruit mods that come in this pack to function with these new fruits, but you must use the versions of them I have supplied with the map. Those mods will not work with other maps, you must use the default versions of them when not playing this map. The default versions will also work with this map, but the soilmod/choppedstraw function for the additional fruits is lost.
Some of the more savvy of you may also notice a file called "SummerTrees" in the map zip. Copying these to the file path in that file will change the trees to be all green. The is also a folder called "AutumnTrees" to change it back again, if desired.
Soilmod ready
Terrain and Dirt Control ready
Damage mod ready
Buyable objects
I know the map will be reuploaded everywhere, but support is only offered on sites where I upload it.
Thanks to:
Fraser Cow
Dutch Agricultural Modelling
t2k-lsmodding(thoralf2002, PP);
Manuel (LS2011 BGA Baukasten2);
If I missed someone, I'm sorry, please let me know.
Fraser Cow
Dutch Agricultural Modelling
t2k-lsmodding(thoralf2002, PP);
Manuel (LS2011 BGA Baukasten2);
14 Oct 14:53Version 1.1
-fixed Particle system placement at large bin on main farm
-fixed issue with tractors getting stuck in silage plane in beef farm
-fixed issue where cow feed emptied instead of filled at dairy farm
-adjusted BGA bunkers to realistic fill values
-fixed many floating trees in forestry area
-vehicle loading point moved into field near main farm
-moved some signs that were in the middle of the road
-added map icon for real estate office
-since there is no starting equipment, adjusted starting monies slightly up to accommodate buying beginning fleet
-adjusted some buyableobject prices
-fixed floating cars
-fixed some clipping issues
-cleaned up various foliages
-fixed some texture flashing -
09 Oct 18:06Version 1.0
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
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by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
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by blueweb
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by blueweb
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by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by blueweb
ago over 8 years
by Katze5
ago over 8 years
by Katze5
ago over 8 years
by Katze5
ago over 8 years
by Katze5
ago over 8 years
by Katze5
ago over 8 years
by Marc77
ago over 8 years
checksum: | c580ed0bfaf967cd0ea5f78338a48633 |
Version: | 1.1 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Blueweb |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | County Line |
description in shop: | Hier ist County Line fuer FS15 |
14 Comments for FS15 County Line
Sounds like a mod conflict. Remove all other maps in your mod folder and try again with only this one in there.
After saving and loading again, the filllevels of the grain silos on the farm are still displayed correctly, but if I start to load the grain into the trailer, the fill animation starts and stops after less than a second and no grain is loaded into the trailer. If I put grain into the silo and then unload it without quitting the game in between, it works.
Hello all
where i can find the office for buy lands ? I cant find it ! Pls help me.. thanks
Very good this map!
You modified Soilmod, but you do not have a table with which herbicides we should use on new fruits. Does the herbicide "X" not work? Thank you for your attention. Café
Oh dear .... I've never been to God's own country - now I've have ... What an amazing map (and I've tried a lot of maps in 11, 13 and 15) The feel is quite ashtonishing, can't really be described, one has to try it ... It's big (yes) but runs smoothly on my rig (quite a big rig, but is a couple of years old) The landscape is very, very good made - with soft hills (or something like that) not to many trees, and the small Towns are so cute made, that you slow down, to see it all ...
There is still a few mishaps, but I'm assured, that the author will correct them as they are presented ..
I've found a few, and I'm gonna post some pictures here above of them ..
Picture #1 : A rooster is on Loose - just beside the sorghum field you own from the beginning.
Picture #2 : Something has gone wrong with the decals on the fertilizer tanks ..
Picture #3 : Hmm .. Can't get the Lime trigger to work - tried several forms of equipment... Maybe I'm doing something wrong ..
Picture #4 : Just a picture of sorghum harvest - nothing wrong here .. Heh he ..
Best wishes, and thank you for the map - Katze5
How do you get the mirrors in the tractor(s) to work?
my levels in my silos disappear after I leave the game. anyone know why?
Where can i buy new land?
I read the updates you made and they were needed. I am missing 2 updates though
1. at a hog farm, I have to drive through the barndoors in order to unload/load grass, straw etc. Why not opening doors?
2. And a major reason for me to stop playing it: The trees. You worked on them as you write, which is ok. But on the spot where you can buy 5 objects, numerous trees makes it hard to near impossible to find the buying shields. And once you bought the object (Barn..Machinehandel etc) the trees are right in the middle of the objects and in some cases right before entrance doors. That cannot be meant that way.
I understand you will not update at this point in time but it needs some attention if you are going to publish a 2017 version.
3 stars now, where a 5 and reccomandation are very well achievable with this map since the basic idea and execution or it are really great.
Very nice and then a Direct-Download from Modhoster! But, it comes to late... In about to weeks to FS17... I hope you bring the map then fast in FS17
I understand your need to modify some files, but why can't you do what other mod authors did and rename them ?? I use Mod Manager so it's easy to make a profile , but when you don't rename them it's not worth it for one map.
Love the map! Great attention to detail, and the buyable objects, and concepts of the realtor are awesome!
One problem though; the crops don't seem to grow. I checked to make sure that crop growth is on; but it still does not seem to work. And after the game is saved, the crop growth will turn back off.
awesome map! the first us map that makes me feel like the usa :) some little problems, nothing game breaking... all in all, great work! :)
great map but i got this error... Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
C:/Users/Ed/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_CountyLineMap/scripts/FermentingSilo.lua:498: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'org_priceMultiplier' (a nil value)
Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
C:/Users/Ed/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_CountyLineMap/scripts/FermentingSilo.lua:498: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'org_priceMultiplier' (a nil value)
and its flimmering to much... what can that be? with other maps i dont have that!