featuredHello everybody,
hereby you will receive my new map. Has now lasted 1 year long. Well the year end I let myself also look again :-)
Hope it makes anyone LS 2015 :-)
What should I write great ....
You need the following mods:
- AnimationMapTrigger
- MapBuyableObject
There are 6 yards. Where 4 are purchasable.
You start on the smallest farm.
there are still:
Norris Farm
Miller Farm (the largest of the farms Here you will find all the animals)
Anderson Ranch (Stables)
Edison Farm
Coleman Farm
Ect fruits .. all standard.
Unfortunately I could not test the Map only 8 hours. Hope totzdem sure everything works as far (And hopefully I invite now the correct version High * bet *)
Well everything will have worked.
Test out please .. Performance Moderately I had all 60 FPS .. But have also NEN ZockerPC .. which you probably also required.
Those who do not have large PC, please give me some feedback .. VLL can I improve the performance in version. 2
So and now a lot of fun
LG your BernieSCS
PS This map is exclusively for Modhoster. Changes or re-upload is not allowed.
BERNIESCS mit etwas Hilfe vom FSM TEAM
13 Feb 09:03Version 1.2
- Mischfutterstation gefixed
- Misthaufen gefixed
u.v.m -
06 Feb 12:58Version 1.1
Hallo Zusammen,
hier der Changelog :
Neu eingebaut wurde :
- Multifuit
- Gülle/MistmodEingebaute Animationen :
- Sperrgebiet : HELI landet und startet um 17-20:00 Uhr
- Sperrgebiet : Hochsicherheitstore
- USS Nimitz : Startender Kampfjet + startender Heli der über die Budweiserbrauerei fliegt
- Kalkwerk : Bagger + Aufzug
- Continental : Entladestation
- Monstertruck Stadion : Monstertruck + Plakatwände
- Cattlefarm : Anmierte Kühe
- Funpark : Das Riesenrad dreht sich
- Andersonfarm : Animiertes Pferd
- LumperYard : 2 Kräne + ein Baumstamm der ins Sägewerk gezogen wird
- Bakerfarm : Ballenaufzug, Saatgut_Aufzug, Beladerohr, Ventilator, und verschiedene Tore
- Miller Farm : - Saatgutlager, per Aufzug ( Beladung ist nur mit Schaufel möglich.
- Düngerlager, per Kran ( beladung ist nur mit Schaufel möglich )
- Animierte Kühe im kleinen Stall
- Anmierte Kühe im Grossen Stall
- Neues Futterlager mit bewegliche Rohren, + neuer Entladetation ( blauer Häcksler)
- Neue Mixstation
- Beim kaufbaren Kuhstall können die Dachfenster geöffnet werden. Trigger ist neben der Türe
- Kaufbare Ölbohranlagen. die eingeschaltet werden können
Neuer Sound :
- Vögel im Wald
- Krähen
- Kühe
- Kampfjet
- Grillen
- Hunde
- Schweine
- verschiedene Industrieanlagen
- Wasser
und vieles mehrIm Download enthalten : Map + Map_Früchte bitte Datei entpacken und die gezippteden Dateien : ZZZ_multiFruitModule_OGF_USA + OGF_USA_MAP2015 ind den Modordner legen.
28 Dec 19:29Version 1.0
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
by BernieSCS
ago about 9 years
22 Comments for OGF USA
Where is the sell point for straw? I have a wagon full of straw.
Hi I discovered a couple of problems while playing V 1.2. The bale master machine wont take my bales to make straw. Next to the commands to press for operating the balemaster machine it says it's missing start_balemaster in l10n_en.xml it says things like that for all of its commands. Also cant dump anything in the compost machine to make compost. the compost machine is always running but wont register that i'm dumping anything in it. but it is an awesome map. also playing the fs13 version of the map. Thanks, Ron
Hi. I'm having a problem with the latest update v1.2. I installed soilmod successfully and downloaded all the recommended mods. It says I'm still missing 2 cases of guellemist mod, even though I have it and chopped straw doesn't seem to work. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Mixstation not getting any fillplane at pipe trigger, also how to load milk and sell ?
tipptriggers still wrong on mixstation
Ok so far I really like this map however I have found two issues. 1. those crow sounds you have near the first farm and then again across the river from the lumber mill are EXTREMELY annoying and loud. They should be intermittent like once a minute or something not constant like they are, it's very distracting and annoying when trying to concentrate. 2. Unless I'm blind (which sometimes seems to be the case) I have not seen anywhere to sell straw from a loading wagon. I think I found a place to sell bales but nothing for the loose straw. Have I missed it or was it intentionally left out?
thanks for very good map very good optimization 60 fps great work
Awesome map ! Is there a fix for the mischStation fill tube for loading mixed ration to trailer. Have tried to adjust tube with no luck. Cows getting hungry.
yes there is a fault in the next version is the mixing station function and your cows will be happy :-)
i cannot get this map to work on our dedicated server, it loads fine, but the player that wants to joing keeps syncing (game is not frozen) because of this we are not able to join the game
Hi I can't store sunflower?
i'm using ZZZ_compostSoil version 1.1 and getting that error
Hey there.
I do love this map but i gotta ask hehe, where does the sapling end up after you bought them? ( Been around the whole map and cant find them at all, not even with a autoloader trailer )
Best regards Tobbe
Love this map! I have ran into a few issues though.
The water isn't showing correctly, it looks very white.
Some of the unload/tip triggers don't seem to be in the exact right place.
There are no stats for the beef or buyable cows?
And also I can't get mixed ration out of the mixing station for some reason?
Other than these issues this map is perfect for me. Good job mate!
Love the map but can someone explain in English more about cows farm, Is there mixing station how to feed the cows ect.....
Thank you
Where do I find the other mods to install and every time I try to download the compost mod it opens in Adobe Reader and will not work. This also happens with other mods. What do I do?
i love tis map..very well done!!!!!!!!
I have watched this map for almost a year in wip matter of fact its the only map I have watched and it was worth the wait very clean running map for a first release and even if there isn't any updates I would be very happy with this version. I downloaded it soon as it came out and have played 15 hrs in it so far. great job great map hope to see more from u thank you for your hard work danke
Waited one year for it, thank you Bernie. I do hope next version to have more fruits tough.
HI thanks for this map this was very well done no errors run a full 60 fps all over the whole map Really like the restricted area thats different in v2 would like to see soybean and sorghum and icons fixed other then then that great job 5/5 THANK YOU
Very nice map! Thank you :-D
I hope you will make a Australia map too, played it so much in FS13 :-P