Delta Del Ebro 15

V 2.0 final mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hello I put my multitasking map from Spain you can work in agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries, mining, public works, greenhouses care, fruit trees and vineyard.


Other mods also required by this map:



-Transport TP:   

-Excavator TP:    





-Original size map

-35 Fields (medium and small)

-8 Animal farms: cow-shep-chicken-beef-pig-lamb-bull-horse

-Cops: wheat-barley-rape-maize-potato-sugarbeet-grass-rice-rye-greenwheat-tomato-sunflower 

-1 Vineyard crops: blackgrape

-6 Greenhouses: watermelon-strawberry-onion-pepper-eggplant-marihuana

-6 Fruit trees: orange-cherry-banana-apple-almond-olive


-SoilMod (new textures version)

-9 Construction/Mining materials: sand-gravel-rock-earth-concrete-oil-asphalt-tar-cement

 -20 Consumer products: oliveOil-sunflowerOil-redwine-bread-backwaren-barn-wheatflour-cornflour-barleyflour-sugar-yogurt orange-yogurt banana-yogurt cherry-buttermilk-milk-fresh milk-butter-chese-water

-4 fish types: golden-redmullet-crawfish-eel



-Fish Market

-Cooperative oil's

-Wine cellar

-Fishing areas

-Sell wool factory

-Cooperative for sell crops/fruits

-4 supermarkets for sell products

-Grow shop for sell marihuana

-Oil rig

-Concrete/Asphalt factory

-Bread factoy

-Milk/Chese/Butter factory

-Yogurt factory

-Sugar factory

-Fish nurseries (storage of live fish)


-Flour mills

-Water raft (for water storage)

-Map buyable objects


-Mountain forest area


-Vehicle shop CLAAS

-Large farm 

-Caterpillar garaje


Facebook page:


thank you very much MIKE MODDING

and to ALL MODDERS appearing in this map



  • 21 Mar 20:05
    Version 2.0 final

    -All prices fixed
    -All factories repaired
    -Add real terrain phsycs in map
    -Add damage vehicles scripts and workshops for repair (optional)
    -New foliage plants
    -Potato washer installed
    -Fixed menor bugs
    -Add no gloss effect script
    -Installed goose farm
    -Installed chicken2 farm
    -Updated pig and beef farms
    -New bulls farm and erase horse farm
    -PDF tutorial created and included for this map
    -Change some textures objects
    -Modpack updated
    -Redecorated some map parts
    -BGA fixed
    -Erase fishmarket and add Gardencenter to buy planting trees

  • 05 Feb 20:04
    Version 1.3 Finale

    -fix small bugs
    -fix gravel conveyor for mine
    -fix sugarbeet silo triger for farm
    -change various foliages
    -ajust prices


07.12 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.02 / 41 Votes


nach 36 Stimmen

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V 2.0 final
Farming Simulator 15
715 MB 6040
21. 03 2016 6,040
V 1.3 Finale
Farming Simulator 15
599 MB 4431
05. 02 2016 4,431

14 Comments for Delta Del Ebro 15

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  1. Rachet13 18. 12 2015

    This download requires UNZIP file" DDE15map10-12-15.rar"

    ModPack avaliable in facebook page for download

    1 replies

  2. ncis54 14. 08 2016

    Hello. first,sorry for my english (I'm french)
    I catch crawfish & eels with a tractor with frontoader & a fishing cage.
    I try to take it to the fish nursery but when I leave the fishing zone, crawfish & eels disappear in the cage.
    So, how take them to the nursery? (which car, truck & trailers)
    thanks for your answer.

  3. pkhnhs 27. 03 2016

    Hey Rachet13
    Sorry for my English
    Ey have not learned in my Life and Google Translate is my best Friend from this

    No criticism from me

    EY have exclusively your mods in my folder

    SAVE is OK
    and than is abort the Game

    Ey can not found purchasable objects

    No Errors and Warnings


    ey have solid listings in the Log

    has an impairment to the game

    thank you in advance


    2 replies

  4. Lysozym 27. 03 2016

    1.3 final(!) und jetzt 2.0 final(!) .....

    Please, Look what "final" really means!

    This map is never final, even no beta or alpha, it's simply not usable

    2 replies

    1. Rachet13 27. 03 2016

      Stupid your coment and you..
      before opening your mouth make sure that what he says makes sense if your intelligence does not give to play this map is not my problem men..

    2. fer1113 27. 03 2016

      I'm up to the balls of both silly.Greetings from Spain.

  5. ukral 19. 02 2016

    This would be a great map if it worked correctly, the fishing boat is missing an xml file, the developer will not do anything about it unless they are asked in French as they do not answer in any other languages, I tried asking about the missing xml files on their facebook page but they only say to ask in French, even though they do understand English.
    This would be a great map if it was not for all the errors that have already been stated and the ignorant French developers.

    1 replies

  6. ozgamer 27. 01 2016

    when I download this mod it shows 1.1 not 1.2 (mod hoster link)

  7. boertje31 09. 01 2016

    i have a question how do i emty the mixfutter machine.
    Because i can't get it to emty in the tipper.

  8. boertje31 09. 01 2016

    tolles karte spiel es mit pezier aber ein frage who can ich den marihuana mit laden?

    1 replies

  9. kalo20111 19. 12 2015

    hi i found small bug: why all fields are 1.5hec?? or this is some kind mode conflict.
    after 5 min walk in this map :) i found everything : olive trees,almomnd ,fishfarms,constructyards and etc but the fileds are too small.
    there is problem when exit the freeze

  10. sootysax 17. 12 2015

    please please please create a PDF (English) describing how everything works in this map!

  11. OldTimer15 15. 12 2015

    Many thanks for a great map have been enjoying playing it for days, how do you load and unload at the fish nurseries? can catch the fish, sell the fish but not store the fish. Again thank you for the hours of work you have put into this map.

    1 replies

  12. ozgamer 09. 12 2015

    ratchet, i'm very impressed with your map, I thought it would be hard to beat pleasant valley map from dajnets but you have done extremely well. I love what you have done here. I just had a brief drive around but I love it, extremely well done, keep up the great work, there were a couple of bugs in there but i'm sure you will fix those when you do your next release. all the best to you I will be adding this to my favourites

  13. Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 128 fill types are supported
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Sprayer.lua(40) : table index is nil

    2 replies

  14. hondarghini 09. 12 2015

    Promesing photo's.but ugly map in realgame,Dont photoshop your photo's.

    2 replies
