Userprofile of ncis54
Member since 5 / 2015

Punkte: 21
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: PHILIPPe Age & Gender: 51 m City: METZ Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About ncis54

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  1. ncis54 23. 05 2017

    Mod: Mönchwinkel
    in plantation, EDEKA trailer load only pear & apple.
    how load plum & cherries.
    thanks for your answer

  2. ncis54 11. 10 2016

    Mod: Altkirch in Alsace
    Hello. beautiful map. so I have a problem. in "Mischfutter halle", I can't load mischfutter. the tank is full. the pipe don't move. when I move back my trailer, the pipe go through the trailer and the end of the pipe is not round. please help me

    1 replies

  3. ncis54 24. 09 2016

    hello. Wonderful map but I don't understand russian. can you do or translate the trigger.
    like a pdf or screen capture in english.

  4. ncis54 14. 08 2016

    Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
    Hello. first,sorry for my english (I'm french)
    I catch crawfish & eels with a tractor with frontoader & a fishing cage.
    I try to take it to the fish nursery but when I leave the fishing zone, crawfish & eels disappear in the cage.
    So, how take them to the nursery? (which car, truck & trailers)
    thanks for your answer.

  5. ncis54 20. 07 2016

    Mod: Gifts of the Caucasus German Version
    Hello. Great job on this map. Economy & forestry system are realistic. This map is the best on FS15. I delete all other maps to play only on your map. I hope that the sawmill come soon because I expect to see your work.
    Your work (buildings & the farm are beautiful, the animals'animation) is very magnificent.
    thanks for all. I wait impatiently the newest version.

  6. ncis54 15. 06 2016

    Mod: Altkirch in Alsace
    very good map. so, a little problem:
    where take fuel in sawmill on south?
    Thanks for your answer

    1 replies

  7. ncis54 14. 06 2015

    Mod: Mönchwinkel
    Danke - Thank you. Beautiful map with useful switch on storage. I don't see it the first time.

  8. ncis54 12. 06 2015

    Mod: Mönchwinkel
    I store grass in teh yard. but I can't find the trailer which go under ther the conveyor to load grass.
    Same problem with silage or straw.
    Help me please

    2 replies

  9. ncis54 06. 06 2015

    Mod: Mönchwinkel
    i cut luzern with a multifruit harvester because other mowers don'cut luzern. i have grass and luzern in my harvester trailer. the problem is that i can sell this luzern in seeds.
    How cut luzern without harvester in your map.
    my english is not so understandable perhaps!

    1 replies

  10. ncis54 20. 05 2015

    Mod: Two Worlds
    Where can we stock grass, straw? i drive around the map but i don't find.
    Thanks for your help

  11. ncis54 17. 05 2015

    Mod: Two Worlds
    Sorry to disturb you but i have a problem with "cheese".
    i load mlk with an aaROSVW because the 2 VW don't load milk.
    After, i try with 2 VW and the fliegl trailer to load cheese but nothing work.
    Have you a special trailer for cheese?

  12. ncis54 11. 05 2015

    Mod: Two Worlds Car
    Cars don't load honey, flour, flish.
    Help me please.

  13. ncis54 09. 05 2015

    Mod: Limburg
    Fishing & bakery trigger don't work. I don't understand

  14. ncis54 09. 05 2015

    Mod: Limburg
    Fushing mods. i can't load Fish or charge corn.
    Which trailer use?

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