featuredGifts of the Caucasus
Greetings Today I can offer you gifts of the Caucasus to download the first German version of the map.
The authors of the map are SWIK modding team: stasenko100, Neither, Igor29381 and Kovsh and I as a supporter and translator.
We are pleased to present a card similar to the territory of Russia the Kaukasus.Ein Picturesque terrain, varied terrain, land and sea, mountain and plain, shapes complex and simple field. Unique scripts: dirt, fuel hose, trains and ships with features, animated animals, bucket wheel.
located on the map, many factories, three types of flour, bread, crackers, beer, canned, condensed milk, sugar, etc. When the real estate agent, it is possible to buy more fields and to acquire real estate and / or to improve. It's your choice, you can your products directly or sell it processes them in order to achieve better prices.
A new economic system that offers many possibilities. A ranking - System
shows you when each property is cheaper. It allows you to develop your business in many ways.
Before I write too much I give you the possibility yourselves from the card to convince.
Important !!! All logos and brand names on the map are not advertising or propaganda, and used only for the interest and the realism of the game. Enjoy the game.
The support takes place here:
for the start vehicles and the function of the Map Mod needed package:
Check out the video on it will be followed by this answer ever ask few.
It is not gestatet the Map to unauthorized modification of and or share darauß. Also re-upload the map is not allowed.
Modell: S.W.I.K. modding team
Textur: S.W.I.K. modding team
Script: S.W.I.K. modding team
Idee / Konzept: S.W.I.K. modding team
Tester:S.W.I.K. modding team
Sonstige: S.W.I.K. modding team
12 Apr 21:35Version 1.3
Karte Version 1.3.0
Korrektur auf der Karte:
- Komplett Bagger Skript neu geschrieben;
- Alle Angelegenheiten bezüglich Kaufen von Objekten liegen in den Händen des Administrators (dedizierter Server);
- Garagen wurden Optimiert in dem der Pfad bezüglich der geparkten Mods optimiert wurde.
Anpassung der Ernte Karotte, Zwiebel, Roggen, Hafer und Sonnenblumen
sowie Preise.
- Verträge wurden angepasst Sie können diese annehmen, aufschieben oder ablehnen
sollte keine Reaktion kommen verschwindet der Vertrag und wird so gewertet als hättet Ihr ihn aufgeschoben.
- Makler anfragen die nicht beantwortet werden, werden zurückgelegt und im Makler Menü könnt Ihr sie aufrufen
(schift + -)
- Fehler bezüglich Ballen und Paletten wurde auf den Dedizierten Server behoben.
- Auf den Dedizierten Server wurde das zurücksetzen der Ausrüstung so angepasst das Ihr wie im Singleplayer dafür Zahlen müsst. Ihr Zahlt also für das Abschieben zu eurem Hof.
- Lagerbestände für Wolle und Mist wurden Angepasst -
31 Mar 21:30Version 1.1
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checksum: | 5abcb06a33f305380e83b2aa6cd47856 |
Version: | 1.3 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | S.W.I.K. modding team: stasenko100, Weder, Igor29381 and Kovsh |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | Gaben des Kaukasus |
description in shop: | Gaben des Kaukasus |
7 Comments for Gifts of the Caucasus German Version
I am unable to buy products in the map
Hello. Great job on this map. Economy & forestry system are realistic. This map is the best on FS15. I delete all other maps to play only on your map. I hope that the sawmill come soon because I expect to see your work.
Your work (buildings & the farm are beautiful, the animals'animation) is very magnificent.
thanks for all. I wait impatiently the newest version.
my virus program say there are virus in that map so i can not download it.. and the virus program is avira
hi I have Kaspersky and not a problem.
The Map is virus free
Auch virusfrei bei Avast
ich bin nur ein Feierabend SP, aber die Map zieht mir die Schuhe aus.
Respect for Modder.
First this is an very cool map with lot off stuf to do.
But I have drop an pic because after 1 day I saw at the shop and very thick stripe over the land and shop from weed. And I think that is not normal to play with
It is caused by the mod GrowthManager.
Excellent map, enjoying so far - with one 'problem'. As a courseplay user, having wheel lanes or crop destruction is no good. How do I find and remove this from the map?
The reason that the crops are not destroyed. is included in the mod coursplay
We can not have influence on the mod coursplay. Sorry
If i remember right, is in the Mapmenü (open whit shift+- or was it Strg+- i not remenber at the moment) a option, where you can disable the crop destruction an other features.
good afternoon as I buy seeds? It has a video and description of how everything on the map?