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Category Tandem
Annaburger HTS 22.12
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about 10 years
Tandem Tipper for general cargo
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over 10 years
Brantner TA23065 Power Push
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over 9 years
Farmtech TDK 900
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about 9 years
Fliegl TDK 255
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about 9 years
Tandem Rungenwagen
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over 10 years
featured Pack joskin KTP Variable Body
v 2.1 Wiht WheelShader0 Downloads today16,771 Downloads total26 commentsUser rating72 said thankspublished Sun, 25 Sep 2016 09:52:22 GMT in - TandemHier stell ich euch meinen "Joskin Trans-KTP 22/50" Trailer zur Verfügung. Tipper multi use with removable side bodywork (KP7 Press) capacity: 19500 - 30000 fruitTypes=grass_windrow chaff...
featured Joskin Trans Space 7000 23
v 4.1 Wiht WheelShader0 Downloads today19,038 Downloads total33 commentsUser rating43 said thankspublished Sun, 25 Sep 2016 07:58:36 GMT in - TandemHere I imagine you my "Joskin Trans Space 7000/23" trailer available. Mod runs on the standard script. -New Texture with AO. -Multifruit accept crops: wheat rape maize barley chaff grass_windrow...
featured Aguas Tenias Tandem 18T
v 3.00 Downloads today9,545 Downloads total45 commentsUser rating40 said thankspublished Mon, 02 May 2016 18:02:19 GMT in - TandemFeatures: Capacity: 18.000 Kg Price: 26.200 € Daily maintenance: 20 € Damping on wheels Washable Discharge pipe Cover Rear hitch (trailer and trailerlow) Seed and fertilizer transport...
featured KRAMPE BANDIT 750 green variable body
v 1.00 Downloads today11,783 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating46 said thankspublished Sat, 02 Apr 2016 13:30:49 GMT in - TandemKRAMPE BANDIT 750 (VARIABLE BODY) Volumen ohne Aufsatz: 35.600 Liter Volumen mit 60 cmAufsatz: 38.450 Liter Volumen mit 80 cm Aufsatz: 42.200 Liter Volumen mit Kartoffelaufsatz: 35.600...
featured Brantner Timber Autoload
v 1.30 Downloads today22,020 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating65 said thankspublished Sun, 20 Mar 2016 18:39:29 GMT in - TandemHello, here a tandem trailer for timber with AutoLoadWood specialization. This allow you to load and unload timber in automatic way. O = select side of operation B = Load wood X = Unload wood...
featured Farmtech DURUS 2000
v 1.00 Downloads today9,600 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Thu, 04 Feb 2016 11:14:43 GMT in - TandemThe universal dump tipper Durus is perfect for transporting all standard fruits. You can choose between normal trailer or trailer with 500mm extension boards. FEATURES standard fruits standard...
featured Fliegl TDK 255
v 1.21 Downloads today17,357 Downloads totalUser rating29 said thankspublished Tue, 02 Feb 2016 17:57:27 GMT in - TandemHi here times the original Fliegl of Giants as TDK 255 rebuilt. what has been done: · Length 5.5m adjusted · 2x 800 Bordwände · Plane (from Kroger) · Reinforced springs · Filling volume 20500...
featured Farmtech TDK 900
v 1.11 Downloads today18,628 Downloads total25 commentsUser rating64 said thankspublished Wed, 20 Jan 2016 18:47:00 GMT in - TandemTo provide safe transport of high payloads on difficult terrain it requires the convincing features of our three-side tandem trailer TDK. Through its compact building method the driving unit enables...
featured JOSKIN Drakkar
v 1.00 Downloads today5,916 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating43 said thankspublished Wed, 23 Dec 2015 01:20:00 GMT in - TandemJoskin drakkar tandem price: 35 000 euro capacity: 35 000 daily upkeep: 70 euro Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes CMT group Model: SmetyTextures: SmetyIn game...
featured Conow TMK 22 7000
v 1.00 Downloads today3,288 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Mon, 30 Nov 2015 10:27:31 GMT in - Tandemhi Guys After a long period of rest I once again a mod for you .. I've finally made ??my TMK of Conow to get ready .. of course I do not want to deprive you of him .. 32 000L Ladevollumen € 39...
featured Brantner TA23065 Power Push
v 1.11 Downloads today7,216 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating38 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Nov 2015 20:35:00 GMT in - TandemBrantner TA23065 Power Push Built-in functions: Wheel chocks Color choice Steering axle Functioning axis shift (going from 50% Automatic forward less than 50% to the rear) Washable lighting...
featured Fliegl TDK Modular
v 1.10 Downloads today4,566 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating32 said thankspublished Fri, 25 Sep 2015 18:12:21 GMT in - TandemJuten! After a few hours tinkering, trial & error and NEM pot hole I've for you to Fliegl TDK 160 version as hardpoint. Basically, I have the model left as Giants has provided. I have only...
featured Grimme MultiTrailer 190
v 1.00 Downloads today5,002 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating52 said thankspublished Sun, 20 Sep 2015 05:51:35 GMT in - TandemHallo alle, heute endlich der Grimme Multitrailer aus dem LS 13 zum DL Der Multitrailer ist aufgrund seines geringen Einsatzgewichtes optimal zum Abfahren von schwereren Agrargütern wie Kartoffeln...
featured KAWECO PullBox 8000H
v 1.00 Downloads today8,361 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating68 said thankspublished Sat, 20 Jun 2015 05:49:12 GMT in - TandemRoll band wagon with conical interior The Dutch manufacturer Kaweco presented at Agritechnica its own roll band wagon. But the Dutch have agreed a joint venture with SGT and the system of "pull...
featured Kroeger HKD302 Tandem
v 1.00 Downloads today19,759 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating60 said thankspublished Thu, 28 May 2015 17:37:32 GMT in - TandemHello, Here I imagine you my "Kroeger HKD302 tandem" trailer available. Mod runs on the standard script. Downloadable fruits are: Standard Fruit Mod is FREE LOG !! A Multifruit version will follow...
featured Brantner TA 14045 XXL
v 1.00 Downloads today26,257 Downloads total22 commentsUser rating59 said thankspublished Sun, 17 May 2015 12:18:00 GMT in - TandemBrantner TA 14045 XXL Hi, now also on Modhoster my Brantner TA 14045 XXL. Served as a basis of originals Brantner tipper of Giants. Here I have some rebuilt and partly rebuilt. Info: Capacity...
featured Universalanhaenger
v 1.0 wsb0 Downloads today8,407 Downloads totalUser rating35 said thankspublished Thu, 12 Mar 2015 16:23:00 GMT in - TandemHere is my Universalanhaenger LS15wsb more: TSL Agricultural Engineering * Washable * Animated * Can be loaded with fruits * Capa: 7500 * Fruits: wheat barley maize rape chaff fertilizer...
featured SHA Tandem
v 1.00 Downloads today1,997 Downloads totalUser rating16 said thankspublished Thu, 26 Feb 2015 18:19:30 GMT in - TandemHere at the request of SHA tandem LS15 wsb ... without real model! more: TSL Agricultural Engineering * Bel * Attacher rear: normal * Animated * Adjustable drawbar mouse-controlled...
featured Brantner TA10041
v 1.00 Downloads today6,815 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Thu, 12 Feb 2015 09:36:00 GMT in - TandemCredits:model: Giantsedit: modelleicher I didn't like the original Brantner trailer since the beginning because the proportions weren't right and the wheels are way to wide. So i changed that. In the...
featured Annaburger HTS 22.12
v 1.01 Downloads today7,139 Downloads totalUser rating32 said thankspublished Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:38:58 GMT in - TandemMoin Moin, here I have for you today my old Anna Burger HTS 12.22 from 13 Ls for you! The silage structure can be combined with the 4 button and hide, he can invite all standard fruit and chips lift...