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Category Default Map edit
Bjorn Holm
Default Map edit
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over 10 years
Default Map edit
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Bjorn Holm Mining and Construction Economy
Default Map edit
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over 9 years
Default Map edit
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over 8 years
Bjorn Holm modified
Default Map edit
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DtP Map
Default Map edit
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over 9 years
featured Norge Holm
v 4.2 Multifruit / SoilMod & GMK-Mod & MBO Mod0 Downloads today145,720 Downloads totalUser rating452 said thankspublished Sat, 15 Oct 2016 14:09:19 GMT in - Default Map editNorgeholm 2015 v.1.9 Multifrucht-Map mit Unkraut-Mod, Multi-Dünger, Düngerhandel, Schweine-, Rinder- u. Hühnermast, Gründünger, SeedMaster, GülleMistKalk, Güllelager, Pferdehof, EDEKA, Kompostierwerk...
featured Burgenland2016
v 1.8 FINAL1 Downloads today18,551 Downloads total68 commentsUser rating54 said thankspublished Fri, 07 Oct 2016 12:46:01 GMT in - Default Map editThe Burgenland2016 is an extension of standard map. There are many new details come added. Also new delivery locations and buildings and objects. New Sounds in almost all areas of the map. Fields...
featured Bjorn Holm Plus
v 3.20 Downloads today15,007 Downloads total35 commentsUser rating23 said thankspublished Fri, 19 Aug 2016 15:33:00 GMT in - Default Map editBjorn Holm + is an extension of the standard Map Bjorn Holm. The map has been supplemented with a few mods and been provided through changes. The following has been added or modified: Pig Butcher...
featured Bjornelux
v 3.01 Downloads today27,779 Downloads total396 commentsUser rating123 said thankspublished Sat, 10 Oct 2015 14:58:36 GMT in - Default Map editWelcome back to Bjornelux. 3.0 MapFeatures: -Watermod -Milk trigger hose connection by mahru (Trailer needed see recommended mods) -choppedStraw mod -GuelleMistKalk mod -Doors openening and Barriers...
featured DtP Map
v 1.5.00 Downloads today38,389 Downloads total214 commentsUser rating83 said thankspublished Fri, 04 Sep 2015 12:33:00 GMT in - Default Map editDtp Map is based on the standard map, and is constantly being expanded NOTE You must have the AnimationMapTrigger in your modfolder. Download: Version 1.4.2 Adapted...
featured Bjorn Holm Mining and Construction Economy
v 2.01 Downloads today46,824 Downloads total201 commentsUser rating47 said thankspublished Thu, 06 Aug 2015 13:08:42 GMT in - Default Map editIf you are Farming Simulator purist then this map is not for you, Because this map has many tasks to do instead of cultivating, harvesting, feeding animals, etc. This map it is a modification of...
featured Hagen Bridge
v 2.1.00 Downloads today13,898 Downloads total99 commentsUser rating55 said thankspublished Sat, 23 May 2015 08:52:39 GMT in - Default Map editHagenbridge You will need: Universal Process Kit Please extract the files and read the Readme! V 2.1.0 - Forestexpanding - new starting vehicles - manually milk selling - foodmix station...
featured Westbridge Forest
v 4.10 Downloads today9,213 Downloads total50 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Sat, 14 Mar 2015 14:48:00 GMT in - Default Map editMUST BE UNPACKED, CONTAINS ALL MODS TO MAKE EVERYTHING WORK. Simply unpack the zip, drag and drop all the files into your Farm Simulator 2015 mod folder. This is my edit of Westbridge Hills, I...
featured Forstmap
v 1.5.50 Downloads today48,227 Downloads total105 commentsUser rating52 said thankspublished Fri, 27 Feb 2015 09:00:34 GMT in - Default Map editHello Dear Forestry fans I have for you a conversion of the original Bjorn Holm map. to the map: I have extended the sawmill with Holzpolter and chip inventory, and I can move the biomass power...
featured Bjorn country
v 4.10 Downloads today6,784 Downloads total40 commentsUser rating16 said thankspublished Thu, 22 Jan 2015 15:00:00 GMT in - Default Map editBjorn country is my first version of the default map. Hope you enjoy. The map start with no collection of milk so you can sell it yourself with the milk trailer included in the map The map is a remake...
featured Westbridge Forest
v 3.00 Downloads today17,106 Downloads total91 commentsUser rating50 said thankspublished Fri, 09 Jan 2015 13:05:12 GMT in - Default Map editThis is my edit of Westbridge Hills, I have added the lumber mill and a forest tree and extra's. Added Lumber train and grain train. I have deleted some fields and reshaped some fields. I have added...
featured Holmfarming
v 1.70 Downloads today15,685 Downloads total119 commentsUser rating36 said thankspublished Sat, 06 Dec 2014 19:58:00 GMT in - Default Map editCommunity aufgepasst! Version 1.4Neue änderungen:Rinderzucht zur Schweinezucht verlegt (neues update 3.2.5b von marhu und Mannie313) Das aufladen von Rindern und Schweinen geht von selbst!Viehtransportanh...
featured Bjorn Holm
v 2.24 Downloads today17,679 Downloads totalUser rating83 said thankspublished Sat, 08 Nov 2014 19:42:54 GMT in - Default Map editHello this is the Bjorn Holm V2 because it bugged me that the cow and sheep pastures are also in LS15 far away from the farm, I have time off law. The yard is bigger and has new vehicles. Go...
featured Holmgard
v 1.10 Downloads today11,589 Downloads total68 commentsUser rating56 said thankspublished Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:29:26 GMT in - Default Map editHolmgard v 1.1 Bjorn Bjorn Holm without ... either way in the way I would start the Mapbeschreibung. As can be seen immediately on the second glance, everyone realizes that this was the Bjorn Holm...
featured Bjorn Holm modified
v 1.00 Downloads today10,442 Downloads total83 commentsUser rating50 said thankspublished Sat, 01 Nov 2014 18:47:21 GMT in - Default Map editHi Com., because it bugged me again these are the willow also in LS15 far away from the farm, I have placed myself even think about law and those close to the farm. Possibly annoying it to one or...