featuredV 1.0: Alsace is the place to go. You can expect a challenging map with many different game possibilities and challenges in a beautiful natural landscape with many details.
V 2.0: The refinery (industry) has been integrated into a production where you can make your own fuel from rape and sunflower. Corresponding to this, fillable filling stations have been installed at the Haupthof, the Schweinhof and the Rinderhof, so that the free fuel can be used. Surpluses can also be sold at the petrol station in Altkirch.
In addition, in the south-east, the grain train has been installed on many occasions.
V 2.1: All known faults have been remedied, in particular, the particle systems of the potato washing plant are in place.
V 3.0: Another grape variety was added grapes.
Other filling types include wine, smoked bacon, H milk and tarte flambée. The MilkMax V2 with sales point has been installed.
Additional productions are the wine cellar for the production of wine, the smoked bacon production in the slaughterhouse. You can sell all animals at the slaughterhouse OR make smoked bacon from pigs. You can sell the smoked bacon OR as a supply product for the dumplings and tarte flambées.
The H-Mich can be sold OR used as a supply product for the flame cake.
You can sell the grapes OR make wine in the cellar and sell it.
Below the hotel a vineyard has been laid out (similar to the Hopfengarten). Wine cultivation is the best. The rows have a yield of about 100,000 liters when fertilized, otherwise much less.
For the V 3.0, a new game is required because many objects onCreate have been inserted, otherwise the vehicles.xml spins when saving and does not save. In addition, trees have been added and other plants have been removed.
The warehouse has been supplemented by storage for fish from fish farming, wine, smoked bacon and tarte flambée. Fish can be sold at the Intermarche and Leclerq sales points. Wine and tarte flambée can be sold at the hotel and at the water mill.
Grapes and smoked bacon can be sold at the farm market in Dannemarie.
With the download is a grape harvesting, which must only in the Modordner. Harvesting is easiest with the harvester at the front of the tractor and a supercharger behind it.
It is the hilly landscape between the villages of Altkich and Dannemarie in Alsace. In addition to the two main cities, there are the villages of Aspach, Ballersdorf and Carspach, the Stuttgart - Paris line and the Rhine-Rhone canal. In the north-east and south-west, high-altitude stretches with extensive forest areas are installed, the trees are precipitable.
There are a total of 64 fields, 3 meadows and a separate hop field in a total size of approximately 1,200 HA. The fields are adapted to the landscape and the course of the road and kept natural. It is often necessary to work with a preliminary turning.
The special hop garden and the vineyard are for free and can be processed directly.
Wheat, barley, rye, oats, triticale, spelled, sunflower, rape, carrot, onion, potatoes, sugar beet and hops are used for fruits. In addition there are grapes.
Filling types:
Other filling types include peat, sand, clay, compost, beet chips, wood chips, beer, liquor, bread, fish, fish feed, smoked bacon, tarte flambée, wine and smoked fish.
Pallet types:
Wallets, dumplings, brick pallets, plum, cherry and apple pallets, egg pallets, wooden pallets and pallets with washed potatoes are provided on transportable and tradable pallets. There are several sales outlets.
There is a courtyard with various storage rooms and storage facilities available. The straw and grass storage is located on a loft, the grain and grape storage in silos and the storage for composter, beet chips, chopped material, silage, carrots, onions, potatoes and sugar beet are designed as basement storage under the shelves with animated flap.
In addition to the main farmhouse, there is also a pig farm with pig farming and a cattle farm with cattle breeding, a poultry farm with chicken and goose breeding. The breeding facilities are all from Marhu in the version 5.0.
Suitable for the breeding facilities are a livestock trade for pigs and cattle as well as a poultry trade for chickens and geese. Here, young animals can be bought at a much lower price than in the shop and transported to the respective breeding facilities.
The MixFeeder, the BeetMaster, the CompostMaster, the SeedMaster 2k15, the BaleMaster and the Beet Carcass are installed in the main house to feed the cows directly.
On the straw bed can be loose straw
08 Aug 15:45Version 3.0 Multifruit
Neue Fruchtsorte: Weintrauben (grapes) zum Säen und Ernten
Neue Fülltypen: Räucherspeck, Wein, H-Milch, Flammkuchen
Neue Produktionen: Räucherspeckproduktion im Schlachthof; Weinkellerei; Flammkuchenwerk; Milch Max V2 an der Molkerei; H-Milch-Verkauf am Intermarche
Weinberg eingebaut
Verkaufstellen für Räucherspeck, Flammkuchen, Weintrauben, Wein eingefügt
Lager für Wein, Flammkuchen, Räucherspeck
Erträge z.T. etwas erhöht -
08 Jul 13:28Version 2.1 Multifrucht
- Partikelsysteme Kartoffelwaschanlage
- Palettenstau Ziegelei
-Palettenstau Knödelfabrik
Verkehr eingebaut
Lagerhalle für Fisch ergänzt
Verkaufsstellen für Fisch eingefügt -
09 Jun 22:13Version 2.0 Multifruit
Fehler der V 1.0 beseitigt
Raffinerie mit Benzinproduktion eingebaut
Raffinerie als kaufbares Objekt
Befüllbare Hoftankstelle am Haupthof, Schweinehof, Rinderhof
Getreidezug eingefügt- -
03 May 16:17Version 1.0 Multifruit
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by Rainer3041
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by Vanquish081
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by Tawa
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25 Comments for Altkirch in Alsace
Hey... LS15 is zwar schon relativ alt, aber hab dennoch mal ne Frage.
Wo is in Altkirch das Anschlagbrett?
Hallo, wo bekomme ich Masthühner und Mastgänse her. Im Shop sind sie nicht. Und mit dem Clixstar geht es auch nicht, Bitte um Hilfe.
Gruß André.
hi can any one please tell me how do i harvest the hops great map
Hello. beautiful map. so I have a problem. in "Mischfutter halle", I can't load mischfutter. the tank is full. the pipe don't move. when I move back my trailer, the pipe go through the trailer and the end of the pipe is not round. please help me
just started to play the map about 3 days ago . and love it! the work that u guys(mappers)is incredible. so first thanks. I do have a little prblom whare I don't have grapes or carrot on my seeders which meen I canot sew them .can u pls halp? again thanks 4 the map
Entschuldige mich das ich im english weiter gehe (ich kan Deutch lesen aber nicht so gut schreiben :D
I have a problem with the delivery of jungtiere( calves) when i buy them directly from ingame shop they appear in the stables, but when i buy them from the market (€ sign on map) and put them in my truck (Clixtar) i am not able to put them in the stable (message: calf is not accepted here)
Can you help me with that?
Its an amazing map by the way :D
I cannot get the butcher shop to produce smoked bacon. It has pigs, woodchips and peat. Is there something else I should deliver to get this production up and running?
Thanks to anyone that can help.
Hello, could you tell me if this map is soilmod ready?
hi, what a fantastic map! 10/10 from me, but what happend to the descrition to the map, i played another map for a while and wanted to re download all the required mods to make it run, but description is empty. Can anyone fix it pls thx alot :)
Hi, first, thanks for the great mod!
However i have come over a few problems, maybe someone can help me.
1. Can't get the mix master to work, i filled it, there is also 100% of mixed feed, however when i go to pick it up and fill trailer, there is no focus on the modal window that pops up, So i can't press start nor switch between silos. I checked the log, there is no error
2. Can't get the MixFeeder to work. I have no actions anywhere (the tablet should open). In addition can't fill it either
I have tried to reinstall all the necessary mods, create a new savegame and more.
Thank you!
tolles map aber who kan i seeds mit laden for am hof.
great map but i have one problem by the fuel factory you cant unload the the rape and sunflower the tip trigger isnt show up but i love the map great worki
very good map. so, a little problem:
where take fuel in sawmill on south?
Thanks for your answer
Hello ! First thing to say is that the map is fantastic, i dont use time acceleration and while the crops grow i want to transport sand, peat and loam.So i transported sand and peat but i dont know where to transport the loam/lehm? thanks for the help!
Hello, first of all thank you for your V2 card, always beautiful with a new feature, however I have a little trouble with carrots, I can not store them in the farm, is this normal ???
What will I take for peat production?
step by step.
Danke schön!
hello, Something in passing to the sawmill south west, or we put the fuel ??? I can not find the place lol
hello I would like to know how I can harvest trailer bread, beer, fish and other .... thanks for your answer.
Hi how i can load fischfutter ? normal trailer don't works
hello i have a problem with the company Ziegelei Jouaux the Tarf = 0 and i can't find wher i can unload him