Hello. beautiful map. so I have a problem. in "Mischfutter halle", I can't load mischfutter. the tank is full. the pipe don't move. when I move back my trailer, the pipe go through the trailer and the end of the pipe is not round. please help me
In this case you have moved the trigger. The easiest way to solve the problem is to do another download of the map. Do not touch the buttons K/J or N/M if you are infront of the informationdesks.
just started to play the map about 3 days ago . and love it! the work that u guys(mappers)is incredible. so first thanks. I do have a little prblom whare I don't have grapes or carrot on my seeders which meen I canot sew them .can u pls halp? again thanks 4 the map
Do you use the correct ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Altkirch? Only this one will work correct and there migth be NO OTHER miltiFruitModule in your mods-folder. Allways only that one in the folder that belongs to the map.
Entschuldige mich das ich im english weiter gehe (ich kan Deutch lesen aber nicht so gut schreiben :D
I have a problem with the delivery of jungtiere( calves) when i buy them directly from ingame shop they appear in the stables, but when i buy them from the market (€ sign on map) and put them in my truck (Clixtar) i am not able to put them in the stable (message: calf is not accepted here)
Can you help me with that?
You have got go inside the stable an you will see a a mark on the ground (black/yellow). You have to place the 2 backwheels of the clixar on this maker, the small wheel at the edge an than press the button. In the stable there are so many trigger, I think you got the trigger for straw an that will not accept calfs. Try, it will work.
I cannot get the butcher shop to produce smoked bacon. It has pigs, woodchips and peat. Is there something else I should deliver to get this production up and running?
Thanks to anyone that can help.
nope, that's all you need. It takes quite a while until the productions starts to run. If you still have a problem please check first that you have all required mods installed. See below in an answer to Killroy for a list. If you checked this and you are sure that you have no other map still in the mod folder or for example a multifruit module from another map, post your log.txt. You can also send your log.txt to either gmcw or me in a PM and we will have a look.
hi, what a fantastic map! 10/10 from me, but what happend to the descrition to the map, i played another map for a while and wanted to re download all the required mods to make it run, but description is empty. Can anyone fix it pls thx alot :)
I assume you are viewing the page in english ;). Yeah the english description is missing, however it is a bit much to translate right now, so i concentrate on the important part regarding the Mods ;).
Hi, first, thanks for the great mod!
However i have come over a few problems, maybe someone can help me.
1. Can't get the mix master to work, i filled it, there is also 100% of mixed feed, however when i go to pick it up and fill trailer, there is no focus on the modal window that pops up, So i can't press start nor switch between silos. I checked the log, there is no error
2. Can't get the MixFeeder to work. I have no actions anywhere (the tablet should open). In addition can't fill it either
I have tried to reinstall all the necessary mods, create a new savegame and more.
great map but i have one problem by the fuel factory you cant unload the the rape and sunflower the tip trigger isnt show up but i love the map great worki
Hello ! First thing to say is that the map is fantastic, i dont use time acceleration and while the crops grow i want to transport sand, peat and loam.So i transported sand and peat but i dont know where to transport the loam/lehm? thanks for the help!
Aha! i got it now, thanks for the reply, one more thing i noticed the sand and peat are like 4000 euro /ton, and the cereals around 1000e or less. Is this normal? i mean i make aloot of money out of transporting sand and peat, maybe a little too much for the effort compared to agriculture. But still this is the best map i ever played on FS2015 and i have hundred of hours. Keep up the good work.
Hello, first of all thank you for your V2 card, always beautiful with a new feature, however I have a little trouble with carrots, I can not store them in the farm, is this normal ???
There are two possibilities:
Every trailer that is able to carry wheat should transport beer, booze, bread, fish and smokedFish. There are planes and particleSystems for these things.
You can use another trailer, it is necessary to write these fillTypes into the .xml of the new trailer if they are not noted yet.
There is missing the ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Altkirch and/or the ZZZ_multiFruit and/or another ZZZ_multiFruitModule belonging to another map is in your modfolder. Only use the right one.
When everything is correct in the modfolder a normal Trailer will work.
25 Comments for Altkirch in Alsace
Hey... LS15 is zwar schon relativ alt, aber hab dennoch mal ne Frage.
Wo is in Altkirch das Anschlagbrett?
Hallo, wo bekomme ich Masthühner und Mastgänse her. Im Shop sind sie nicht. Und mit dem Clixstar geht es auch nicht, Bitte um Hilfe.
Gruß André.
hi can any one please tell me how do i harvest the hops great map
Hello. beautiful map. so I have a problem. in "Mischfutter halle", I can't load mischfutter. the tank is full. the pipe don't move. when I move back my trailer, the pipe go through the trailer and the end of the pipe is not round. please help me
just started to play the map about 3 days ago . and love it! the work that u guys(mappers)is incredible. so first thanks. I do have a little prblom whare I don't have grapes or carrot on my seeders which meen I canot sew them .can u pls halp? again thanks 4 the map
Entschuldige mich das ich im english weiter gehe (ich kan Deutch lesen aber nicht so gut schreiben :D
I have a problem with the delivery of jungtiere( calves) when i buy them directly from ingame shop they appear in the stables, but when i buy them from the market (€ sign on map) and put them in my truck (Clixtar) i am not able to put them in the stable (message: calf is not accepted here)
Can you help me with that?
Its an amazing map by the way :D
I cannot get the butcher shop to produce smoked bacon. It has pigs, woodchips and peat. Is there something else I should deliver to get this production up and running?
Thanks to anyone that can help.
Hello, could you tell me if this map is soilmod ready?
hi, what a fantastic map! 10/10 from me, but what happend to the descrition to the map, i played another map for a while and wanted to re download all the required mods to make it run, but description is empty. Can anyone fix it pls thx alot :)
Hi, first, thanks for the great mod!
However i have come over a few problems, maybe someone can help me.
1. Can't get the mix master to work, i filled it, there is also 100% of mixed feed, however when i go to pick it up and fill trailer, there is no focus on the modal window that pops up, So i can't press start nor switch between silos. I checked the log, there is no error
2. Can't get the MixFeeder to work. I have no actions anywhere (the tablet should open). In addition can't fill it either
I have tried to reinstall all the necessary mods, create a new savegame and more.
Thank you!
tolles map aber who kan i seeds mit laden for am hof.
great map but i have one problem by the fuel factory you cant unload the the rape and sunflower the tip trigger isnt show up but i love the map great worki
very good map. so, a little problem:
where take fuel in sawmill on south?
Thanks for your answer
Hello ! First thing to say is that the map is fantastic, i dont use time acceleration and while the crops grow i want to transport sand, peat and loam.So i transported sand and peat but i dont know where to transport the loam/lehm? thanks for the help!
Hello, first of all thank you for your V2 card, always beautiful with a new feature, however I have a little trouble with carrots, I can not store them in the farm, is this normal ???
What will I take for peat production?
step by step.
Danke schön!
hello, Something in passing to the sawmill south west, or we put the fuel ??? I can not find the place lol
hello I would like to know how I can harvest trailer bread, beer, fish and other .... thanks for your answer.
Hi how i can load fischfutter ? normal trailer don't works
hello i have a problem with the company Ziegelei Jouaux the Tarf = 0 and i can't find wher i can unload him