
V 0.95 GMK SchoppedStraw Wirtschaft mod for Farming Simulator 15

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This is a recreation of the village Mönchwinkel, Germany. Maybe you know this map from FS13. A lot changed but is still similar. But see yourself. You need to unrar the package.



  • fixed some UPK-Texts
  • manurestorage at the yard
  • removed the speedcams
  • Fuelstorage at the Biogasplant, Milkplant and the LPGs
  • changed startingconditions (field 70 planted with maize, gras- and silage handling vehicles)
  • palletsale at the transportcompany
  • donatebutton added

Helperalignment : Please give me feedback, if you agree with the higher number of angle, the helper can steer with.

Performance: This map needs relative good hardware. In combination with different mods, I assume you need a graphicsdevice with 1.5GB and at least 4GB RAM.

AGRAVIS, Freightyard, Sawmill,  Mill, Distillery, Grainelevator,  Constructionsite Hangelsberg (takes concrete),  Farmshop, Horseyard, Biogasplant,  Inn, Biomassheatingplant, Gardencenter, Spinnery, Cellulosefactory
Chicken, cows, sheeps as well as beef- and pigbreeding (Version 4.0) are at your farm. The chickenbreeding can be found in the southwest map. You can buy the animals at the animaltrader, to be found in Wulkow (not signed an roads, look at the ingamemap - icon)

UPK sellpoints (yellow marking = empty vehicle; blue marking = load vehicle):

  • Brewery (wheat + hops = alcohol; barley + hops = alcohol)
  • Hopsfarmr (sells hops)
  • Cannary (please look in the withcomming PDF for details)
  • Biodieselfactory
  • Fertilizerfactory http://www.modhoster.de/mods/fabrik-fur-dunger-futter-diesel-und-energie
  • Sugarbeetfactory (sugarBeet --> lime)
  • Plantation (nearly all fruits from Rosenthaler + grennhouses)
  • GDR - Milkyard (look in the videosection for details)
  • "quarry" (not signed on roads; 2 excavators, one for sand, the other for gravel --> the concretefactory produces concrete --> needed to finish the roadworks at the horseyard. Whean the road is finished completely you have access to the plantation.
  • Fishfarm (can be delivered with maize)
  • "Saftheini" (to be found in Spreetal; not signed on road)
  • Market (from Rosenthaler; not signed on road; at the inn)
  • Cheesefactory (milk --> cheese)
  • Dairy (buys your milk, "StopMilkSale - Mod" recommended; sells also milk)
  • Slaughterhouse (pig --> meat; beef --> meat; chicken --> meat)
  • EDEKA (buys all UPK-goods like fish, meat etc.)
  • Foragemixinghall at AGRAVIS


Optional / recommended Mods:

Required Mods:



1.) can't load sand / gravel:

1.1 are all required mods in the modfelder?

1.2 do you have other maps in the modfelder? If so, remove them.

1.3 do you have mods in the modfolder, which register filltypes (eg: soilmod, compost etc.) Remove them!

1.4 Trailers with filltype "wheat" will load sand and gravel.


2.) Future addition of soilmod, compost etc.

This is not possible, due to the 64 filltypes border. The map reached this maximum.

3.) Can't load fish, meat or something else:

3.1 see 1.)

3.2 for loading meat etc. you need the EDEKA-Trailer. Every trailer which can load "hops" should be able to load these goods.

4.) Nothing happens in the factorys

4.1 Most factorys have productiontimes. Just wait till 8am, wherer the most factorys start to work.

5.) Roadconstruction

5.1 You need to deliver concrete. Per productionsegment the constructionsite needs 250.000 concrete.

5.2 When you complete the roadconstruction, you get access to the plantation.

5.3 The concrete can be unload at a "small grey box" among the constructionvehicles.

5.4 Concrete will be produced in the concretefactory with delivered sand and gravel. More goods are not required.

6.) Where can I get water?

6.1 everywhere at the river

6.2 look out for some accessable places at the river

7.) where to sell Diesel?

7.1 You can sell your Diesel at the gasstation in the north.

8.) My already buildt road is away with the new version, what should I do?

8.1 With each save with the GE, some IDs for storages etc. change and they differ from the IDs in the savegame. This can cause several problems with stored amounts.

8.2 Open your FarmingSimulator2015 folder, where you can find your modfolder. There are your savegames too.

8.3 Open the concerning savgamefolder, within you can find the"vehicles.xml" which you should open with WordPad or any texteditor.

8.4 Search for "strasse" - without quotation marks - and you will find the following line:

<upkStrasse showMapHotspot="false" fillLevels="xxxxxx">

The blue colored part ist only there, if you delivered the constructionsite. Otherwise this entry is missung.

8.5 Change this line to the following:

<upkStrasse showMapHotspot="false" fillLevels="5 potato">

8.6 save and have fun with your complete buildt road


Which trailer loads filltype X? (see multiFruit_config.xml for details)

I want to load this: The trailer should be able to load this
Silage Chaff
Forage Silage
Sunflower Rape
Oat Barley
Lime Fertilizer
Manure Chaff
Grass Silage
Hay Silage
loose grass Gras
Luzerne Gras
Sand Wheat
Gravel Wheat
Apple Potato
Pea Potato
Cherry Potato
Plum Potato
Strawberry Potato
Oranges Potato
Cucumber Potato
Tomato Potato
Alcohol Hops
Concrete Lime
Fish Hops
Cheese Hops
Can Hops
Marmelade Hops
Meat Hops
Seeds Wheat
Fertilizer Water



Mapbauer: Silenceko
Die Liste für die Credits ist lang, sie liegt dem Maparchiv "moenchwinkel" bei.

  • 09 Jun 14:56
    Version 0.95 GMK SchoppedStraw Wirtschaft

    diverse Fixes, Mistlager am Hof

  • 26 May 22:02
    Version 0.94 GMK ChoppedStraw Wirtschaft

    Terrainangleichungen -- Misthaufen der Kühe gefixt -- Wunschbrunnen gefixt -- Tankstelle gefixt -- Kollisioonen der Ortsschilder und Wegweiser entfernt, da diese willkürlich umfielen; man kann nun durch diese hindurch fahren


checksum: b21d5e7f8e771c6f148f2b8027e7f53f
Version: 0.95 GMK SchoppedStraw Wirtschaft
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Heady [PLANET-LS.de]
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Moenchwinkel
description in shop: By Silenceko, vielen Dank an all die Modder, die mich in vielen Hinsichten unterstuetzt haben.
checksum: b21d5e7f8e771c6f148f2b8027e7f53f
Version: 0.95 GMK SchoppedStraw Wirtschaft
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Moenchwinkel
description in shop: By Silenceko, vielen Dank an all die Modder, die mich in vielen Hinsichten unterstuetzt haben.
checksum: b21d5e7f8e771c6f148f2b8027e7f53f
Version: 0.95 GMK SchoppedStraw Wirtschaft
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Moenchwinkel
description in shop: By Silenceko, vielen Dank an all die Modder, die mich in vielen Hinsichten unterstuetzt haben.
checksum: b21d5e7f8e771c6f148f2b8027e7f53f
Version: 0.95 GMK SchoppedStraw Wirtschaft
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Silenceko
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Moenchwinkel
description in shop: By Silenceko, vielen Dank an all die Modder, die mich in vielen Hinsichten unterstuetzt haben.

10.05 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.83 / 106 Votes


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V 0.95 GMK SchoppedStraw Wirtschaft
Farming Simulator 15
533 MB 17606
09. 06 2015 17,606
V 0.94 GMK ChoppedStraw Wirtschaft
Farming Simulator 15
531 MB 5144
26. 05 2015 5,144

9 Comments for Mönchwinkel

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  1. ncis54 23. 05 2017

    in plantation, EDEKA trailer load only pear & apple.
    how load plum & cherries.
    thanks for your answer

  2. hutchins13 15. 01 2016

    Is it normal to make $100,000/hour at the start of the game without doing anything? This is what is happening to me. My money increases about $1,700 every minute before I do anything on the map.

    The only files in the mod folder are:

    1 replies

  3. Fizzy 30. 07 2015

    Fields are jacked up. Hired help goes in the direction they are pointed instead of squaring off to the field boundaries and they often stop after just one or two sowing runs. d*mn shame to put so much work into a map then just give up on it and put it out there for others to download and get frustrated over the loss of time. Guess that's the thing you wanted to share the most, the wasted time... yours and ours. I don't know how this map got any stars much less 4. Who the h*ll is rating these mods around here anyway, the modder's friends? That seems to be the norm around here. And please, none of that mod conflict nonsense. Your map is the mod conflict, not the other way around. This game would be a whole lot better if modders would get their sh*t together before uploading ***** then demanding people respect them.. lol I learned a long time ago if you have to ask for respect you don't deserve it. Maybe I'm not being totally fair to you, probably not, but I am sick and tired of wasting so much time on bad mods and you're just the one I decided to take my frustrations out on. Oh well... If you don't want to hear sh*t then don't post sh*t. Now that's something I can respect.

  4. akash_cool 21. 07 2015

    hi i am sainarasimha from india.can any one plz help me, i install this map yesterday all is well i love it,but field buying icon is not there in the feild i don't know what i wanna to do plz help me...........i don't know German plz try to reply in english..........i am waiting for ur reply

    1 replies

  5. jmj486 08. 07 2015

    Slaughterhouse will not produce meat????

  6. tuzlo 20. 06 2015

    Why are weeds growing even though I cultivate and fertilize a field?

    1 replies

  7. ncis54 12. 06 2015

    I store grass in teh yard. but I can't find the trailer which go under ther the conveyor to load grass.
    Same problem with silage or straw.
    Help me please

    2 replies

  8. tonic23 26. 05 2015

    Thank you silenceko, wondered why no Manure LOL

  9. ibvaaben 21. 05 2015

    hi how to get hops
    I think I have tried everything
    but can not get it to work

    1 replies
