Member since 12 / 2013
Userprofile of ozgamer
AC shelby Cobra 427
ago about 9 years
AC shelby Cobra 427
ago about 9 years
AC shelby Cobra 427
ago about 9 years
AC shelby Cobra 427
ago about 9 years
AC shelby Cobra 427
ago about 9 years
AC shelby Cobra 427
ago about 9 years
AC shelby Cobra 427
ago about 9 years
AC shelby Cobra 427
ago about 9 years
1967 Chevrolet Corvette
ago about 9 years
1967 Chevrolet Corvette
ago about 9 years
1967 Chevrolet Corvette
ago about 9 years
ravenwest motorsport chevy
ago over 9 years
ravenwest motorsport chevy
ago over 9 years
Domaine forestier de Montaubois
ago about 10 years
Old Times 15
ago about 10 years
No videos available yet
Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
upload it to pastebin and then link it back to here so he can see what needs fixing, just trying to be helpful.
Mod: Trucker Football
complete and utter waste of download.
Mod: AC shelby Cobra 427
it is comments like yours that destroy a community, so take your hate somewhere else,
Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
when I download this mod it shows 1.1 not 1.2 (mod hoster link)
Mod: AC shelby Cobra 427
After some time away, and talking to a skilled and helpful person the GDN website, ive finally found out how to do the gauges, so expect a new version soon.
Mod: Mercedes SLS AMG
hi there
nice car, however no working dash
couldn't see reverse or brakelights I hope you fix these issues could be a nice car if you do...maybe another colour other than white would be good too.
Mod: AC shelby Cobra 427
after much deliberation, and the intense arrogance and rudeness of those @ fsuk and the giants support forum, the lack of support when i first started modding this game. I will be pulling the plug on farming simulator 2015 modding. this game has been my toughest challenge yet. thanks for all the downloads. you guys have humbled me beyond words.
all the best to you guys, and again thankyou.
Nach reiflicher Überlegung und der intensiven Arroganz und Unhöflichkeit jener @ fsuk und dem Riesen -Support-Forum , die fehlende Unterstützung , als ich anfing Modding dieses Spiel . Ich werde das Ziehen des Steckers auf Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2015 Modding. dieses Spiel hat meine größte Herausforderung war leer. Dank für alle Downloads. Sie Kerle haben mich unbeschreiblich gedemütigt .
alles Gute an euch , und immer wieder danke .
Google Übersetzer
Mod: AC shelby Cobra 427
thanks for your comment, and yes i'm aware there are a few things that still need to be sorted out. thankyou for the video...but if you can next time please do it in English as well because I don't speak german lol.
thanks again for your support.
Mod: AC shelby Cobra 427
the wheel is not spinning on the axis It's a real problem that I have no solutions for, and i'm not sure how to fix it, I've tried center to object, I've tried centering it in blender but it's always the same result. i'm just not sure...if someone wants to help me sort it out, I would be most open to that.
Mod: Savena Valley
thanks, it's not that, you have something in your mod that prevents me from even driving at all, I can get in the truck and start it, but after that I cant go anywhere at all. cant steer, cant brake cant do anything. it's only your map, the others I play all work fine.
Mod: Savena Valley
hi just a quick mESSAge of thanks for the map, however I have no control over vehicles or any kind of movements. how can I rid myself of it, so I can move freely?? thanks
Mod: ravenwest motorsport chevy
nothing new to add here, only a big THANKYOU to all 650 of you who have downloaded my first car mod, and I see many of you have shared it on other farming sim sites, i'm so honored a little embarrassed really because it has been shared so much. just a massive thankyou as a veteran modder of other game formats I never got that this much with any of those, so a huge thankyou for this modder. more to come.
Mod: Pontiac Firebird Trans Am 1977
oh that is nice, good job.
Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
excuse me, there is no need to be rude, as a modder I understand the many hours of work that goes into this. and I can tell you I've had a look see at this map and it looks great. so unless you can do much better then please keep your opinion to yourself thankyou.
Mod: Delta Del Ebro 15
ratchet, i'm very impressed with your map, I thought it would be hard to beat pleasant valley map from dajnets but you have done extremely well. I love what you have done here. I just had a brief drive around but I love it, extremely well done, keep up the great work, there were a couple of bugs in there but i'm sure you will fix those when you do your next release. all the best to you I will be adding this to my favourites
Mod: Fruit Package Designer
awesome a new version, thanks
Mod: ravenwest motorsport chevy
comments are welcome but please be nice I wont hesitate in reporting comments that are in appropriate, if you don't like my mod then don't download it, it's that simple.
Mod: Refinery
this works as a placeable but doesn't load into the tanks, I think it's missing a trigger or something.
Mod: CAT Fleet 15 A
greetings, I just wanted to send out a shout of thanks for this mod pack, the only thing I was after was the truck and trailer that can auto load bales of wool and bales of hay and straw, they work seamlessly, well done. sure has made things a lot easier that's for sure.
5 stars here.
Mod: Kone Big M500 ATTACH
I have several of your other mods, i'm a huge fanboy lol, if you could extend the arms to 20m that'd be perfect for this one.
Mod: AWTrailer 42Ft Bale Trailer
this would be better if it had a script that auto loads and unloads, there is no flat bed trailer that does that,
Mod: Water Milk Trailer
there is no unload button for this.
Mod: AGS Map
greetings, big blue,
first of all, thankyou for releasing your map finally, i'm most impressed, you have done so well and brought many new items to your map, and it looks very nice, as you know i'm a collector and archiver of only the really good maps, anything else is disgarded to the rubbish bin, if it's too small, too buggy, no working rail for grain and wood, your map has both, and no issues with collisions around fields,
normally i dont rate a map 5 stars, but for yuo i'm going to make the acception, because i love your map and the fact you have added more fruit types just makes it that much more of a pleasure,
i have one small request, please dont use for your mods, i found another site that had your mod hosted, whether by you or someone else,
so i look forward to seeing more work on this map as time allows for you,
well done,
Grüße, großen blauen,
vor allem, danke für die Freigabe Ihrer Map endlich, ich bin sehr beeindruckt, die Sie so gut gemacht haben und brachte viele neue Elemente, um Ihre Karte, und es sieht sehr schön, wie Sie wissen, ich bin ein Sammler und Archivierungs nur des wirklich gute Karten, alles andere wird in den Papierkorb disgarded, wenn es zu klein, zu buggy, für Getreide und Holz, hat keine Arbeit Schienen Ihre Karte sowohl, und keine Probleme mit Kollisionen um Felder,
normalerweise ich nicht bewerten Karte 5 Sternen, aber für yuo ich werde die acception zu machen, weil ich liebe Ihre Karte und die Tatsache, die Sie mehr Obst Typen hinzugefügt haben gerade macht es viel mehr Freude,
Ich habe eine kleine Bitte, bitte nicht verwenden für Ihre mods, fand ich eine andere Website, die Ihre mod gehostet hatte, ob die von Ihnen oder einer anderen Person,
also ich freue mich auf mehr Arbeit auf dieser Karte, wie es die Zeit erlaubt Ihnen,
gut gemacht,
Mod: Somewhere in Thuringia
greetings g
first of all, thankyou for the map, most impressive, some real work put into this one,,..
secondly, I love that you have a lot of wide open spaces, a working rail line for both grain and wood, this is a huge plus,
however I do have a couple of comments.
trees around fields are fine, but they need to be non collidable, what I mean is if you are going to use trees for "aesthetic beauty, then make them so you can drive through them, harvesters and seeders and such don't like trees and fences, so please don't use them around fields,
secondly the grain train, left the station as per norm, but then it seemed to float, when it got to the end of the line, like a magical train LOL,
i'm taking an extra point off because you used, (that's a big no no, that site is awful, don't use it again please)
overall im giving this mod 4/5 I've taken 1 point off because you used a poor upload site and the trees thing, that just drives me mad,.
good job otherwise.
Mod: Suedhemmern
this map is coming along nicely, I see you have added more fruit types, this is pleasing, I still have one small request that I would ask you to consider, TREES, trees around fields are a hazard and should not be placed around fields as machines get stuck in them, so i'm giving you 4/5 for this map as it just seems to get better,
fix the tree collisions around fields and you got 5 stars and my respect.
Mod: Bantikow
first of all thanks for sharing this map, I know you guys spend a lot of time trying this and fixing that, so here is what I can see that needs fixing
1. some of the doors don't open when you press O.
2. there is no working rail/freight yard and this is a must, with 2015, otherwise it defeats the purpose of the game
3. the fields are numbered wrong. and have no purchase data, and this is just wrong, you need to make each field purchasable.
4. this map offers no challenge to would be sim farmers, like myself.
there is no real forestry area, at least not what I could find
5. collisions around fields are a big no no, as harvesters and seeders are going to get stuck hard.
overall I love the concept your going for, but for me it just doesn't sit right with the things I've mentioned above
i'm giving you 2.9 out of 5 because you have large fields and I like that, but you need to fix what I've mentioned here for it to be truly worthy of 5 stars.
while I understand you do this stuff for your own enjoyment and that of your friends, but once you release to the public you are going to get comments like mine,
Mod: Manningheim
greetings thankyou for sharing your map, while I understand this is yet to be a 1.0 release, i'm going to offer you some advice
1. your pda map is just wrong you need to fix that so you can actually see what is front of you instead of a white page
2. the map is far too small, for any serious gamer to play on, everything is so cramped.
3. there is no working rail line for either timber or grains, and this is a must for me at least.
beyond that i'm sure there are numerous other bugs and things need fixing,
i'm going to give you 2.5 stars because your map is yet to be a 1.0
keep up the good work and please spread things out a little, it's just too cramped.
Mod: Nordfrieland
first of all thank you for sharing your map, as I understand the amount of hours you must pour into this map,
now to the important part
this map offers no challenges, as in you own all the fields, and that is no good, because the whole point of the game is to start out small and work up to a big farm.
there is no where to sell wood, once you start cutting down trees for selling. (no freight yard for timber)
you uploaded to "" that site is just awful and gives ***** download speed (in future please use an alternative upload site)
i'm giving you 3 stars for this mod, if you consider what I've said here, and take it as constructive critz not in an offensive way and fix what I've suggested here, then I will gladly download a future version and rate your 5 stars
good luck and keep up the great work
Mod: Palouse
first of all, thanks for sharing
secondly good idea, but bad map, here is why
1. no working rail yards of any kind whatsoever
2, fields are ridiculously large,
3. there is no forestry at all, you have plenty of work to do before this map can even be considered worthy of keeping
i'm deleting this map because well it's awful and don't take offense, sometimes you have to speak the truth,
while I appreciate that you spent a lot of time on this map, I would be starting from scratch, if you need help there are plenty of good modders around that will help you
good luck with it.
Mod: Terras do Paiva
think I will pass on this one, too small,
Mod: Domaine forestier de Montaubois
I've added an image of the map, as the author was obviously too lazy to post one, i'm rating this map 1 star as it's just a cheap knockoff, of the original map, if you cant create something from scratch then don't bother, this map will be deleted.
Mod: Old Times 15
first of all, thanks for sharing, most appreciative of your work,
now this is not really what i'm looking for in a map, but i'm sure there are thousands of others who will play your map, (I'm a fan of big open spaces, so therefore it wasn't to my taste.)
I wish you all the best with this mod.
Mod: Frisian march
greetings from au,
just downloaded the latest version of your map, and I must say well done, a functioning train line, and as far as I can see no issues with trees around the fields, large fields to work,
my only complaint and it maybe my computer having an attitude it seems to be frame skipping a little bit,
but i'm going to rate this 5 stars because it's a good looking map, and you have covered the important parts, I haven't had a decent run on it, but if I find any bugs of concern i'll be in touch.
regards ozgamer
Mod: Suedhemmern
thankyou for sharing your map, I love the fact you have made it so large I like maps like that,
however I do have a few comments.
first of all, I couldn't find the rail line for selling timber, maybe I need to search a bit more,
secondly, trees around fields are a big no no, because machines getting stuck in them. I know the trees are aesthetic ie to add a little realism or beauty, but for me, its a nuisance.
at this point I cant see anything else I am not keen with this map.
i'm rating your map 4.5/5 stars because of the tree issue, (extra points because you didn't use lol)
I will be watching this mod with great interest to see if you improve it,
this map will be one for the ages,
greetings from down under
Mod: Condor Amazone
Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/fieldWorkParticleSystem.i3d this is what I get when I use your mods, doesn't matter what I try it crashes my game,
Mod: Wilsum
well after you continued to delete my requests for an alternative dl link, I found another link whether you posted it, or someone else did on another site, I have been able to preview your mod.
here is what I've found
1. a working rail yard for both grains and wood, this is a big plus for me. so good work there.
2. this map offers no challenges in the way of something to work for, in the way of fields, since you own everything. which defeats the purpose of the game. (start small and work up to own everything.
3. too much water, you could turn those areas into fields,
I know your description says its fictional, but I think with a few improvements this map could be one for the ages.
3/5 stars.
and please don't take offense by this, I review every new map, and if I think it's feature worthy I will vote for it, and hope it will encourage the modder to go on and do bigger and better.
Mod: District of Breisgau
I've just downloaded this evolution of this map, and I have to say looks and feels great. you have done extremely well, this one will be one for the time capsule,.
I've had a drive around, I haven't found any major problems so far,
my biggest piece of advice is to watch those collisions around the fields, as in trees etc. but so far it looks great, i'll have a proper look later and if need be leave a little more feedback, b
you have a working freight and wood yard so that's a definite win right there.
keep up the great work, ***** stars from me,