In middle-northern area of Italy, just over Appennines, a fertile strip of land between two rivers host your home. Typical farming of the area is cyclic by fields, like the same field will be one year wheat (or barley), one year of potatoes (or sugarbeet) and so 3-4 years of a mix of "grass" made by alfalfa and klee, so deep plow and restart. Sunflower, mais, rye and oat are less "popular" and often used by "young" farmers.
Few satellite farm, mainly garage or storages, are around to made your job better. You will start with 4 fields, but you will able to get all 32.
The map is designed to be self-sustainable, giving way to use what you get from animals and fields to produce yourself seeds, fertilizer, compost (as manure). Fruit installed in the map are: wheat, barley, rape, maize, potato, sugarBeet, klee, luzerne, oat, rye, sunflower.
Main points of map:
Map is Soilmod and GMM/GMK ready, all fields are defined and already cultivated (3 seeded, owned by player since game start).
Custom sky and enviroment sounds (rain too).
A generous endowment of machines and tools is ready to be used.
Eggcage to collect hen eggs is ready, watermod installed.
Woolpallet collector are installed to sheep shed.
Pallet collector are installed to sawmills and plum/cherry area.
Slurry bunker installed.
Mixstation installed close cows shed.
Quite all trees are fallable.
Seed and fertilizer factory installed close the CompostMaster, compost can be used as fertilizer.
Milk is automatically sold at midnight if you don't place the sign from mod "stopmilk" (see below), at dairy the milk trigger to sell milk are anyway ready to be used.
Sugarbeet mixer installed close cows shed to let you feed them with silage bales or potatoes or sugarbeets.
Added SeedMaster2K15, forageMaster, beetMaster. (Since V1.1).
Potato Washer and Potato Steamer with pallet collector (Since V1.1).
UHT Milk MilkMAX (Since V1.1).
Place where sell goods (direction in the map in parenthesis):
- standard fruit: DeSpar market (north-west) and give money
- woodchips, any kind of windrow (grass, wheat, barley, klee, etc.): Power plant (south-west) and give money
- rape or sunflower: reffinerie at south-west, give fuel (tanks by Kastor placed on the map, refillable using Kotte tanks)
- logs as fruit, wool/straw/woodchips as fuel: sawmill and woodchips maker at west (woodchip maker work only with "fuel" like from reffinerie)
- animals buy/sell in north-west side of map (need animal transport pack, see below)
- BGA at north side
- Compost master installed south-east side of map, take manure, straw, bales, give compost
- SoilMod tanks close compostmaster, GMM/GMK fertilizer/herbicide tanks installed on map.
- Dock at south side of map: to sell wood board pallets to southern dock using an autoload trailer you need before unlock/unload on trailer spot before the crane start work.
- Potatoes (both washed and steamed) can be sold at DeSpar Market.
The map is tested in SP by me, is my first map... All single mods used in the map *should* be MP compatible (standing mods creators), but I've not got time to test it.
*** Unpack before Use ***
Required mods:
Kotte universal pack:
Fliegl Vieh-Animal transport Pack:
[all mods included in the main ZIP file]
GMK mod:
Don't use at same time, may conflict, choose your fav one.
Highly reccomended (not affect the basic features of the map, but can improve the gameplay significantly in some points of the map)
Fliegl Transport Pack:
TAM shiftable weight:
Fliegl DPW180 pack:
CSK fork pack:
Optional mods, not required and without any relation to the map, but suggested:
Feraboli overmix:
Alpego Super Craker:
Krone Big X1100 BeastPack:
Krone Big L500:
Automatic wrapped bales unload:
Trailerable conveyor:
Field Status:
Bale Extension: (as suggestion set "false" to "doMidnight"):
GrowthManager Addon:
The player need to add trailers, spreader and what required up to che choice of GMK or SoilMod, Modhoster have plenty of good mods for this.
Why not all required mod included in place of links? Because all modders are very active and bundle a ZIP file mean the risk to ship an outdated mod.
Known bugs:
- The map suffer only of 1 warnings about wheat long particles (but inside the map the particle work), no idea how fix this issue, sorry is my first map.
### Please, for errors or bug use PM, comments below may be missed by me.
*** Credits and docs inside bundle ZIP ***
CCS101&Tommy23, Mahru, Farmer_Andy, Ikkonator, Kastor, RC-Devil, upsidedown, Mor2000, Lexion780tt, Chtiseb, Rosenthaler, Thoralf2002, Manuel, Modding-Welt Team, Blacksheep, Pandahma, LKXstudios, San_Andreas, Vertexdezign, Dimre, Matdom, M-S_Buschi, Eisbearg, Tater Salad, Decker_MMIV, Beowulf, t0xic0m, Toody/Rubberduck2, Tropy, Vnsfdg1, Nick98.1
30 Dec 22:51Version 1.3 GMM/GMK + Soilmod
- Fixed prices of animals
- Fixed some floating trees
- Fixed navmesh of sheep&cows
- Smoothed a hole in field 13 -
14 Dec 20:49Version 1.2 GMM/GMK + Soilmod
# Fixed compost vs compost_soil issues on map and storages # Added compost storage close potatoes machines # Fized fuel production from rape/sunflowers ratio to be enough for all machines and be ready for future greenhouses # Fixed holes in two fields, now can be worked without issues # CompostMaster can now accept bales and shovel unload # Fixed some seeds duplications # Cleaned duplicates in the ZIP files and cleanup of map # Initial switch of street panels to fallable kind (rigid, breakable) # Fixed machine store to avoid very big or very tall machine from shop appear over the top roof of under the ground # Fixed UHT milk selling trigger at DeSpar market
by Sythos
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by Sythos
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by Sythos
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checksum: | 6029716217277e8de75f405c1c4b1713 |
Version: | 1.3 GMM/GMK + Soilmod |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | TMT |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | |
description in shop: |
checksum: | 6029716217277e8de75f405c1c4b1713 |
Version: | 1.3 GMM/GMK + Soilmod |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Marhu |
price in shop: | 54270 LS |
name in shop: | RuebenSchneider |
description in shop: | Dieser platzierbarer Ruebenschneider produziert Mischfutter für Kühe.. |
checksum: | 6029716217277e8de75f405c1c4b1713 |
Version: | 1.3 GMM/GMK + Soilmod |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Andy1978 |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | |
description in shop: |
checksum: | 6029716217277e8de75f405c1c4b1713 |
Version: | 1.3 GMM/GMK + Soilmod |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown, Extended Module by Farmer_Andy, edited by Sythos |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | |
description in shop: |
3 Comments for Savena Valley
bella mappa ma i prezzi sono giusti? vendere gli agnelli mi dice che mi rende 1 milone e mezzo l uno
hi just a quick mESSAge of thanks for the map, however I have no control over vehicles or any kind of movements. how can I rid myself of it, so I can move freely?? thanks
I thanks all to have downloaded and commented the map, but please, due I cannot read directly german try to check the spelling of comments otherwise Google Translate refuse to made me read what you write.