Conveyor belt

V 2.1.4b mod for Farming Simulator 15

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As its name Mod is again a conveyor belt (Yawn) But since I've been working on it LS13 I did not want it in the bin simply bashing.

  • The tape can attach to your tractor, on 2 sides
  • Is adjustable in height
  • the small band blasphemous swing
  • Keys in the help text
  • it takes all FillTypen (Multi Fruit was yesterday)

The tape can be the standard bearing, BGA empty silos and manure heap, it can be overloaded tractor-trailer to trailer and the BGA can be filled with it. It was in the SP and to the extent permitted the bug of the game have been tested in MP and DS.



  • 18 Feb 14:06
    Version 2.1.4b


checksum: 47537e537a7221926d10053ab593cf9d
Version: 2.1.4b
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Marhu
price in shop: 7523 LS
name in shop: Förderband
description in shop: Das Förderband lässt sich am Traktor anhängen aber man kann es auch ohne Traktor bewegen.
Es befördert alle Standart Ballen

18.02 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.69 / 320 Votes


nach 320 Stimmen

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V 2.1.4b
Farming Simulator 15
3.7 MB 101881
18. 02 2015 101,881

9 Comments for Conveyor belt

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  1. a-j-burtchett 19. 09 2016

    how do I download this mod

  2. popamarble 27. 05 2016

    I can't ever find the download button on your site. you have so many leeches and parasites that I can not determine how to download the mod I want. because I do not want to clutter my computer with unwanted and potentially harmful programs

  3. guapoloko 29. 03 2016

    It would be possible to turn on and off the equipment without having to engage the tractor?

  4. TheKoehler 07. 06 2015

    Excellent belt! I use it all the time! I have one on my main farm, one at the cow farm, and one at the BGA. I use them A LOT!

  5. Beautiful work, thank you.

  6. Wildflower 18. 02 2015

    Hi, it can not unload in the feeding box of cows and sheep, and also not in the mixstation?

  7. unregistered user 18. 02 2015

    Thank you once again Marhu. Your mods continue to bring enjoyment and variety to the game. keep modding :)

  8. Mychomizer 18. 02 2015

    Just was I was looking for. Thank you 5/5

  9. TSM 18. 02 2015

    very nice Marhu :D 10/10
