featuredUPDATE: 25.10.2015 0.01Uhr v12.10 Beta
Table of Contents (Please read first!):
1: Preface
2: Pack contents
3: Specification
4: Functions & Keyboard Layouts
5: WIP thread and Error Collection
6: Known Bugs
7: For the future
8: Update History
1: Preface
The Beast Pack project have been around for almost 4 years, restive, the pack has evolved and improved. It is equally proceed.
So up to this point first thanks to all of you who helped with the Site and to the people to realize the project.
2: Pack Contents 8 mods
Krone BigX 1100 Beast
- Engine 1294 hp 4280 Nm of torque Chiptuning
Krone ÜLW dolly axle Cargp3 prototype
Krone Easy Flow Pickup
Krone Easy Collect Maisgebiss
Krone XDisc cutter for Grass and Grain
Krone Header Trailer
MAN TGS 8x8 agricultural
- Engine 647 hp 3000 Nm of torque Chiptuning
3: Specification Size 98.01MB
4: Functions & Keyboard Layouts
! Please also pay attention to the right device for you if what you want on / switch, the Hud note in the upper left corner and the it!
(Must be BigX selected) IC Control button KEY_R_CTRL
(Must be BigX selected) Twin wheels button KEY_KP8
(Must be BigX selected) chains Trac Soucy button KEY_KP7
Counterweight on (BigX must be selected) button KEY_B
Counterweight off (must be BigX selected) button KEY_X
Pipe show (must be BigX selected) Press O
(Must be BigX selected) silage tank in / out without function key L
Open and close button Dolly bunker (Cargo must be Dolly selected) KEY_M
Dolly bunker rotate (Dolly Cargo must be selected) Press X
Dolly bunker ÜLW Trailerlift axis (Dolly Cargo must be selected) KEY_v
ATTENTION Dolly can be folded on street only empty !!!
MAN TGS agricultural attacher coupling high (MAN must be selected) button KEY_5
MAN TGS agricultural attacher clutch down (MAN must be selected) button KEY_6
MAN Bergmann Trailer prop left high (Bergmann must be selected) button KEY_n
MAN Bergmann Trailer prop left down (Bergmann must be selected) button KEY_j
MAN Bergmann trailer prop right up (Bergmann must be selected) button KEY_m
MAN Bergmann trailer prop right down (Bergmann must be selected) button KEY_L
ATTENTION operation of the supports on the outside of the switches (see picture)
5: WIP thread and Error Collection
Here you will find all information about the project
And here please post all defects and faults
6: Known Bugs
Recommended cluttered only in the state
7: For the future
Indoor Sound
IC control
Pack clean up continues
Revise Twin wheels
BigX silage tank dirt
Create LowAttacher hitch
Adjust driving performance
Lighting 3.1 block again
Remove Indoor lighting display more
Revise cutting transport protection model
Revise Particle systems BigX Pipe and Cargo
About loading cargo while cruising permit without losses
MAN cabins backlight
MAN Bergmann transport flaps
What you still such a / notice
8: Update History
Well, the tests I leave as always you, surrender times ordenlich feedback.
If anyone else has this interest Pack to develop in terms of equipment, textutierung, hunt 3D work or the MR conversion, simply mail in my mailbox ...
So have fun with the pack :)
BIGX1100 Changelog LS15: v12.10 Beta 24.10.2015
- - IC control Installed
- - Fitted seat suspension
- - Installed light indicator
- - Indoor Lighting revised (Terminal Air)
- - IC animations (passenger seat-Lenkseule-door)
- - Enlarged display terminal
- - Passenger Script Installed
- - Wipers Installed
- - Fitted tires
- - Bel installed 3.1
- - Fixed instruments
- - Twin wheels on arbeited
- - Re-textured interior
- - Installed rpm Script
- - Animated armrest
- - Decoration for: Items Installed
- - Terminal Bootscreen
- - Driving Direction Indicators
- - Tire tracks and tire dust Cargo
- - Animated sun visor
- - Installed Indoor Sound
- - New indicators on Terminal
- - Shift Able Mass script on arbeited
- - New silage tank
- - Camera Script Installed for better indoor view of Cargo
- - Cabins Lighting Installed
- - Cargo Attacher installed for SSW
- - Installed Camera Work Script
- - Changed Pipe Particel
- - Pipe Adapted for Cargo
- - The latest gear Version
- - 1294 hp 4280 Nm of torque
- - ...
MAN TGS18.540 MIG-Pack Changelog LS15: v1.13 Beta 24.10.2015 Created Pack -
- - XML ??recreated
- - Added MAN TGS 18440 truck Arar
- - Added Hawe Wechselbrücke Tandem
- - Added Hawe Wechselbrücke Tridem
- - Added Amazone fertilizer spreaders
- - Added Bergmann Häckselwagen
- - Added Strautmann Manure spreader
- - Added Fliegl TMK bulk structure
- - Added Fliegl STF Güllefaß
- - Added Zunhammer Zundisc Güllegrubber
- - Added About Grimme loaders beets, potatoes
- - Added Güstrower About loaders Grain
- - Added Kotte tank
- - Added Fliegl animal transport
- - Duplicate textures away
- - Tidy textures
- - Reflectionen away
- - Fixed flickering Decals
- - Screen with various View Installed
- - Diverse Model Changes
- - Rear View Camera Installed
- - Enhanced interior lighting
- - Added Gearbox version
- - Decals revised and amended
- - Added indicators
- - Passenger Script Installed
- - Funke Installed
- - Back attacher added + built model
- - Installed tire pressure system
- - TGS 18.440 rebuilt to 18,540
- - Repositioned caddy supports
- - Lighting adapted truck
- - Latest gear Gearbox version
- - Engine 647 hp 3000 Nm of torque
- - Added icons for transmission Gearbox
- - System support model fixed and re installed
- - Fixed Indoor Sound -
- - Fixed error with Decal Güstrower Wechselbruecke
- - Adapted leadframe at Fliegel Wechselbruecke
- - Grimme Wechselbruecke over arbeited
- - Giants Patch 1.41 rdy
- - ...
- Courseplay rdy (developer version)
- - AutoCombine rdy
- - DriveControl rdy
- - GPS rdy
<<<<< Krone BigX BeastPack Projekt by Bullgore >>>>>v12.0 April 2015
Upsidedown, xyzspain, JokobT, Johnny1980, Repi, Kyosho, Rafftnix, Biedens, Bullgore
v11.1 April 2014
by Bullgore, Kubo, JoakobT
- Schemas angepasst
- Attacher für SWW angepasst
- Attacher EasyFlow angepasst
- Optische Fehler behoben.( Sichtbare Achse )
- Fehler beim "zurücksetzen" behoben
- Maiseinzug PS EasyCollect angepasst
- Dolly ÜLW Scripte überarbeitet
- Dolly ÜLW Gewicht Ladung angepasst
- Dolly ÜLW kann nur noch leer zusammengeklappt werden
- Fahrverhalten BIGX komplett überarbeitet, Motor, Bremse, Federung, Schwerpunkt, Lenkung usw.
v11.0 Jun 2013/ April 2014
by Bullgore, Eribus, Biedens, Upsidedown, Kubo
- Patch Giants 2.1 rdy
- Sound Fehler behoben
- aiautocombine.lua dolly überarbeitet für Autocombine
- Waschbar, dauert 5 Stunden
- Odometer deaktiviert, gibt es Global siehe MIG-Map Pack
- Dirt Texturen erstellt
- Sound Fehler behoben
- Gewicht korrekt eingestellt, durch die Luft fliegen ist nun behoben
- XDisc Klee und Luzerne rdy
- Sound Lautstärke angepasst
- Allrad deaktiviert
- l10n Fehler behoben
- Ketten schweben nicht mehr
- I3D´s und XML aufgeräumt, umbenannt etc
- Shopdaten überarbeitet
- Probleme beim Rückwärtsfahren behoben
- Mauscontrol BigX vorerst deaktiviert
- Easyflow Scriptfix
V10 Feb 2013/ April 2013
- Neuen BigxX 1100 integriert von Johni6530
- Scripte verbaut Odometer,Gaslimiter,Indoorsound etc.
- Scripte überarbeitet
- Fahrverhalten neu angepasst
- Ketten BigX verbaut
- Zwillingsräder verbaut
- XML Tuning
- Textur von BigX etwas dunkler gestellt
- ...
Krone EasyFlow 380 eingebaut März 2013
Modell: Pille?!
AO / Textur: Pille?!
Scripts: milan1702976 (
Partikel-System: Eifok-Team
Tuning/Performance: Lordtex/Milan(
Tester: Ostsee75, Lindemann, Bullgore,Pille?!,Illuminated,FSM-Chefkoch
HomePage: http://www.modding-kü
Indoorcam tiefer gestellt
STX zum Einblenden verbaut
Gewicht erhöht
Hektarzähler verbaut
Lenkgeschwindigkeit gesenkt
Beschleunigung eingestellt
Fahrverhalten angepasst
Gewicht wie in LS11 eingestellt wg. Ülw
Sounds etwas überarbeitet
Powershaft installiert
Powershaft ÜLW Kabel verlängert
Kameraradius erhöht
HUD´s angepasst
Umbau Twinwheels April 2012:
>>> by Repi <<<
Urmodell: SFM-Modding
Neu aufbau: Repi
Script: SFM-Modding
- Neue Felgen mit neuer AO Textur
- Palette neu angepasst
Umbau Krone EasyCollect 1053 Jan2012:
>>> by Michi <<<
Umbau mit Fruitanimation: Michi
Umbau in neues EC:byBullgore
cam einbau Modhosterteam
Umbau SoundSet & Anpassung Motor: Knechi
ExaustPrticleSystem Edit: Knechti
Umbau Krone Häckselbunker Jan2012:
>>> by Repi <<<
Modell ITS26: cyber11
Umbau, Textur: Repi
Ingame, Animationen: Repi
Aufbau Script und LS11 rdy: sKyDaNcEr
Scripte: sven18koehler, fruktor, Sven777b
- komplett neuer Unterbau aufgebaut auf den Agroliner ITS26 (dank an cyber11
- komplett neue AO Texturen und Decals (Repi)
- Häckselbunker komplett neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- komplett neue Animationen (Repi)
- I3D komplett neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- XML neu strukturiert (Repi)
- cam einbau Modhosterteam
Umbau Krone XDisc6200 Jan2012:
Urmodell: raptor
Teil neuaufbau: Repi
Neue AO Textur & Decals: Repi
Ingame & Animationen: Repi
Scripte: Sven777b, Alex2009, Ellinor Ström
>>> by Repi <<<
- Modell teilweise neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- Neue AO Textur mit Decals (Repi)
- I3D neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- XML neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- Animationen eingefügt (Repi)
Umbau Krone BigX1100 Beast Dez2011 / Jan2012:
>>> by Repi & Bullgore <<<
Modell: Giants
Modell umbau, neue AO und Decals: Repi
Animationen neu angepasst: Repi
Scripte: Face, Alex2009, Sven777b, John Deere 6930, fruktor
- Modell komplett neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- Neue AO Textur mit Decals (Repi)
- I3D neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- XML neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- Animationen neu eingefügt (Repi)
- Joystick by BlackFox, AO Textur Joystick by Repi
- Lua´s verbaut, XML Tuning by Bullgore
>>> by Alex2009(, <<<
- GreenStar Einbau überarbeitet
- GreenStar auf V1.1 geupdatet
24 Oct 23:36Version 12.10 Beta
- IC Steuerung Verbaut
- Sitzfederung verbaut
- Lichtindiekatoren verbaut
- Indoor beleuchtung überarbeited (Terminal-Klima)
- IC Animationen (Beifahrersitz-Lenkseule-Tür)
- Terminal Display Vergrössert
- Beifahrer Script Verbaut
- Wipers Verbaut
- Reifen verbaut
- Bel 3.1 verbaut
- Tacho gefixt
- Felgen Twin überarbeited
- Innenraum neu texturiert
- rpm Script verbaut
- Armlehne animiert
- Deko Objeckte Verbaut
- Terminal Boot Screen
- Fahrrichtungs Indicatoren
- Reifen Spuren und Reifenstaub Cargo
- Sonnen Blende Animiert
- Indoorsound verbaut
- Neue Anzeigen auf Terminal
- ShiftableMass Script überarbeitet
- Neuer Siliermittel Tank
- Camera Script verbaut für bessere Indoor sicht auf Cargo
- Kabinen Beleuchtung verbaut
- Cargo Attacher verbaut für ssw
- WorkCamera Script verbaut
- Pipe Particel geändert
- Pipe Angepasst für Cargo
- Optionale Gearbox Verbaut
- Neue Dirt und Zwillingsräder
- Zuschaltbarer Transportschutz
- ...MAN Truck
- Pack erstellt
- XML neu erstellt
- Hinzugefügt MAN TGS 18.540 Arar LKW
- Hinzugefügt Amazone Düngerstreuer
- Hinzugefügt Bergmann Häckselwagen
- Hinzugefügt Strautmann Miststreuer
- Hinzugefügt Fliegl TMK Schüttgutaufbau
- Hinzugefügt Fliegl STF Güllefaß
- Hinzugefügt Zunhammer Zundisc Güllegrubber
- Hinzugefügt Grimme Überlader Rüben,Kartoffeln
- Hinzugefügt Güstrower Überlader Getreide
- Hinzugefügt Hawe Wechselbrücke
- Hinzugefügt Fliegl Tiertransporter
- Hinzugefügt Kotte Tank
- Reflectionen entfernt
- Flackern Decals behoben
- Bildschirm mit diversen anzeigen Verbaut
- Diverse Modell änderungen Kabine, Rahmen, Achsen
- Rückfahrkamera Verbaut
- Innenbeleuchtung erweitert
- Optionale Gearbox Version hinzugefügt
- Decals überarbeitet und geändert
- Indikatoren hinzugefügt
- Beifahrer Script Verbaut
- Funke Verbaut
- Back attacher hinzugefügt + Modell gebaut für Trailer
- Reifendruckanlage verbaut
- Unterfahrschutz hinten angepasst -
06 Apr 19:38Version 12.0 Beta
by bullgore
ago over 9 years
by bullgore
ago over 9 years
by bullgore
ago over 9 years
by bullgore
ago over 9 years
by bullgore
ago over 9 years
by bullgore
ago over 9 years
by bullgore
ago over 9 years
by bullgore
ago almost 10 years
by bullgore
ago almost 10 years
by bullgore
ago almost 10 years
by Mr.Canadian
ago about 9 years
by Mr.Canadian
ago about 9 years
by Mr.Canadian
ago about 9 years
by Mr.Canadian
ago about 9 years
by Mr.Canadian
ago about 9 years
by Mr.Canadian
ago about 9 years
by Funky.
ago about 9 years
by Rocky66
ago about 9 years
by Bolle85
ago over 9 years
by Bolle85
ago over 9 years
by Bolle85
ago over 9 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 9 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 9 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 9 years
by geierdup1
ago over 9 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 9 years
by Rex.
ago over 9 years
by Rex.
ago over 9 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 9 years
by Fendt Fan 12
ago over 9 years
by spang420
ago almost 10 years -
by 2Franz
ago over 9 years -
by anorg
ago almost 10 years -
by Karvon
ago over 9 years -
by Mani12
ago almost 10 years -
by Exit LP
ago over 9 years -
by Raven_2012
ago almost 10 years -
by Mistermoose
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by brennholz neumarkt
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by PhilippLP
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by marco1986
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by ls2013fan
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by Lukas950
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by DasWolfsrudelLP
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by David Gyebnar
ago almost 10 years -
by Vanquish081
ago almost 10 years -
by Killercrock88
ago almost 10 years
16 Comments for Krone BigX 1100 BeastPack
Soon for FS 22 ??? I wish this Mod Pack would work for FS 22.
Please, this is an awesome pack on FS2015. I am hoping that it makes onto FS2017.
Thank you,
W E L T K L A S S E ! ! !
This mod is fantastic, apart from the fact that it makes all of my vehicles disappear from my save game. Is there any way to fix this, as it is this mod alone.
And to finish the pack: this truck :-)
There is one thing missing in this pack and that is a container for wood aswell!
The problem with the grimme is that the 2 big grimme unloaders dump on the other side.
For the potato, the pipe is on the wrong side!
Is the krone harvester already stopping when using hired worker???
Great pack! It would be nice to add a hitch and PTO on the truck back end so the dolly's can be attached.
Darf ich erneut hochladen dies FS UK in einer ZIP-Datei Form ?
May I re-upload this to FS UK in a .ZIP file form?
Hi, this is a great pack but i have 2 problems:
1: The truck wheels are shiny light in the night
2: when the beast his trailer is full, he continues harvesting..
Hope this can be fixed because its a great pack for FS...
When running this on my server, The tipper fills up and starts jerking then it will not run again(hire worker)(Auto combine(Mod)) Then i have to restart the server to empty it so going to uninstall for now till patch or something. Great mod though!
Awesome looking mod and awesome performance! My only complaint: The sound... When you turn on the harvester, it sounds awesome at first, then it goes "static" and doesn't go away. It's hard to listen to. If it weren't for that, this mod would be perfect, by my standards!
First of all: GREAT pack! Nicely made and thank you for sharing this with us!!!
This stays on my farm!
Several questions though:
1 When i use hired helper, he continues harvesting when the bunker is full, so i lose the chop.
2. the grass pick up should be able to pick up grass without making it into chop.
3. the truck wheels have a white glow on medium settings.
4. Could the man truck have trailer with PTO? This would be exellent to hang the DLC trailer with forage bunker on it an transport loooooooooots of chaff..
Thanks again for sharing!!!
has issues with wheels showing white other than that works like it should good job
Please make it cut grass and output grass instead of chaff.
You can continue harvesting when the trailer is 100% filled... There is no trigger that stops it once the bunker is full.. Therefore 4/5 stars, but EXELLENT work!!!