Userprofile of Malaras
Member since 3 / 2015

Punkte: 230
Modder Level 6
Rank: #9040
First name: no entry Age & Gender: 44 m City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Malaras

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  1. Malaras 18. 06 2016

    Mod: Placeable Heaps
    I'm using this on my mp server, it causes allot of lag for some reason anyway to fix that?

  2. Malaras 04. 08 2015

    Mod: Triton
    Could you make this work with the krone?

  3. Malaras 03. 08 2015

    Mod: Krone BigX 1100 BeastPack
    Also if you want can come check it out on my server @bullgore just let me know so you can see what its doing. Or i can stream it either or.

  4. Malaras 03. 08 2015

    Mod: Krone BigX 1100 BeastPack
    When running this on my server, The tipper fills up and starts jerking then it will not run again(hire worker)(Auto combine(Mod)) Then i have to restart the server to empty it so going to uninstall for now till patch or something. Great mod though!

    1 replies

  5. Malaras 28. 07 2015

    Mod: Set MPOwner owner
    Since you seem to be back, could you work on this mod ;)

  6. Malaras 05. 04 2015

    Mod: More credit
    Adjusted the interest. Allot people had problems with the amount of interest in the original mod.

  7. Malaras 05. 04 2015

    Mod: More credit
    (Google translate)

    Nicht sicher, was es heißt in ihr Land sind, lassen Sie mich versuchen, es zu schauen . Aber man einen im Laden zu finden. Geldautomat? Automatische Cash System ?

    2 replies

  8. Malaras 23. 03 2015

    Mod: Feed stores around
    Why does the conveyors run constantly? Do i need a mod to not make them run constantly?

    (google translate)

    Warum die Förderer ständig laufen ? Muss ich eine Mod für sie nicht zu ständig laufen ?

    1 replies

  9. Malaras 22. 03 2015

    Mod: Class Lexion 560TT 550
    Good Mod, Could you make some bigger headers over 14m?

  10. Malaras 19. 03 2015

    Mod: Stockage module
    Thanks for this, Could you make it where the conveyors are not running all the time?

  11. Malaras 17. 03 2015

    Mod: Kenworth T908
    Great mod.

    Could you make the engine louder, and give it more pulling power 615hp and it can barely pull a load up a hill.


  12. Malaras 14. 03 2015

    Mod: MAN agricultural
    Could you make these compatible with drive control?

  13. Malaras 14. 03 2015

    Mod: Getreidelager
    Coulds you add Soybean (english)-- Sojabohne(German) Google translate.

    Also for my game translated the signs to english

  14. Malaras 13. 03 2015

    Mod: Getreidelager
    Got it working Thanks !

  15. Malaras 13. 03 2015

    Mod: Getreidelager
    Awesome building, But the digital isn't working for me. Pic

    1 replies

  16. Malaras 11. 03 2015

    Mod: Silage Silo
    Shows up in store, But not when i got to place it.

  17. Malaras 11. 03 2015

    Mod: Silage Silo
    Would like to know how to change this as well

  18. Malaras 07. 03 2015

    Mod: Set MPOwner owner
    Not sure why but you're mod cause things like claws / claw arms / buckets etc to act real weird as in. They jerking around, / will only go one way in certain direction.

    I just narrowed it down with 35ish mods. Got to were I took you're out and only yours and everything is fine again. which sucks cause I really need this mod.

  19. Malaras 07. 03 2015

    Mod: Jenz Crusher Mammut II
    Arm real laggy in MP, and can't get it to extend. it's not me I have 30-40ms on my dedi server.

    Imagine it works great on SP.

  20. Malaras 07. 03 2015

    Mod: Crasher
    Hi, I'm have problems with this in mp the arm will only go to the left, and arm will not go up. Works fine in SP. All kinds of issue's for mp.

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