Placeable Heaps

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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A placeable unloading point for temporary storage of fruit or cargo.


To anywhere on the map grain, straw / grass / hay, fruits & vegetables, chopped, silage, fodder, among others intermediately. Unloading can dump trucks, threshers, harvesters and shredders, conveyors as well as front or wheel loader. Ideal for recording on a front or wheel loaders, feed or loading wagon.

Just use the "pile" or the unloading point in the Shop, place it on the map and unload fruit or cargo.

Cost: 0 €, 0 € / day

Note: The unloading can (like other placeable building also) not in certain areas such as the yard (where the vehicles are reset), place the automobile dealer or purchased fields.. In addition, they must have a certain distance to other placeable buildings and there must be no vehicle or players at the point of purchase.

This mod requires the UniversalProcessKit from v0.8.4!


Features V1.0

- Purchase / sale in the shop - appealing bunch shape
- 50 types of fruit are supported
- Many new textures
- Improved texturing on grass, hay and straw
- Multiplayer-capable
- Charging of hay and straw by Balers and silage wagon possible

Supported types of fruit

- Cereals: wheat, oats, triticale, barley, rye, spelled, rapeseed, sunflower, poppy, corn, millet, green wheat
- Straw / grass / hay: grass, clover, alfalfa, hay, wheat straw, barley straw, oat straw, rye straw
- Vegetables: potatoes, sugar beets, peas, carrots, onions, soy beans, cucumbers, tomatoes
- Fruits: apples, pears, cherries, plums, oranges, strawberries
- Chopped, chopped energy Willow Chips
- Silage, fodder, compound feed
- Other: Crap, lime, fertilizer, gravel, sand

Game Internally, there are: wheat, oat, triticale, barley, rye, spelled, rape, sunflower, poppy, maize, millet, green wheat, grass_windrow, klee_windrow, luzerne_windrow, dryGrass_windrow wheat_windrow, barley_windrow, oat_windrow, rye_windrow, potato, sugarbeet, pea , pea, carrot, onion, soybean, cucumber, tomato, apple, chaff, energy pasture, silage, forage_mixing, forage, manure, lime, fertilizer, gravel, sand, orange, cherry, cherry, pear, pear, plum, plum, strawberry , strawberry, woodchip

Note: The standard vehicles can only load a few fruit - you need wheel loader or bucket mods, so you can pick the fruit again and dump truck mods for transporting!

For example, the standard Kuhne mixed feed wagon can indeed tilt feed and compound feed on the unloading point, but do not pick it again!

Have fun with this mod!


teilw. GIANTS

  • 31 Jan 22:38
    Version 1.1

    Aufladen von Heu, Stroh und Silage durch Mischfutterwagen möglich. Fruchtsorte Schrot ("schrot") hinzugefügt.

  • 20 Dec 18:27
    Version 1.0


checksum: c05de35faf1a50b5ba7fd2f9239762c1
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: mor2000
price in shop: 0 LS
name in shop: Platzierbare Haufen
description in shop: Ein platzierbarer Abladepunkt zum Zwischenlagern von Frucht oder Ladung.

20.12 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.49 / 195 Votes


nach 185 Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 15
5.72 MB 180769
31. 01 2015 180,769
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
5.56 MB 56972
20. 12 2014 56,972

6 Comments for Placeable Heaps

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  1. Malaras 18. 06 2016

    I'm using this on my mp server, it causes allot of lag for some reason anyway to fix that?

  2. Offutticus 23. 01 2016

    How can I add a fruit to make a heap? For example, I cannot tip sorghum. I added it to the filltype but it did not work. I understand now that I have to add the fill plane and all that. The problem is I don't know where to start. Would it be possible to copy another fill plane and just change the name and fileid?

  3. dietie8 28. 11 2015

    you make heaps of chopped corn for example.
    heap which lies next to your corn silage.
    can you make the mod so that you can push open that hope
    I hope that you understand my question.

    1 replies

  4. PhoeniX_NL 27. 07 2015


    Is it also possible to make the heap a little bit wider?

    If so is this doable trough the script file?

  5. Not work's whit my.

  6. Farmer261 20. 12 2014

    The BEST of the fs13 mods is back again! I was praying every day for you to convert it for 15! And it's working better now. I love you mor2000!
    (The heaps naming and the adding from the farmer are missing but i'm sure you have reasons not to add them)!
