Userprofile of PhoeniX_NL
Member since 6 / 2012

Punkte: 461
Level 7
Rank: #4854
First name: Peter-Jan Age & Gender: 33 m City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About PhoeniX_NL

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  1. PhoeniX_NL 03. 03 2018

    Mod: Fliegl ASS 298
    Do you think in a next version you could add dynamic hoses?

  2. PhoeniX_NL 27. 01 2018

    Mod: EMY Elenfer SCP 400

    Do you think you will release a updated version with dynamic hoses support ?

  3. PhoeniX_NL 23. 01 2018

    Mod: JCB Fastrac 3000 Sound Update By Ludmilla Power
    Thanks for another great sound :-)

  4. PhoeniX_NL 19. 01 2018

    Mod: Case Puma Mega Sound Pack By Ludmilla Power
    I found out how to fix the horn that aint working:

    In the file named: FBMcaseIHPumaCVX.xml find the lines with: <honkSound file="$data/sounds/horn.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="1.50" indoorVolumeFactor="0.70" indoorLowpassGain="0.80" radius="70" innerRadius="10" />

    Remove all these lines. (There should be 3)

    And then below: </indoorHud>

    Add: <honkSound file="$data/sounds/horn.wav" pitchOffset="1.00" volume="1.50" indoorVolumeFactor="0.70" indoorLowpassGain="0.80" radius="70" innerRadius="10" />

    Then it should work :-)

  5. PhoeniX_NL 19. 01 2018

    Mod: Case Puma Mega Sound Pack By Ludmilla Power
    Great sounds :-),

    However the honk sound aint working?

  6. PhoeniX_NL 02. 01 2018

    Mod: John Deere 7R series 2011 Europe Version
    The requested file isn't available anymore!
    Error: 410

  7. PhoeniX_NL 25. 12 2017

    Mod: John Deere 7R series 2011 Europe Version
    Thanks alot!

    Is it also possible to use this mod without MR ?

    1 replies

  8. PhoeniX_NL 24. 11 2016

    Mod: AutoDrive

    I am using the default version of Goldcrest.
    Not sure what i am missing.
    A video to show you what i am trying to do using my mouse at the hud:

    Probably i am doing something stupid wrong hehe.

    1 replies

  9. PhoeniX_NL 24. 11 2016

    Mod: AutoDrive

    I tried to do that but it doesnt seem to show the locations for me.
    Also still trying to figure out how to start when you got it selected haha.

    1 replies

  10. PhoeniX_NL 24. 11 2016

    Mod: AutoDrive
    Are there default locations included for goldcrest?
    As i am trying to find out how to do this

    1 replies

  11. PhoeniX_NL 12. 11 2016

    Mod: Langenfeld
    Looks great so far :-)!
    Maybe for a future update you could add the fs17 trees in :D ?

  12. PhoeniX_NL 27. 10 2016

    Mod: GPS
    The mod i cannot play FS without :D! Thanks

  13. PhoeniX_NL 21. 07 2016

    Mod: Netherlands Special Edition 2016
    Could you maybe add the pda map image ?

    1 replies

  14. PhoeniX_NL 13. 07 2016


    What i ment is that the lights are basicly floating.
    Also the lights do stay on all the time even by daylight..

  15. PhoeniX_NL 12. 07 2016

    Thanks for the great map sir!

    However i found out there is a small issue at this spot:

    1 replies

  16. PhoeniX_NL 03. 07 2016

    Mod: Kleinseelheim
    Great map!
    But is it in someway possible to reduce the dirt when you drive trough mud ?
    As it gets instant full dirty any tool etc ..

  17. PhoeniX_NL 03. 07 2016

    Mod: wide Hausen
    Great map.
    However what's with all the flickering textures :-( ?

  18. PhoeniX_NL 23. 06 2016

    Mod: Vervaet Hydro Trike
    Great mod thanks!

    However there is a texture file missing: Error: Can't load resource '/mods//JVZ_VervaetHydroTrike_5/textures/'.

  19. PhoeniX_NL 21. 06 2016

    Mod: CSZ set
    Great Mod!

    Is it known that on a dedicated server the auto balefork loading gives issue.
    So after i did unload one stack i gotta reattach the implement to make autoload working again ..

  20. PhoeniX_NL 27. 05 2016

    Mod: John Deere 7930

    Thank you very much for this great tractor!

    Can you tell us if the accord is a public mod ?

    1 replies

  21. PhoeniX_NL 03. 04 2016

    Mod: Now filthy
    Very nice model!


  22. PhoeniX_NL 12. 03 2016

    Mod: Birch cases without Harvester
    Which harvester is this :D ?

    1 replies

  23. PhoeniX_NL 05. 03 2016

    Mod: Chipper dock

    We do have this mod at a dedicated server.
    But the default jenz hem 583 wont fit between after alot of trying..

    1 replies

  24. PhoeniX_NL 02. 03 2016

    Mod: chazets
    Very nice map :-)!

    But there are no starting vehicles :-( ?

  25. PhoeniX_NL 16. 02 2016

    Mod: New Holland Bundle
    Awesome package.

    Would it be possible to make it so you can seperate turn on front and back worklights ?

  26. PhoeniX_NL 31. 01 2016

    Mod: North Farm 2016
    Could you add the required mods list?

  27. PhoeniX_NL 20. 12 2015

    Mod: CaseCVX 175
    It isn't washable after checking the .xml file.

  28. PhoeniX_NL 03. 12 2015

    Mod: Deutz Fahr 9340

    Version 1.0 beta was incab wise alot better.

    The hand animation is now messed up because of the resorted camera.

    You look inside the arm ..

  29. PhoeniX_NL 23. 11 2015

    Mod: Gamsting
    Just for your information.

    The download link for the animation map trigger has been changed to this location:

  30. PhoeniX_NL 08. 11 2015

    Mod: Claas Axion 850 Sound Update
    A shame it does conflict with the indoorscript from drive control..

  31. PhoeniX_NL 04. 11 2015

    Mod: Landwehrkanal
    Thank you very much for this wonderfull map!

    Will be making many hours on it for sure like on two rivers

  32. PhoeniX_NL 18. 09 2015

    Mod: KRONE BigX 580
    Really a nice mod.
    But the texture of the steering wheel is a bit dissapointing.

  33. PhoeniX_NL 10. 09 2015

    Mod: Gamsting
    I do find this one of the best maps ever made!
    It just is missing the mixing station from marhu :-)

    It would also be nice if we had a bit more room arround the cow stable to work haha.

  34. PhoeniX_NL 02. 09 2015

    Mod: Krone TX 460 and TX 560 D
    Aswesome mod.
    But why does there stand 560d at the rear of the 460d?

    1 replies

  35. PhoeniX_NL 19. 08 2015

    Mod: Kirschhausen agriculture in the hills

    It doesn't seem to show up ingame because of the missing moddesc.xml ?

  36. PhoeniX_NL 27. 07 2015

    Mod: Placeable Heaps

    Is it also possible to make the heap a little bit wider?

    If so is this doable trough the script file?

  37. PhoeniX_NL 25. 07 2015

    Mod: CLAAS Axion 950
    Thanks once more.
    I do hope that you will sort out the slipping vehicle.

  38. PhoeniX_NL 25. 07 2015

    Mod: Massey Ferguson 7626
    Nice mod thanks!
    Hope there will be improvements on the sound..

  39. PhoeniX_NL 12. 07 2015

    Mod: Two Rivers

    Great map thanks!
    But why does the kalk not stay on the field ?
    It just does show like a fertilized field ..

    1 replies

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