
V 4.1 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Welcome to Gamsting for the LS 15!


In the middle of the mountainous region of the Bavarian Alpine foothills is almost completely cut off from its environment the idyllic Gamstinger valley surrounded by majestic mountain ranges and inhabited by witty citizens Gamstings.


Of the once numerous hermit courtyards blooming with agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry in this secluded area nowadays testify only its sumptuous and rich fields, pastures and cleared forest areas. The only remaining farm northwest of Gamsting now responsible for the management of the whole valley. Here it is necessary to provide and manage the village's own biogas plant, a biomass cogeneration plant and its own livestock.


The local subsidiary of BayWa is the only partner for the farmers in the region. Nevertheless, the agricultural machinery trade and the Warehouse offer a wide choice and a rich assortment. When selecting your equipment and agricultural machinery the mountainous conditions should be considered. With large, bulky equipment, even the most experienced farmer reach its limits.




Gamsting was created with great attention to detail. Many hours of work have been invested in order to arrive at that conclusion. The map was prepared and modified 4 months for the LS 15. It is in this map for the first time in the LS 15 possible to load his felled tree trunks on the boxcar and send off the train. The logs are then sold in the tunnel at the nursery. The map features a true rail tunnel. ;)

Please respect the work of modders and let the map as it is. Thank you!


The following locations are on the Map:


(House, 2 grain storage, storage chips, fertilizer and Kalklagerhalle, 2 machine rooms, shelter, straw, washing area, chicken coop with spout, cowshed with pasture, Sheepfold pasture)
(Administration building, carriage house, seed storage, Getreideabladedurchfahrhalle, potato and Rübenabladehalle with Art dunghill, 4 elevators)

Biogas plant
(2 fermenters, storage tanks, CHP container, 2 shelters, scale, operation house, transformer station, 2 drive-through silos and a manure pit)
(5 houses, gas station, church, castle, construction, machine hall of the farmer)
(Sale Building, Warehouse with seed storage space)

Freight depot
(Administration building, warehouse, timber yard, Holzverladeplatz)

(Sale Building, Workshop)

(3 factory building with sales outlet)

(Production building)
(Production buildings, storage chips)
Heating plant
(Power plant building, Wood storage, transformer station)
(Restaurant Building, Warehouse and playground)
Power supply system
(High- and low-voltage poles, house utility poles, substations and distribution boxes)
Train route with real tunnel
(2 level crossings with barriers, 3 tunnels, railway route is used to transport logs and grain transport)
Road network
(Almost complete DIY, signs, guard rails, underpasses)
Many bran details provide variety on the Map




Required Mods:



AnimationMap Trigger:


If you accidentally sold to Kärcher, which is by default starting career start at the washing area, you can watch here the line for vehicles.xml copy and paste into your savegame:

<Item class name = "HighPressureWasher" filename = "data / placeables / highPressureWasher / kaercher / kaercherHDS918-4M.xml" position = "283 827 110 297 -790 901" rotation = "0 1.4615 0" />

For questions and problems you may like this sent to me in the comment section.


Have fun with my modification wishes you Stefan_LS!






- The mod may not be re-uploaded without my consent - The mod can be rebuilt only for private purposes - The mod may not be offered only to the original download link to download!


Please note the readme included in the zip file!



  • 23 Oct 17:57
    Version 4.1

    - Zaun am Sägewerk gefixt
    - Palettetextur beim Sägewerk gefixt
    - Mehr FruitTypes zur BGA hinzugefügt
    - HardPoint-Trigger beim Händler hinzugefügt
    - Molkerei-Logo gefixt
    - Fields-Überlappung beseitigt
    - Abkippen am Zuckerrübenhaufen bei Südzucker AG möglich
    - Rindermast-Fillplane gefixt
    - Teilweise Kollisionen entfernt

  • 09 Oct 20:20
    Version Gamsting V4

    Gamsting V4 wurde nach über 10 Monaten Bauzeit auf die Größe einer StandardMap ausgebaut, wobei auch Änderungen an alten Standorten vorgenommen wurde.
    Gamsting V4 beinhaltet folgende neue Standorte und Funktionen:
    - Neu! BayWa Agrar (Kartoffel- und Getreideverkauf)
    - Neu! Südzucker als offizieller Verkaufspartner für die Zuckerrüben
    - Neu! BGA Scheibling mit zwei Durchfahrsilos
    - Neu! Bauernhof nun auch im Dorf Scheibling direkt an der Schweinemast, welche nun auch durch eine Rindermast erweitert wurde
    - Neu! Schreinerei von El_Cid
    - Neu! UPK für die getrennte Nutzung von Silos auf der gesamten Map
    - Wiesen und Felder in verschiedensten Größen
    - Komplette Überarbeitung der alten Map
    - Neu! Rübenschnitzel-Produktion durch beetMaster am Südzuckerstandort möglich
    - Viele kleine Details, welche die Map noch lebendiger machen

  • 18 Dec 16:26
    Version 3.3

    Performanceverbesserungen im Dorf Scheibling; Kartoffelwaschanlage upgedatet und mit SiloTrigger ausgestattet (kann jetzt mit Schaufel oder Universalmulde abgetankt werden); Lager für gewaschene Kartoffeln eingebaut; Terrainanpassungen; Verkaufstrigger für gewaschene Kartoffeln und Tomaten angepasst; Reflektoren an allen Feldwegen entfernt; Alle Zäune und Mauern haben eine Kollision; Neuer ozeanShader am See und zusätzliche Wasserentnahmestelle eingebaut

  • 23 Nov 15:53
    Version 3.2

    Performanceverbesserungen; Hof mit Ballenlager ausgestattet und umgebaut; Dateigröße um 35 MB verkleinert; Mehr Bodenwinkel entfernt; KuhNavMesh angepasst; Kartoffelwaschanlage upgedatet; Terrainanpassungen; Verschmutzungen und Straßennetz bearbeitet

  • 11 Nov 18:53
    Version 3.1

    Produktionsanlage für Futtermittelherstellung integriert - MilkMax zur Harmonisierung von Milch integriert - Gärtnerei mit funktionstüchtigen Tomatengewächshäusern versehen - Bauernmarkt als Verkaufsstelle für "gewaschnene Kartoffeln, Tomaten und H-Milch integriert - Güterbahnhof mit Verkaufstrigger für Holzpalleten aus dem Sägewerk versehen - Dorf "Scheibling" mit Hydranten für Wasserentnahme ausgestattet - Error-Warnings beseitigt - Performanceverbesserung


checksum: 5bdf8486c72f5173f7c9335b628911ee
Version: 4.1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Stefan_LS
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Gamsting V4.1
description in shop: Herzlich Willkommen in Gamsting!

25.04 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.57 / 431 Votes


nach 422 Stimmen

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V Gamsting V4
Farming Simulator 15
689 MB 17492
09. 10 2016 17,492
V 4.1
Farming Simulator 15
693 MB 6064
23. 10 2016 6,064
V 3.3
Farming Simulator 15
426 MB 22203
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2 ältere Versionen

13 Comments for Gamsting

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  1. Higgings 09. 10 2016

    One of the handfull best map for 2015.
    Was not so nice in 2013, but I have spent many houres on this map in 2015.
    Hope that you will take time to convert for 2017. :)

  2. DarkModdingV2 13. 12 2015

    Hello Stefan! im asking if you can tell my why i cant edit the map? its just gray when i open it in giants editor? add my steam so we can chat priv! <3 steam:"420Darkz" or "OGDarkz"

  3. PhoeniX_NL 23. 11 2015

    Just for your information.

    The download link for the animation map trigger has been changed to this location:

  4. Where is it warehouse the grass,silage etc?

  5. Mix feeder please thanks

  6. alexfarmer 28. 09 2015

    Hello Stefan have your beautiful map but on my server presents me this error:

    Error: loading xml I18N item, missing 'en' or global value of attribute 'modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0).functions.function(0)'

    there is a way to solve? Thanks a lot

  7. vortex1988 22. 09 2015

    The map is fantastic, very beautiful, but the error in the log file are cause of many crash of the game.
    I have sherced the problem and it is attributable at the script of green fertilizer mod that cause this problem, you can resolve this??

  8. sparangao 12. 09 2015

    best map for ls15!! thank you!! 60 fps wow!!!

  9. PhoeniX_NL 10. 09 2015

    I do find this one of the best maps ever made!
    It just is missing the mixing station from marhu :-)

    It would also be nice if we had a bit more room arround the cow stable to work haha.

  10. Warondar69 05. 06 2015

    Thanks for the update to an already great map Stefan. 5/5

  11. Totenfarmer 24. 05 2015

    Where can I sell the planks produced by Mahrus sawmill, I can`t seem to find it ?

  12. EZP 26. 04 2015

    Fantastic map! So beautifully detailed and immersive. Unfortunately. I've never been to Germany, but now I feel like I have. Thanks for sharing :)

  13. Warondar69 25. 04 2015

    Stefan, would it be possible to have the readme.pdf made into a .txt file please? As an image I can't translate it, and it's a bit long to type it all into a translate program.
    Great looking map from what I've seen driving around. 5/5
