Userprofile of vortex1988
Member since 5 / 2015

Punkte: 333
Modder Level 7
Rank: #6794
First name: Ottavio Age & Gender: 37 m City: Italy Hobbies: videogames, nature, football Homepage no entry

About vortex1988

no entry
  1. vortex1988 11. 08 2017

    Mod: Moro Raptor TRV
    In the second link there are many virus alert, please change it.

    1 replies

    1. Appaloosa 12. 08 2017

      Mod: Moro Raptor TRV
      The link is clean. It's up to your software.

  2. vortex1988 14. 05 2017

    Mod: Südhemmern
    can you translate this map in English??
    Because play whit this fantastic map for a not german man is impossible whit all the writing in german.

    1 replies

  3. vortex1988 28. 02 2017

    Mod: Stihl MS660
    This is my mod, you don't have the permission to do anythink. f*ck man

  4. vortex1988 03. 12 2016

    Mod: Lower Animal Price
    Yes, because the sales price depend on those of purchase price and it's proportionate whit this.

  5. vortex1988 20. 09 2016

    Mod: Grand Jura Map
    This is a great map, but I have found a bug whit colza, after having reaped, in the field remains high as if it had been reaped.
    This is an image of my problem:
    How I Solve this??

  6. vortex1988 11. 06 2016

    Mod: Old Streams Map
    thanks, for your works; and for the performance fix.

  7. vortex1988 11. 06 2016

    Mod: Old Streams Map
    It's a beautiful landskape, but it's UNPLEYABLE because in a lot of part also there are 15 fps, whit my performant gaming PC; In a new version you improve the performance otherwise this beautiful map is useless ....

    1 replies

    1. Mod: Old Streams Map
      Link =>

      new version with more fluidity and without the water mirror

      1 replies

  8. vortex1988 17. 01 2016

    Mod: Les Chazets
    you can make the buyable field, for me is very important for the realism of the game??

  9. vortex1988 22. 09 2015

    Mod: Gamsting
    The map is fantastic, very beautiful, but the error in the log file are cause of many crash of the game.
    I have sherced the problem and it is attributable at the script of green fertilizer mod that cause this problem, you can resolve this??

  10. vortex1988 27. 06 2015

    Mod: bjornholm modified
    I have changed the description in English version (google translate).

  11. vortex1988 27. 06 2015

    Mod: bjornholm modified
    thanks for the feedback, in the next days, I correct the bug of the car parked underground and in the buildings.

    Unfortunately I do not know German, so I'll try to include as much as possible signs in English.

    thanks for the feedback.

    1 replies

  12. vortex1988 27. 06 2015

    Mod: bjornholm modified
    thanks, I have modified the description.

    1 replies

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