Old Streams Map

V 2.0.2 Final GMK mod for Farming Simulator 15

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The map has a beautiful landscape with lots of details much

I wish everyone a lot of fun and good game.


  • AnimationMapTrigger
  • Terrain_And_Dirt_Control
  • ChoppedStraw
  • Watermod
  • pig
  • GMM mod
  • traffic
  • Two village
  • 26fields
  • 1farm
  • bga
  • Gardencenter
  • Two point of sale of grain
  • And many other surprises

Open the ZIP file and place all the mods in the mods folder

Version soilmod a release coming soon



A big thank you to all people who created objects and scripts and thank you to all who follow me. Thanks guys.



Please respect my work and use the original download link!

A thank you




Blacksheep Modding

  • vertexDezign.net (AnimationMapTrigger)

  • Decker_MMIV (FruitFilltypeIconText)

  • S.W.I.K. modding team (Terrain_And_Dirt_Control)

  • webalizer, www.planet-ls.de (ZZZ_ChoppedStraw)

  • upsidedown (ZZZ_multiFruit)

  • Marhu (Watermod,SchweineZucht,GMM)

A big thank you to all people who created objects and scripts and thank you to all who follow me. Thanks guys.

  • 09 Oct 20:07
    Version 2.0.2 Final GMK

    Final version
    Fixed some bugs in previous versions among other things the problem of bga

  • 01 Oct 14:34
    Version 2.0.1 Fix GMK

    Here is the corrected version of the map
    -Add trigger seed Raiffeisen
    -Adjust filds 19 and 23
    -Adjust manure Beef
    -adjust discharge straw cow
    -Delete coll grain shed
    -Adjust slovel grain plane
    -Possibility of selling the bales bga
    Not have to start a new game

    See you on FS 17 with OLd Streams Map ;)

  • 16 Sep 20:19
    Version 2.0 GMK

    -New farm
    -New Fields
    -still More fluidity
    -corrections bug v1.2
    -New ETA
    -New roads
    -and other surpises

  • 03 Jul 12:53
    Version 1.2 Gülle Mist kalk mod

    The same as v1.2 soilmod without Soil Mod.

  • 01 Jul 17:09
    Version 1.2 Soil Mod

    !!You must create a new part!!

    -Add Soil MOd
    -Big gain fluidity
    -Adjust ClipDistance
    -Reduction of mud
    -Adjust Angle roads (finish to fly on the roads :D)
    -Adjust of the selling prices of pigs and cattle (Farewell the millions ;))
    -Add 2 Fields and Expansion of some Fields
    -Add From a point selling the wooden and wodenChip
    -Add new Shed on the Farm
    -Add free place on the Farm
    -Add Karcher Zone on the farm
    -New Grass texture
    -New forest pine
    -Adjust for field purchases
    -Fix all bug you announced
    -Add storage woodchips on the farm
    -the PDA is now larger
    -Displacement of a point of sale
    -add storage Straw, hay and grass on the farm
    -add ramp biogaz
    -add farm to store vehicles

  • 11 Jun 16:48
    Version 1.0.1. ( Low version with all pc)

    new version with more fluidity and without the water mirror

    ClipDistance adjust
    less mud
    WaterPlane normal

  • 10 Jun 21:00
    Version 1.0.0


checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Blacksheep Modding
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Blacksheep
price in shop: 3500 LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: igor29381, Decker_MMIV
price in shop: 14500 LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: webalizer
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Xentro - vertexDezign.net
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Marhu
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Decker_MMIV
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding
checksum: 880782c4525fdfe69da4fd6303ea48b5
Version: 2.0.2 Final GMK
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: TMT
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Old Streams Map Güelle mist Kalk
description in shop: www.facebook.com/Blacksheep.Modding

10.06 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.61 / 164 Votes


nach 175 Stimmen

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V 2.0.2 Final GMK
Farming Simulator 15
155 MB 27640
09. 10 2016 27,640
V 2.0.1 Fix GMK
Farming Simulator 15
155 MB 7560
01. 10 2016 7,560
V 2.0 GMK
Farming Simulator 15
136 MB 11753
16. 09 2016 11,753
4 ältere Versionen

11 Comments for Old Streams Map

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  1. unregistered user 09. 10 2016

    Tell me when you stop making new versions of this map so i can download one!

  2. luca 97 09. 09 2016

    sell beef does not work

  3. GoldenShoes 16. 07 2016

    Hello, can you make this map assigment mod ready?

  4. Bolo 11. 07 2016

    Textur straw und manure in cowshed are identical

  5. Timotheus1414 04. 07 2016

    Hi, the first version was better!
    It looks realer as the v 1.2. The mud is very very low. You can build more mud!
    The Buildings and fields are ok, but i have a savegame and i can`t play with it!
    The nature looks and the mud unrealistic!
    Can you repair this pleas.
    Your map was so good, but after the 1.2 wasn`t it

  6. Angelcom 25. 06 2016

    Wow a really nice card thanks for

  7. mr.magic 13. 06 2016

    Really very beautiful map . Will there be another version ? Perhaps with a large wood and sawmill ? But please keep the style of the map . I bow before your power and hope to stage your map .

    1 replies

  8. Tetrebijan11 12. 06 2016

    Not a biggest fan of maps with irregular shaped fields but this one is almost perfect. I could only suggest to blacksheep if he could make this map multifruit and it would be the best small map to play

  9. vortex1988 11. 06 2016

    It's a beautiful landskape, but it's UNPLEYABLE because in a lot of part also there are 15 fps, whit my performant gaming PC; In a new version you improve the performance otherwise this beautiful map is useless ....

    1 replies

    1. Link => http://uploaded.net/file/9jvjdqy0

      new version with more fluidity and without the water mirror

      1 replies

  10. Fox9204 11. 06 2016

    Amazing! I love your work. Your and your skills are brilliant. Thank you for this wonderful Map. 5 Stars! :)

    Greetings Fox

  11. unregistered user 10. 06 2016

    Wonderful Map very good work ,thank you for sharing 5 STARS+++
