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13 Comments for Gamsting

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  1. Higgings 09. 10 2016

    One of the handfull best map for 2015.
    Was not so nice in 2013, but I have spent many houres on this map in 2015.
    Hope that you will take time to convert for 2017. :)

  2. DarkModdingV2 13. 12 2015

    Hello Stefan! im asking if you can tell my why i cant edit the map? its just gray when i open it in giants editor? add my steam so we can chat priv! <3 steam:"420Darkz" or "OGDarkz"

  3. PhoeniX_NL 23. 11 2015

    Just for your information.

    The download link for the animation map trigger has been changed to this location:

  4. Where is it warehouse the grass,silage etc?

  5. Mix feeder please thanks

  6. alexfarmer 28. 09 2015

    Hello Stefan have your beautiful map but on my server presents me this error:

    Error: loading xml I18N item, missing 'en' or global value of attribute 'modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0).functions.function(0)'

    there is a way to solve? Thanks a lot

  7. vortex1988 22. 09 2015

    The map is fantastic, very beautiful, but the error in the log file are cause of many crash of the game.
    I have sherced the problem and it is attributable at the script of green fertilizer mod that cause this problem, you can resolve this??

  8. sparangao 12. 09 2015

    best map for ls15!! thank you!! 60 fps wow!!!

  9. PhoeniX_NL 10. 09 2015

    I do find this one of the best maps ever made!
    It just is missing the mixing station from marhu :-)

    It would also be nice if we had a bit more room arround the cow stable to work haha.

  10. Warondar69 05. 06 2015

    Thanks for the update to an already great map Stefan. 5/5

  11. Totenfarmer 24. 05 2015

    Where can I sell the planks produced by Mahrus sawmill, I can`t seem to find it ?

  12. EZP 26. 04 2015

    Fantastic map! So beautifully detailed and immersive. Unfortunately. I've never been to Germany, but now I feel like I have. Thanks for sharing :)

  13. Warondar69 25. 04 2015

    Stefan, would it be possible to have the readme.pdf made into a .txt file please? As an image I can't translate it, and it's a bit long to type it all into a translate program.
    Great looking map from what I've seen driving around. 5/5
