Member since 4 / 2012
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Fluberg, Norway
Martial arts, gaming, my dog
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Mod: TheGreatStumpSeasonsReadySinglePlayer
Why this map isn't featured beats me, definetly one of the most beautiful maps for FS19, and my new favourite map, great work :)
Mod: Bulls and Cows - The Cattle Breed Mod
Also, another point is that you can't compare the milk production of a dairy cow and a beef cow, a cow like the brahman only produces about what their calves needs, so the mod isn't that off anyway :)
Mod: EnhancedVehicle
This would be great with a shuttle control in addition :)
Mod: Same Explower 90 chip tuning
No credits ??
Did you get a permission from FBM ?
Mod: Placeable Quonset Shed
Ok, I just checked it, old texture system if annyone wants to know
Mod: Placeable Quonset Shed
This has Giants new texture system ?
Mod: John Deere XUV865M Gator Collector's Edition
This should be removed, this came with the collectors edition and one should be fair towards others and respect the game developer, Giants will release it in due time.
Mod: VOLVO FH 750 V8 HKL with trailer (new system)
Uhm..when did Volvo start using V8 engines ?
Mod: Fendt 1100MT Series
I reckon the idea came from Fendt:
Mod: old_tractor_diesel
This is MrFox model, loved using the MR version in FS13, how come he can't be found in the credits, did you get permission ?
Mod: John Deere 7710/7810
To be honest I don't like the german signs many modders put on their machinery, it looks odd when playing on any map other than those set in Germany..
This is still a beautifull model though, I very much respect your work, and I'm very grateful that you share your mods with the community :)
Mod: Ford forces 7000
This is NI Moddings model, did you ask for permission ?
If you got a permission maybe you could post a picture of it, and also put NI Modding in the credits.
Mod: Progress ZT323 SB v2 (Knicklenker)
Even if it's not a realistic machine it's something people nowadays could be crazy enough to build :P
Thank you very much for this, it's really great, keep up the good work ( and keep the DDR mods coming :D )
Instructions for the terrainDetailAngle can be found on the farming-simulator forum posted by Giants themselves, it's way different from how you apply it for FS15, like the usage of the grle converter.
So this is not something that is "converted" by this modder, it's Giants own work for meeting the wishes of the community..
This is a good looking map, however when it comes to visuals, shouldn't the 2D trees be replaced with the ones in the game, they're not that heavy on the gpu that they can't be used, plus the 2D ones light up blue-ish when the lights of the machinery is lit when dark..
Just some constructive critisism on what would make the map better, either way, thanks for your hard work :)
Mod: California Central Valley
Did you even read the description of the map... *sigh* ??
Mod: Deutz Fahr Series 9 Designer Edition
I don't know if you found out already, but the errors you describe is not the mod itself, it's a game bug whereas "certain shiny objects" (Giants quote) will cause field textures to act like this, they are aware of the problem and said it is solved and the fix is included in the next patch.
Mod: Lamborghini Mach vrt
Nice looking tractor, I find it a bit odd with the black smoke though, since it's a euro 6 common rail engine, maybe tune down the smoke a bit ?
The mirrors turn black when they try to load to much detail into the mirror image.
A solution can be to cut down on the view distance of foliages, details and objects, but sometimes that doesn't work, highly detailed maps will always have this problem. So if your map isn't that detailed, open the i3d file in notepad ++ and edit all view distances.
Mod: Islands
Hope it's ok I write in english, google translate makes no sense anyway :P
Why this map is not featured beats me, definetly 5 stars and a vote from me, in my opinion the best map for ls17 yet :)
A few things I would love to see a change on however, would be the signs, since the map is highly american themed, it would be cool to have typical american signs with english writing, american road markings etc... Oh, and the new diner looks sooo much better than "Uncle Pete's" ;)
I understand this most likely is a "fantasy map" and not really ment to be american, but this is my opinion on what would make it even better.
Thank you very much for your GREAT work :)
Mod: Mappers Paradise Featuring Special Guest BernieScS
This will be exciting..I also was in Ireland a couple of years ago, and also fell in love with Guiness beer :P
Following your project so I can see how it turns out, a h*ll of a team put together there :)
Mod: URSUS 15014
That would be a 18014, powered by a Deutz diesel, different tractor ;)
Mod: Massey Ferguson 9380 Delta
You're right, I didn't notice that until you said it :P
Mod: Massey Ferguson 9380 Delta
Really nice to have an option on this, honestly I was looking for one with optional front twin wheels though, any chance you would consider adding that to the MF to ?
Thank you vry much for this mod :)
Mod: Spike Kerfab With BaleAttacher and All Loader
This lua error is actually produced by yourself, I'll explain:
You are using a script that changes the bales mass (hence "setMass"), what happens is that you are either selling the bales or filling a strawblower etc. while the bales are still locked to the fork, the lock script itself will remove the mass from that script, but when you load a strawblower or selling, the game will try to calculate mass that obviously is not there anymore. The solution to this is to unlock the bales from the forks bale lock BEFORE you hit a trigger with them, then there will be no errors.
This is not an error in the balefork itself.
Mod: Schönebeck Map
Does this map have buyable fields ?
This map gives me about 600 lua errors..
Good layout on the map though, but I miss buyable fields..and maybe not shared economy if you are releasing another version.
Mod: Glenvar Farm
Glenvar doesn`t have animals..
Mod: Glenvar Farm
I think was a good idea because the game became boring with this kind of map.
Mod: Merlo P417 Turbofarmer Rear Hydraulics
It`s not theft if you have permission..
Maybe you should be more careful with your policing until you start making sure what you are talking about.
Mod: Massey Ferguson Pack
That would be "Sandy Bay Gold edition", made by the same modders, you can find it on FS-UK, really awesome map :)
Mod: Massey Fergusson 7722
Do you have permission from ARM team to do this, mind posting a pic of that permission ?
And why are you trying to get paid for someone else`s mod ?
Mod: Typowa Polska Wies Snow Map
Nice looking map, good work, but leaves falls of the trees in winter, only needle trees are evergreen..
Mod: Small Single Player LPG Map
This looks nice, I might just try this, I loved Hoehenfelde and Bantikow, but after a while I just found them to big for single player, this might be what I`m looking for then :)
Pictures looks good, but a suggestion from me is to drop the SRS trees and use the ones for FS15, they look waaay better, and there`s no problem scaling them, at least not for scenery.
Mod: Fortschritt ZT 303
These are turning out really well, a couple of things though: On the inside of the front rims you can see straight trough them, the same goes for the seat (shader problem ?). Also the "BetterIndoorCamera" script doesn`t work with them (custom names on the cameras ?)
When it comes to washable I understand you don`t have a good program for it, but how about getting help with it, these are really great mods, and deserves only the best :)
Oh, and on my wishlist: Setup for Moglis Gearbox would make them really awesome !
Mod: Gorale
No offence, Brainstick, but I don`t think your comment was very well thought-through, first: Why not use a site that isn`t known for ripping people of, and with less restrictions on how often you can download (for free users), and even with more stable bandwidth ?
Also: Maybe only 30 % will donate, but so what, the modder will still earn more from those 30 % than from the players downloading from uploaded, plus I`m sure more people would download, so the real number may be even 10 % higher. People that donate are people that are amazed by a mod, they donate more the more they like a mod. And as you said, there are options: if they don`t like the continuance on a mod they stop donating, other than that they should expect a mod to be error-free so it doesn`t ruin their game.
A perfect example of how and why the donation system actually work is the Unix and Linux systems, very few people complain, they are just excited to see how it develops, and that they have taken part in building good scripts, programs and operating systems. Why should it be different here, if the modder used the income wisely he would use it not only to get a little cash for his effort, maybe he would buy exclusive high-quality 3d models, textures etc, and maybe even he/she used a bit of those money to donate into something useful made by other modders etc, etc, this could result in some pretty awesome mods for FS.
Mod: Deutz Agrosun 140
Really love this tractor, and the gear setup is perfect, unlike many other mods you have to work with the gears on this one, makes a much more fun game..and much more realistic. You are now officially my new favorite modder, keep up the awesome work you are doing :)
Mod: Patrus140
Grand theft auto ??
Wth is wrong with people, is there a massive movement these days to stop real modders from building new mods ?
Mod: Real Russia
So where is your permission for this map, where is the credits to all the modders ?
Mod: Gorale
Sooo..sure you have a great map there..we are going to download 500mb from uploaded, which takes forever,then we are going to wait for 3 hrs to download another pack...which takes forever, so estimated 5 hours from you start downloading, that`s what you are thinking, right ?
This is what I`m thinking: How about people stop using that shady uploaded site, which is a scam if you pay for an account, and use direct download instead, add a "Donate" button and people that like the mods are happy to donate.
Mod: Gorale
100% agree! really hate that download site
Mod: Gorale
U sir,have said,what i was thinking!
Mod: Gorale
who determines if a mod gets on the modhoster high speed download or not?
Mod: Gorale
Are you using the free download option? Yes, that is a horror when you download a map. Welcome to the world of commerce! Subscribe for a month and download at high speed! That is the game boys! I am so totally done with this kind of complaining, even though you are right, don't get me wrong, but there's always the option NOT to download! And a donate button is not going to work. My guess is that only 30% of the users will donate. Like you said, and I quote: "People that like the mods are happy to donate". Not everybody likes the same mods. And because they have made a donation they will be more picky about the mods. More little babies who won't stop crying!