featuredThis script makes it possible for all taxable vehicles set an owner. By default, each vehicle has the owner "no", which means that each player may use the vehicle. Use the key combination [right] Shift + R, the owner between "no" and himself be replaced. The vehicle belongs to a player, that player can only use the vehicle, all the other players can not enter. If a player tries to enter a vehicle that is not his, he gets a warning. When switching through the vehicles with Tab (whether before or back) all the skipped not a self or "no" part. Changing the owner only works if all things are uncoupled, but the owner is always displayed. This is the first version of this script, I did not want to deprive you. I I'd appreciate constructive criticism or change requests.
Version 0.1
Changelog v.0.2:
- Runs at LS 2015
- Master User or server owners can go into vehicles that do not belong to you - this applies only to the normal boarding with "E", the "Tab" or "Backtab" the vehicles will continue to be skipped
23 Nov 20:08Version 0.5
- Fehler behoben
08 Nov 20:25Version 0.3
- Fehler im Multiplayer korrigiert
08 Nov 18:10Version 0.2
3 Comments for Set MPOwner owner
Since you seem to be back, could you work on this mod ;)
Not sure why but you're mod cause things like claws / claw arms / buckets etc to act real weird as in. They jerking around, / will only go one way in certain direction.
I just narrowed it down with 35ish mods. Got to were I took you're out and only yours and everything is fine again. which sucks cause I really need this mod.
I have not yet tried your mod in-game, but I can see from the LUA scripts, that you are not really using the localization features - i.e. the g_i18n:getText("...") method and <l10n><text name="..."> elements.
May I suggest before you release a version 1.0, that you make better use of the internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) methods, and not hard-code displayed texts within the scripts, so it will be easier to translate them to other languages by only having to modify the ModDesc.XML file.