Alpego Super Craker kf 9400

V 1.1 plow mod for Farming Simulator 15

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IT: Modello di punta della gamma Alpego, frutto della grande esperienza maturata in questo settore. La struttura è stata studiata nei minimi particolari per ottenere la massima elasticità e robustezza; i materiali impiegati sono quanto di meglio in questo momento offra il mercato. La macchina può essere richiesta sia nella versione base KF oppure equipaggiata con doppio rullo franter FKFR anche con regolazione idraulica. La ripuntatura consente di lavorare il terreno alla profondità desiderata creando una frantumazione omogenea, senza sconvolgere l'equilibrio organico del suolo. Lo stesso, così lavorato, aumenta la spugnosità creando anche un ottimo drenaggio del sottosuolo.

EN:best model, the result of extensive experience in this area. The structure was studied in detail for maximum elasticity and strength; The materials used are the best at this time to offer the market. The machine may be required both in the basic version KFR or equipped with double roller franter FKFR with hydraulic adjustment. Subsoiling allows you to work the soil to the desired depth, creating a crushing homogeneous, without upsetting the balance of organic soil. The same, so worked, increases the sponginess also creating an excellent drainage of the subsoil. have fun! **Gianlufarmer92**


Working width: 4 meters

Recommended Power: 320 hp

Weight: 8.500 kg.

Price: 19.800 €

Daily upkeep: 95$ / day






Original model Ls 2013: Fabyte modding-Rev

Converted to Ls 2015: Gianlufarmer92-Jukka

  • 08 Sep 17:40
    Version 1.1 plow

    since it has been asked by many people, here is the version plowing, the next there will also dirt-washable, have fun, **Gianlufarmer92**

  • 10 Aug 05:32
    Version 1.0 Clean


checksum: b2a37d974aa767cb1cfa91146411c2ac
Version: 1.1 plow
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Fabyte modding-Gianlufarmer92-Jukka
price in shop: 19800 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

09.08 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.58 / 31 Votes


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V 1.1 plow
Farming Simulator 15
8.48 MB 8968
08. 09 2015 8,968
V 1.0 Clean
Farming Simulator 15
8.48 MB 5006
10. 08 2015 5,006

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