AC shelby Cobra 427

V 1.2 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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this is the AC Shelby Cobra, i've converted from NFS Shift Unleashed.

this car has really pushed my patience, so i hope you appreciate the effort i've put into this,

this car has a non standard driver, i've done away with the "normal farming driver" and imported a driver from anothe game that i used to mod for, however when you are behind the wheel in cockpit mode he stays there, i'm not sure what i've done wrong but i'm sure someone will discover where and what i've done wrong here.

the car has working headlights, working tail lights, (no reverse or indicators as yet, maybe in a future version).

the steering wheel turns, but i'm still struggling to get it to turn around the Axis, if someone could help me figure out why it's not turning on the axis please feel free to inbox, me.

this is a real nice car and if there is enough interest in this, i might release the next version up from this one, with livery options for it.

now for the important part. if you download my work, i EXPECT YOU TO READ THE README.TXT.

there is one small bug in the log file apart from that it's clean if there are any errors its because you modified my car.

Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ac_cobra_tire_rr_loda'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ac_cobra_tire_lf_loda'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ac_cobra_kit00_interior_cpit'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ac_cobra_tire_rf_loda'.
Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] ac_cobra_wheel_lr_loda'.

i'm still yet to find a solution for this part

the guage needles are there, but when i try to animate them, instead of going around the tach, the needles dont adhere to the axis so if anyone has a suggestion to fix it, then i will be most greatful, if they would get in touch. for now they are disabled. (i'm still learning and i'm not above help so if you can help get in touch)

well thats about all,

like my car, leave me a comment, and please do share across the other websites.


comments disabled because i'm sick of trolls rubbishing all the hard work i try to do when creating these mods.



  • 03 Feb 07:01
    Version 1.2

    this is 12 and as far as i'm concerned a final version.,in the short term. the model is open for use provisional that you follow the instructions inside TO THE LETTER. no exceptions.

    I've redone the steering wheel. I finally worked out how to get the wheel to follow the correct axis.

    let me be clear here. ITS NOT PERFECT. so don't complain. but it turns on the axis as I had been trying to do for sometime.

    the shine has been taken off the wheels...
    headlights and brake lights have been fixed so they are ALOT brighter now,

    the same 2 bugs still exsist, I think I know how to fix the driver but i'm not entirely sure if it is what i'm thinking.

  • 30 Jan 09:26
    Version 1.1

    this is the promised second version of this car.

    I've managed to get the dash working, it's not flawless but it works. the needles are spinning in the right direction.

    the steering wheel, uv problem and driver are still there, I don't know what to say about these problems. I've tried everything I can think of to fix the wheel but it just doesn't turn on the axis. I've taken everyone's advice but still it's the same result.

    if anyone wants to take a look at this, and has either blender or 3dsmAx 2012+ then i'll package up my archive and send it to you, so you can take a look at it.


checksum: c79551838d17a164e5105d21ca63fd8a
Version: 1.2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: ozmods
price in shop: 0 LS
name in shop: ravenwest motorsport chevy
description in shop: if you know motorsport then you will know this car very well.

Made by: codemasters and converted by ozmods

08.01 2016
Modhoster user rating
2.09 / 11 Votes


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V 1.2
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