Userprofile of hephep
Member since 8 / 2011

Punkte: 614
Level 8
Rank: #3452
First name: mr.hmadsen hephep Age & Gender: 50 m City: Kalundborg - DK Hobbies: modding Homepage no entry

About hephep

Danish map modder.
  1. hephep 28. 10 2015

    Mod: Joskin Transpace
    My fave trailer from FS13 . Thanks you Guys 5/5 ... ( log is clean )

  2. hephep 26. 10 2015

    Mod: New Holland Combine Cr
    YO Lindbejb Modding , Is it possible that You/Guys/ could make the header adapt to the terrain ? ... For me, its the best combine for FS15, so with an update for "adapt to terrain" would be great . Thanks /Madsen

  3. hephep 23. 10 2015

    Mod: Overgaard Gods
    Agree with @AEGIR....

  4. hephep 19. 10 2015

    Mod: Viehtransport Wechselbruecke
    Thank You DOM01 ....

  5. hephep 19. 10 2015

    Mod: Viehtransport Wechselbruecke
    Yo Kyosho , great mod , but aah , those legs/stilst, how do I raise them ?? Ive tryed J+K , N+M but nothing ... So I need some help from You, or some WHO knows how to raise those legs... Thank You

    1 replies

  6. hephep 17. 10 2015

    Mod: New Holland Combine Cr
    working fine with 2 minor errors, but thats it.

    C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_NHCRCombinePack/nhCR1090.i3d (689.52 ms)
    Warning: invalid jointType NH1090
    Animation: load(371795)
    C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_NHCRCombinePack/twinwheelspalet.i3d (21.68 ms)
    Warning: invalid jointType NH1090

  7. hephep 17. 10 2015

    Mod: New Holland Combine Cr
    working fine with 2 minor errors, last time i had those errors, were with MIXFEEDER mod, when i removed it, everything is fine, so you need to go mod hunting ,,,

    C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_NHCRCombinePack/nhCR1090.i3d (689.52 ms)
    Warning: invalid jointType NH1090
    Animation: load(371795)
    C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_NHCRCombinePack/twinwheelspalet.i3d (21.68 ms)
    Warning: invalid jointType NH1090

    1 replies

  8. hephep 17. 10 2015

    Mod: Bergmann GTW430
    As always, Sublium Work from your Guys & Ladies . I Like the Wheels way more now, they were a bit small when you saw the original IRL , but hey, thats what we do, making mods better and better and better . If you Guys remember the trailer from 2013, the JOSKIN , it had really HD Wheels, take a look Guys, its the biggest yellow grain from Joskin ....

    Thanks AGAIN.

  9. hephep 09. 10 2015

    Mod: Greenhouse salad
    Hey Andy1978 , we are adding this to our comming map Bjergstedgods , its placeable in the map, but when we gonna fill up with Water and other, with the KOTTE PACK , our game freezes and our LUA ERROR goes nuts. I will add a few lines of what it says about the errors .... Next LINE

    lettuceGreenhouse_placeable/lettuce_greenhouse.i3d (751.31 ms)
    C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kotte_Universal/kotteUni.i3d (276.32 ms)
    C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kotte_Universal_Small/kotteUni_small.i3d (279.69 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/fliegl/flieglDolly.i3d (172.93 ms)
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383058 in method name: setVisibility.
    LUA call stack:
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Fillable.lua(1040) : setVisibility
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(1819) : oldFunc
    =C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kotte_Universal_Small/Scripte/MilchTransport.lua(346) : setFillLevel
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(2729) : updateTick
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua(69) : updateTick
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(1185) : update
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua(1566) : update
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua(213) : update
    =C:/Users/heino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//bjergstedgods/SampleModMap.lua(118) : update
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/main.lua(1409) : update
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383086 in method name: setVisibility.

    So I'll hope someone will help me out. Thanks., HepHep

  10. hephep 22. 09 2015

    Mod: Cowshed
    Perfect for the sheeps, Thanks Modder

  11. hephep 13. 08 2015

    Mod: Bergmann GTW430
    true that... My V1 Works just fine

  12. hephep 11. 08 2015

    Mod: Samson PG II 20
    *SUPERHEJ* then dont USE it, as Steyrfan11 writes, its a BETA .

    anyway, THANKS Chrisi136 , great texture and working just fine , keep up the good Work... Thank you

  13. hephep 01. 08 2015

    Mod: CLAAS Xerion 4000 SaddleTrac
    Thanks man, great set ... Keep it up Guys. 10/10

  14. hephep 15. 06 2015

    Mod: ItRunner Service Module
    Thanks FSM , working 110% with NO ERRORs , I have no errors in log file . Thanks

  15. hephep 27. 03 2015

    Mod: Cat Challenger MT765B
    its way to small , a big farm near Ringsted, Denmark has one, and its massive . But, you have the ground level, so it can only be better , you got the skills . Happy easter :-)

  16. hephep 17. 03 2015

    Mod: Alpenchallenge
    All the combines from the game , needs an update, so that the header is more Loose , its impossible to harvest on map's where the fields are landscape . I like this landscape you made in this map , its just annoying when the header hit "high" grounds ... Again , Thank You

    1 replies

  17. hephep 13. 03 2015

    Mod: JohnDeere 4730 Sprayer
    Thank You ... Have a great weekend :-)

  18. hephep 01. 03 2015

    Mod: John Deere S690i
    it looks to much as a cartoon, the texture is not good, and it also have few errors . so use more time, and make it right. Thank you

  19. hephep 16. 02 2015

    Mod: North Brabant
    Why isnt the app mods included...??

  20. hephep 17. 12 2014

    Mod: Train tracks with splines
    got in on map , but i have no trains , also i cant see the spline , just arrows and all arrows at same place ... Do i need to take the trains from below, and add on the tracks ??
    GE 6.0.2

  21. hephep 07. 12 2014

    Mod: Bourgault IAD600
    Hey jerrico , is the dirt animated when you drill ??
    Thanks Jerr

    1 replies

  22. hephep 04. 12 2014

    Mod: Keuschlingen
    this map just got #1 on nordicMP server .
    FAN-tastic modder . it has all you need and is just a perfect MP map for 4-6 gamers . Thank you

  23. hephep 04. 12 2014

    Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
    problem in MP , nothing comes in the combine tank , you can harvest , but nothing in the tank .

    How to fix this ?

    1 replies

  24. hephep 04. 12 2014

    Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
    i have the same problem in MP , nothing comes in the tank .

  25. hephep 25. 11 2014

    Mod: Forstbaeume
    Carlsberg motto is " go the extra mile " , and that is what Buzzard did , so crab a beer on my tab mister .-)

    Thank you

  26. hephep 16. 11 2014

    Mod: New Holland T9 560
    unreal . you could also set the pipe on the roof and a donkey in the seat while you on it

  27. hephep 14. 11 2014

    Mod: Case IH Axial Flow 9230 Twin Wheels edition
    thanks agrorepa .
    Is it possible that you can make the header more lose , so when you combine fields with ups'n'downs , the header wont stick to the ground and mostly it stops and you need to lift the header to move on . Hope you know what i meen . Thanks Again for the mod .

    1 replies

  28. hephep 12. 11 2014

    Mod: Papenburg
    if you use the NH pack tractors with row Wheels , the mirrows dosnt Work , use normal game tractors = no problems

    1 replies

  29. hephep 05. 11 2014

    Mod: New Holland T8 T9 Wheels Pack
    okay the mirrows are Black with error , normal giants tractors mirrows Work fine, so had to delete your work

  30. hephep 04. 11 2014

    Mod: New Holland T8 T9 Wheels Pack
    im already a FAN-tastic . Thanks guy(s)

  31. hephep 22. 10 2014

    Mod: Grimme MultiTrailer 190
    great mod . is that the westerrade map that have that potato function ??

    Thanks again

    1 replies

  32. hephep 19. 10 2014

    Mod: Ponsse Scorpion with downhill
    This mod is beyond awesome . Thank you for making FS13 even better . Looking forward to a MR version . 5/5

  33. hephep 06. 09 2014

    Mod: John Deere 2510L
    Looks good . You need some active texture/dirt from the cultivators , if you fix that, you have a complete job well done . Thanks for the mod

  34. hephep 02. 09 2014

    Mod: Lemken COMPACT Soitair 9H
    its way too small .please do a real size fix -

  35. hephep 02. 09 2014

    Mod: Hilken HI2250SMK
    how do you DL, only comes to a page with comment

    1 replies

  36. hephep 30. 08 2014

    Mod: Kverneland plow Pack PW RW Packomat
    an 3800 MR would be awesome. Thanks for all your mods Bullgore. always quality coming from you.

    see you in fs15

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