Greenhouse salad

V 1.21 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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After a week of work, I'll present you a greenhouse for salad, it can be placed but also suitable for GE.
A very special thanks go to Marhu for the expansion of the factory script without him would be the greenhouse only an empty shell.

Originally it was to be a broccoli Gewächhaus. But then I decided to technical reasons and I swung around at the last minute on salad.
The greenhouse must be supplied with seed, water, and fertilizer. For the power supply, a diesel generator is responsible of this must be filled with a small amount (120L) diesel. The product obtained salad on a pallet and as a byproduct Salad waste is automatically chopped from Scrapmaster and comes out (chaff).
The whole plant is fully animated, let yourself be surprised. I have paid attention to the performance should still needed after a LowPoly version with Layer plants give then says modest.

The filling of the tanks is TipTrigger handled the heist it can no standard trailers are used.
Used to simply the Kotte Universal from here:


Required resources:
- 10000L seeds (seeds, wheat)
- 10000L water
- 10000L Fertilizer (liquid fertilizer)
- 120 L diesel

- Salad on a pallet (1Palette has 2000L)
- Salad waste (chaff)

This results in a passage where the raw materials are filled to 100% 5 pallets salad that is ungefair € 20,000 income on the sale.
And then there are the remains in the tanks available.
If that's too little can the price in the zip file to adjust the value in the lettuce_reg.lua 00:50

So now a lot of fun!



Script: Marhu

Mod: Farmer_Andy aka Andy1978

Update 23-04-2015:

    - Fix to increase the kombatibilität as some play with Maps where you can not transport seeds with the trailer. it is now possible wheat (wheat) to use as seed
    - The Association of vegetable growers now pays per Hour 100 € subsidy for the construction of the greenhouse (only placeable version)



Script: Marhu
Mod: Farmer_Andy aka Andy1978

  • 23 Apr 14:29
    Version 1.21


checksum: 7488e66758b340bd42b9961a2d3a26fc
Version: 1.21
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Marhu, Farmer_Andy
price in shop: 330000 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

23.04 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.57 / 49 Votes


nach 46 Stimmen

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V 1.21
Farming Simulator 15
49.1 MB 14230
23. 04 2015 14,230

5 Comments for Greenhouse salad

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  1. hephep 09. 10 2015

    Hey Andy1978 , we are adding this to our comming map Bjergstedgods , its placeable in the map, but when we gonna fill up with Water and other, with the KOTTE PACK , our game freezes and our LUA ERROR goes nuts. I will add a few lines of what it says about the errors .... Next LINE

    lettuceGreenhouse_placeable/lettuce_greenhouse.i3d (751.31 ms)
    C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kotte_Universal/kotteUni.i3d (276.32 ms)
    C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kotte_Universal_Small/kotteUni_small.i3d (279.69 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/fliegl/flieglDolly.i3d (172.93 ms)
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383058 in method name: setVisibility.
    LUA call stack:
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Fillable.lua(1040) : setVisibility
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(1819) : oldFunc
    =C:/Users/hephep/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kotte_Universal_Small/Scripte/MilchTransport.lua(346) : setFillLevel
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(2729) : updateTick
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua(69) : updateTick
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(1185) : update
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua(1566) : update
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua(213) : update
    =C:/Users/heino/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//bjergstedgods/SampleModMap.lua(118) : update
    D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/main.lua(1409) : update
    Warning (LUA): Unknown entity id 383086 in method name: setVisibility.

    So I'll hope someone will help me out. Thanks., HepHep

  2. Scuderia 19. 05 2015

    Could someone please help,i can't get the liquid fert unload trigger to appear when trying to fill the tank with the Kotte Universal,the fuel and water and seed points trigger ok, just not liquid fert???,do i need any other mods?Cheers Scuderia.

  3. Scuderia 19. 05 2015

    Top it

  4. nicodu44 05. 05 2015

    Hallo Ich kann die Tür nicht öffnen und legen Sie die Temperatur kann jemand mir helfen bitte. Entschuldigung x Google-Übersetzung)

  5. numisol 27. 04 2015

    Hi there. I'm using alot this mod. It is great. I've one question: is it possible to use the "woolpalletcollector" script with some changes? If so, can you please explain how. It is very difficult to do farming since the pallet fills very fast. Again, excellent mod. Keep up the good work.
