Update: 2015/01/09 LS15 V0.94 Beta
Table of contents (Please read short!):
1: Preface
2: Story
3: Integrated map Machines
4: Keyboard Layout
5: Specification and Feature List
6: Additional download files, fields list, savegames and Tutorials
7: table of contents more versions
8: Known Bugs
9: Recommended Mods
10: WIP project thread, your feedback and Fehlermelungen
11: Modding
12: ....
13: Update History
1: Preface
January 2013. Another never-ending story of my hand ... After over a year of construction and several hundred hours I've sunk into the project, I can 04/2013 abundant with joy the beta version of my MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle you today. Surface area is 1600 hectares with over 700 hectares of arable land distributed to 120 fields are available for purchase for just € 30 million ready.
In January 2012, I had begun my home to digitize with appropriate templates from Google Earth. From now on you can test and sometimes give proper feedback, the Map ...
Meanwhile, I've determined almost every square seen three times :) and I know the reality here I am somewhat dissatisfied, because I get it often not implemented as it is in reality. Sure you will all be so noticeable because your area is not unknown here, so now you have to believe in it, and beta testing, because the project will still be here as my other never finished and there will be a bunch of other versions.
I tried to make the map as performant as possible. Therefore, there is no Collis and no 3D Huge forests.
2: Story
Unfortunately Bauer Hansen passed away ...
You have now successfully manage court further object Hansen. At the beginning you get Hansens average fleet, buildings and a few animals. You are about 20 fields (the same who farms the farm in real terms). The aim is to run the business successfully and to acquire all lands and buildings valued at ~ 35 million euros.
Then I wish you lots of fun times on the Map!
3: Integrated Mods
- Manure storage several Vatrianten
- Pigs Cattle fattening
- Chopped Straw prepared
- Liquid manure lime Mod
- Water Mod
- Clover, Lutzerne Scripts
There is also a .txt else where you get links to the mods for more detailed description.
4: Keyboard Layout
Fast Forward acceleration time:
Accelerate in the Egoperspektive time Ctrl + R
- Press and hold ENTER ---- Engine Start
- Shift + Key 4, 5, or 6 ----- for all-wheel and differential lock
- Ctrl + Space key ----- handbrake
- KEY-Alt then KEY-Enter to buy it, look at the left HUD
- Shift + H ----- Automatic on / off
- Shift + N ----- high cutting
- Ctrl + J ----- cutting down
5: Specification and Feature List
Construction period LS15 over 50 hours Conversion
Construction period LS11 + 13 500 hours, see (W.I.P)
Real replica via Google Earth
1600 hectares total ~ 700 Hecktar arable land
VRam ~ 321MB
Ram max ~ 960MB
MAP I3D 11.6 MB
MAP Shape 38.8 MB
Zip incl. Mods ~ 240MB
Function list (requires assumes all the mods from the pack in modfolder lie)
- Sold at: Mühle + sawmill, general store, beet factory, butcher, BGA balls, sewage treatment plant, grain Werner
- Dynamic Prices outlets vary between 50 and 150%
- Outdoor - slurry manure interim storage
- Weed Weed mod must specially be destroyed with herbicides and is still growing. You can also fertilize only still growing, a fruit is grown, is no longer possible fertilization.
- Green manure clover and alfalfa, if you umpflügt the field or Grub Bert is fertilized the field. Has grown three times faster than normal types of fruit and the seed is very cheap.
- Multifarmsilo, ideal for multiplayer. With them you have in Farm4 and Farm5 own levels for your fruit varieties, so each player has his own camp.
- Time acceleration possible with Ctrl + R (12.000x)
- Biogas Plant 2 in 1 With three vehicles and two wedge silos as well as a gas station and Bale shredders
- Cattle fattening can be grown and sold at the butcher
- Pigs can be grown and sold at the butcher
- New Global odometer for all vehicles at the bottom left Hud (odometer)
- Compass on all vehicles the upper right of the clock helps with alignment aid
-. Slurry, manure, lime Mod can also be fertilized meadows with varying income
- Gas Station
- Waterworks, where you can buy water
Currently built fruits:
weed weed
green swath
Decoration fruits "CAN BE CULTIVATED":
- Nettle
- Dry Grass
- Haendelwurz
- Eisenhut
- reed
- bushes
- firs
6: Additional download files, fields list, savegames and Tutorials
- A field list with price and acres in Office format (attached)
- A PDA image with assignment of the building (included)
- Changelog v0.90 (included)
7: The plan for the next versions
- "All" textures still be changed, objects and fruits etc.
- Reliable and complete building villages
- More 3D trees, hedges. Details for Panorama
- Remove signage
- Real beekeeping in village 4
- Mist interim storage
- Anything else will give it to good features ..
- Purchasable Objkete
- Forestry Forests
- Traffic and dairy milk truck
- ...
8: Known also optical errors V0.92
This is a beta, so there is no "guarantee" for cross-version-functioning savegames. Compatibility problems with other mods are not excluded.
- It can even trees are wild in fields, if you find any, please specify the Number field, so I know where this is about.
- LiquidManure Storage just SP
- Black Siloplanes, a Problem with oler Graphiccards
- ...
A little tip for bad errors ingame:
Modfolder empty and only the mods from the pack pure. Then delete the inputBinding.xml and then the shader cache folder, the two of them re-create at game start. Located in the same folder as your modfolder. For this purpose, please start a new game, no savegame.
If you still have problems then available, please log example Upload and then post the error collection in the WIP area.
9: Recommended Mods and accompanying
The map pack is in the mods folder, create a text file in the mods is described which perform the function from the pack.
Benötig optionally even these mods to run correctly:
Are still needed these mods to run correctly:
- Chopped Straw is prepared to make it work you need
- Transporter Beef Pig
Optinonal helpful mods:
- Autotractor and Autocombine helper
- Courseplay WorkInProgress SP
- Realistic loading weights
- Just buy sell Field fields
New Growth mod fixes issues with stripes growth:
10: WIP project thread, your feedback and Fehlermelungen
"There is a complete Neverending Story"
In the logbook entry "error collection" you can write something even notice. Please do not discuss in the comment section problem here.
11: Modding:
- One should, if necessary, adjust the fuel consumption of the machines on the map. As a rough template we have missed the Fendt 936 .xml following entry: <fuelUsage> 0.0018 </ fuelUsage>
- If you have performance problems, simply open with Map Editor and delete the Trees2D group
12: ...
13: Update History:
You can now cut down all trees, shrubs all, decorative and plant cultivators and thus create input fields. Decorative such as dry grass is expanded in the next versions.
There are only used 3 new fruits to reap fitted with the new Multifruid mod but you can "easily" create new varieties. In the next version the whole still is extended and optimized..
Changelog LS15: v0.94 2015/01/09
- Multi Fruit installed oats, sunflower seeds, rye
- Moveable Doors
- Installed mixing station at feed stores
- Village 5 created, with gas station in box 88
- Wooolpallet Collector installed in sheep Farm 2
- Obstructed traffic and pedestrian "traffic works only in SP"
- Script Mod for reapers floating position (Keys watch point 4 in this
- Added scripts Mod for realistic bales -
- Ramps for BGA Fliegel
- Fixed a bug cow fence
- Riding outlet
- Revised wedge Silo
- Outdoor silo Plane fix
- Beet factory new model
- Clover alfalfa swath Hud fix
- Sky adjusted to 4 Tray map
- Floating houses fixed village 4
- Tree hedges revised textures
- Installed new water areas and ditches
- Farm 1 cowshed Fixed texture errors gate
- Bushes can now be removed with a cultivator
- trigger grain storage bigger
- Trigger village 4 Schneider wool sale
- Increased trigger beet and potato stock
- Trigger cattle fattening straw set slightly higher
- Trigger sawmill increased railway sleeper trigger
- Trigger Trigger chips and tarpaulin fixed at shelter
- Farm buildings and halls now have a collision for baleExtension Mod
- Liquid sale deleted because currently no function possible
- Deco nettle, dry grass, reeds, Haendelwurz, monkshood installed
- Fixed a bug Stations Offer
- Preparation silos for BunkerSilosHud Mod
- ...
Have fun with the map and leave feedback once tidy, reviews, videos, pictures etc. here
Map Neubau LS11 LS13 LS15by Bullgore
Objekte usw:
KretersIsland, Pille, Illuminated, TMT,, Tessmann85, Flymaster, Marc85, ZeFir_POLAND, Eribus, Vertexdezign, EL-Cid, Buschi, LS-Andy, s4t4n, Hardstyler, lars, 1LS12, Beaker,PsYcHoRiPpEr, ... ???
Skydancer, Marhu, Upsidedown, JakobT, Decker_MMIV, Bluebaby210, Blacky_BPG, Biedens... ???
Falls ich jemanden vergessen habe, bitte melden!
10 Jan 00:34Version 0.94 Beta
Changelog LS15: v0.94 09.01.2015***
- Multifruit verbaut Hafer, Sonnenblumen, Roggen
- Bewegliche Tore angefangen zu verbauen
- Mischstation bei Futterlager verbaut
- Dorf 5 erstellt, mit Tankstelle bei Feld 88
- Wollpalleten Collector bei Schaf Farm 2 verbaut
- Verkehr und Fussgänger verbaut "Verkehr funktioniert nur im SP"
- Script Mod für Schneidwerke Schwimmstellung
- Script Mod für realistische Ballen hinzugefügt
- Rampen für BGA Fliegel
- Kuhzaun Fehler behoben
- Ponyhof Verkaufsstelle
- Keil Silo überarbeitet
- Freiland Silo Plane fix
- Rübenfabrik neues Modell
- Klee Luzerne Schwad Hud fix
- Sky an 4 Fach Karte angepasst
- Schwebende Häuser gefixt Dorf 4
- Baum Hecken Texturen überarbeitet
- Neue Wasserflächen und Gräben verbaut
- Farm 1 Kuhstall Texturfehler Gatter behoben
- Büsche können nun mit Grubber entfernt werden
- Trigger Getreide Lager vergössert
- Trigger Dorf 4 Schneider Wolle Verkauf
- Trigger Rüben- und Kartoffellager vergrössert
- Trigger Rinder Mast Stroh etwas höher gesetzt
- Trigger Sägewerk Bahnschwelle Abkipptrigger erhöht
- Trigger Hackschnitzel Trigger und Plane fix bei Unterstand
- Hofgebäude und Hallen haben jetzt eine Kollision für baleExtension Mod
- Gülleverkauf gelöscht da aktuell keine Funktion möglich
- Deko Brennessel, Trockengrass, Schilf, Haendelwurz, Eisenhut verbaut
- Stations Angebot Fehler behoben
- Vorbereitung Silos für BunkerSilosHud-Mod
- ... -
13 Dec 16:23Version 0.93 Beta
Changelog LS15: v0.93 12.12.2014 16.20Uhr - Kaufbare Objekte wie BGA, Farm 2,3,4,5 ... - Storeplace Setzling Baum Paletten gefixt - Falsche Schweinestall Schilder entfernt - Farm 4 und 5 Saat, Treibstoff, Dünger Trigger fix - Rüben Mais und Kartoffel Textur getauscht und mehr Dichte eingestellt - Weitere schwebende Objekte wie Bäume gefixt - Maker Schlachthof Trigger verbaut - BGA Silo 1 und 2 einen Meter verschoben, waren versetzt - Farm 4 und 5 Abkipptrigger Getreidesilo repariert - Farm 4 wurden 2 weitere Freilandsilos verbaut - Schweinemast Nummern gefixt - Bäume überarbeitet und weitere gesetzt 90% fertig - Feldwege Textur überarbeitet und etwas schmaler gemacht - Saat und Dünger in Halle verlegt wegen Treibstoff tank Problem - Milchtruck weisse Linie Spline entfernt - Anderes Tankstellenmodell verbaut - Modhoster Beschreibung überarbeitet - ...
06 Dec 23:29Version 0.92 MP Beta
Identisch mit SP Version, Map wurde nur für SP entpackt damit die ladezeiten schneller sind. ENG Identical to SP version, only SP map was thus extracted the load times are faster.
06 Dec 18:04Version 0.92 SP Beta
Changelog LS15: v0.92 06.12.2014---
- Script NEW Wälder können jetzt gepachtet werden, alle Bäume in dem Bereich werden fällbar
- Script Update Klee und Luzerne Schwad für Häckseln und Ladewagen
- Script Update Schweine Rinder Mast 3.2.7
- Script Update Unkraut Weed MP und Funktionen
- Trigger Baum Setzlinge bei Hof-1 verbaut
- Trigger Treibstoff Hof-1 verbaut
- Trigger Icons Farbe geändert
- Trigger Bank Geld Mühle und Farmshop
- Wachstumszeiten Klee Luzerne halbiert
- Weitere Bäume/Wälder gesetzt
- Kuhstall repariert das Kühe nicht stecken bleiben
- Wachstumszeiten Unkraut etwas verlängert
- Zaun bei den Schafen hinzugefügt
- Schaufel Kalklager Hof-1 und bei Getreide Werner
- Schweinemast Soundfehler behoben
- Scheinemast Sounddatei von 8MB auf 800KB reduziert für DediServer
- Misthaufen Hof-1 auf Kapazität 600.000 erhöht
- Weitere schwebende Objekte korrigiert
- PDA entlade Punkte überarbeitet
- Scheinwerfer Hof-1 verbaut
- Nacht ist nun dunkel
- Diverse Terrain und Texturarbeiten
- Unkraut nun auf Startfeldern, sollte bekämpft werden ;)
- ... -
30 Nov 04:47Version 0.91 MP Beta
Identisch mit SP Version, Map wurde nur für SP entpackt damit die ladezeiten schneller sind. ENG Identical to SP version, only SP map was thus extracted the load times are faster.
30 Nov 02:53Version 0.91 SP Beta
Changelog LS15: v0.91 29.11.2014
- Schweren Fehler behoben das PDA nicht aufgerufen werden kann
- Wachstumszeiten jetzt wie in LS13 ca 5 Tage pro Stufe
- Bäume an diversen Stellen gelöscht
- Colli Boden BGA Ballenshredder
- Kuhstall Colli entfernt damit Kühe nicht hägen bleiben
- Schranken Colli entfernt
- Freilandsilo Bodenplatte Terrain angepasst
- Elektrobox Abkippstation entfernt
- Fermenter BGA Höhe angepasst
- Bei Feld 117 braunen Fleck auf Strasse entfernt
- Alte Schiebetore entfernt
- Schranke Güllelager Gross, Klärwerk, Molkerei
- Molkerei wieder verbaut
- Neue Mast Scripte verbaut und Mistförderbänder
- Neues WaterMod Script verbaut
- Bauplatz Hof-1 bearbeitet für platzierbare Objekte
- Bei Hof-1 wo Saatgutlager ist, steht nun auch ein Futterlager
- Schriftfehler Bäume MP behoben
- ...
by bullgore
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by Bolle85
ago about 9 years
by Bolle85
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by Bolle85
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by Bolle85
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- MIG Map M...
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- MIG Map M...
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Bullgore Modhoster |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | TMT |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Bluebaby210 |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Decker |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | unknown/Jakob Tischler |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideD |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Bullgore Modhoster |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Bullgore Modhoster |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Bullgore Modhoster |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Bullgore Modhoster |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
checksum: | c6b4863a9c55ad22403a6638f57584cf |
Version: | 0.94 Beta |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Bullgore Modhoster |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Celle |
description in shop: | MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle by Bullgore |
34 Comments for MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
Nice map! But how can I get normal yield from the fields?
I don't use Soilmod
how can you get rid of the long growing stage's?
Why is this stil a beta?
Hi, I'm trying your map, i noticed that the density of Clod dosn't work. As I run it?
Hallo an euch wie kann man Nahrung der und geben Wasser in den Schweinestall bitte. Super danke Karte . Es tut uns leid hilfreich .
Are u gonna update?
I really like the map, me and a friend are playing on it in mp.
But we can't figure out how the multiple silo's work. He is on farm5 and I am on farm 1.
Can someone maybe explain, in english or dutch, how the multiple silo's work?
Thank you
I would like to add something else.
- where are the sheep on the map. We can buy them but I can't find them.
-I can walk trough the objects. You need fix that.
-Is there any silo/storage for silage? Should be next to the cows. I didn't see any.
-I think we own too many fields when we start the game. Don't get me wrong. I know that you tried to create scenario/story (Bauer Hansen thing) but that's too many. The whole idea of the game is to produce goods, make money and buy more fields and better/modern tools. If at the beginning we own 15-20 fields where is the point? Three fields that's the maximum in my opinion. The field buying/selling system looks really good.
- same thing with tools and vehicles. Too modern.
-textures of the trees really need to be improved. You mentioned that in the description so ok.
-you could add more bumpy dirt roads especially between fields.
Thanks again for what you've done so far.
Hello. First thing thanks for the map. It looks really great.
-Textures are really good and you still gonna improve them. That's good. I think especially buildings (inside&outside)
- I think the silo for grain is too far from the main farm (I mean the cows and pigs area).
You doing really well. Thanks for your effort.
Is there anyway of permanently removing the weed mod?
ok so I know the growth rates have been changed to 5 days per stage but it has been 10 days an the fields that were in the last stage when I started the map still haven't grown is it because I'm using the fast forward mod
Are You sure that you have this mod installed? Without that mod the growth is not reliable.
The map i love it, but I have a problem like that, that touching the edge of the field on the 49 fields at the time of harvest happening to a workforce's uptake not your land a message is receiving and the auto collapses pilot.
You would know a solution to this for me greet!
With respect Dávid
How do I delete 2D trees
Hallo, ich spiele diese Karte Vor 2 Tagen und ich genieße es wirklich. Aber ich habe einige Zweifel. Kann ich verkaufen, Stroh, Gras, Heu, und Gülle in dieser Karte, und wo kann ich dagegen tun? Und zu Ballen, irgendein Platz, es zu halten oder zu verkaufen, und ich kann nicht finden ballenkran? Auch beim Einlegen eine Silage mit Schaufel, Schaufel füllt das erste nach erreichen die Silage, sehr seltsam. Danke, halten die gute Arbeit.
love this map very good 5/5 but have one problem i can't access the bga it has a grey barrier across the front can anyone help me ? Am i doing something wrong or could it be an error ?
Guten Tag habe ich ein Sorgen. Jedesmal, wenn ich meine Karte lade, sind die Preise in "0" eingereicht. Mir gelingt nicht, die Preise zu bewahren, die ich hatte, bevor zu sichern. Hätten Sie eine Lösung?
Just wondering, the kalk, does it have any effects other than fertilizing, so I can use kalk instead of other fertilizers if I want to, and the result will be the same ?
This map is absolutely great, and right now the most advanced one for FS15 I believe:) What would be great would be if someone made a DDR map that was something similar to this.
Thank you for spending your time modding for us Bullgore ! :)
I am sill having problems with the fruit growth. I dont rush time from before midnigh, and still i griws in chunks, making "stripes" east-west on growth state map. When i gi to border of stripe on field, only portions of field is avanced to next stage. No system in where the stripes grow. One almost on top, then one all the way down on map. The frustration is that i cant olan ti harvest a field. Am thinking of going muts with time acceleration to get all the fields withered so it only needs to calculate the fields i am managing. But its frustrating. The computer has desent spesifications. So that shuld not be a problem..
Please, can someone help? I have just started playing this fantastic map, but I can't find the water to feed my cows? Can anyone tell me where it is?