Member since 1 / 2015
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Mod: Bantikow
Now this map i realy like. I need some help translating the text. I have figured that there are times when the store, bga etc is opening. but some words elude me.
can someone please translate or explane, witouth google translate, as it dont get it all.
the part i want to get explained is:
Es wurden Zeitgesteuerte Tore an den Verkaufsstellen eingebaut
Damit die Tore bei der BGA, Kartoffelhandel, Metzgerei, Molkerei, KFZ Händler und Getreidewirtschaft aufgehen müßt ihr
auf den nächsten Tag vorspuhlen ( Es geht leider nicht anders).
Ich Empfehle vor dem Vorspuhlen das Pflanzensterben und das Wachstum auszuschalten.
Die Tore öffnen um 7 Uhr Morgens (ausgenommen Getreidewirtschaft hier öffnet das Tor um 6 Uhr)
und schließen um 22 Uhr.
Ich beantworte keine Fragen diesbezüglich.
Es ist alles in den Video,s erklärt worden.
i thank you for your assistance :)
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
I am sill having problems with the fruit growth. I dont rush time from before midnigh, and still i griws in chunks, making "stripes" east-west on growth state map. When i gi to border of stripe on field, only portions of field is avanced to next stage. No system in where the stripes grow. One almost on top, then one all the way down on map. The frustration is that i cant olan ti harvest a field. Am thinking of going muts with time acceleration to get all the fields withered so it only needs to calculate the fields i am managing. But its frustrating. The computer has desent spesifications. So that shuld not be a problem..
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
I understand. but did run a test. and rushed it several days ahead. and the rest of the map came along, but took many days.
A folow up q: The growth is every 5th day, at night from game start yes?
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
I love this map, i realy do.
But I have a question again. Is the Growth cycle suposed to work like a "belt". devide the map in to 3 portions, and the middle 1/3 has grown one cycle, but not the top and botom. so some fields are ready for harvest, but not the entire field since they are not aligned east west. Kinda hard to explain, and could not get a screenshot for some reason.
but is this behaviour normal?
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
No, it´s not. Don´t rush the game (strg+r) in the time from midnight to 4 a.m.. Just advance with a speed like 60x. During that growth time the computer has to calculate the plant growth for the complete (and huge) map. Things that aren´t calculated by 4 a.m. won´t be calculated (and therefore won´t grow).
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
I dont speak german, so have to take it in english.
I love the map, but i am having some problems with the silos. As a test i fermented 20% silo. but i am not getting the silage out of the silo. i have tried the standard sillage bucket for the wheel loader, tractor and a multifruit bucket. i have tried the mobile conveyor, it gets mass out of the silo, but the conveyor is buged, and it only gives hay/grass.
Is this a known problem with the silos?
Does anyone have a recomandation for a bucket i can use that does work for you.
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
this is a mod adding the filltypes you need to the standard trailers and tools.
The silos are modded on the map. Take a look at the siloextension mod page to see the added features. You can make grass-silage (is "converted" to hay if your tool doesn´t take dryGrass_windrow). Normal silage is made out of chaff. Those changes are especially useful for the new features of the biogasplant. Another mod on the map that you might want to take a closer look at.