featuredGood evening,
In a post on the official forum Stegei wrote that the weights of cargo on trailers etc. are about 50% weight of the real ones, a compromise between totally realistic and not too tiring for those who do not want to play 100% real.
I think that's a good thing for most people, but for all that want to play 100% realistic I have this little script.
Play 100% load weight for 100% realistic feeling!
New with Version 3.0
Instead of simply multiply the mass by two in this version every filltype has its on spezific average real mass. Therefore its even more realistic now. The Giants times two values were actually pretty close in most cases, but still better this way.
If you were using FillTypeMassAdjustment for adjusting the masses to weigh less you can keep using the old version. Also there is a version called "unrealisticFillTypeMassAdjustment" now that makes every filltype weigh 0.1 of Giants values for all those who don't want to mess with editing the multiplier in the script file.
Currently the specific filltype mass is only for the standard fruit types, for mod fruit types the times 2 multiplier is still used. The most common mod-fillTypes will be added with their own real mass in future versions. If you want to suggest a fruitType i should add send me a pn, altough you have to tell me the name of the fillType how it is spelled as a fillType since there are often different versions for the same thing.
For all who want to play realistic, you really notice the difference, and it feels more like MoreRealistic in FS13 again .. If you have a full trailer you feel it is full :)
Have fun with the Script no matter if used for making FS more realistic or less!
greetings, modelleicher
ps. If you have questions or suggestions for the mod, just write in the comments or ne PN :)
Script by modelleicher-
25 Jan 02:59Version 3.0
Reale Gewichte für jede einzelne Frucht anstatt einfaches verdoppeln der originalen Ladegewichte.
21 Aug 19:42Version 2.0
- vielfaches Gewicht der Früchte durch verschiedene Mods die das Gewicht beeinflussen beseitigt. -
21 Nov 21:41Version 1.0
1 Comments for Realistic loading weights
i really enjoy this map. thank you...