Train tracks with splines

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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because me on the map in LS always trains missing,

also the curves in the track have

I am putting out my route

available for downloading.


The range consists of 2 rails,

the next to one another.

Along the way she columns, however,

once more.


A readme is included.

When you can see,

as their incorporates these tracks in your map.


The mod may be published on other sites.

Please use for the original download link.


Splines: Silv3r
Schienen/Zug: wohlstandskind/Youfarm-map

  • 16 Jan 17:28
    Version 2.0

    In der V2 wurden die Transformgroups zur vereinfachten verbauung angepasst. Desweiteren habe ich eine neue Readme zum korrekten einbau erstellt.

    Neu hinzugekommen ist eine kleine Anleitung wie man die Splines verschieben kann, da manche die Map bereits angefangen haben und die Züge an einer anderen Position fahren lassen wollen.

  • 13 Nov 19:21
    Version 1.0

13.11 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.92 / 13 Votes


nach 21 Stimmen

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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 15
5.46 MB 4942
16. 01 2015 4,942
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
4.7 MB 2294
13. 11 2014 2,294

2 Comments for Train tracks with splines

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  1. Totenfarmer 14. 04 2015

    Does it have to go on the ground, meaning if I lay the tracks over a bridge, will it follow the tracks and bridge, or will it "fall down" and follow the terrain ?

  2. MTopcu 13. 11 2014

    How can I run on the map
